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Item One

Task 1: Situational dialogue (3 minutes)

A和B谈论对刚看过的电影的印象,如情节、演员的演技、服装、化妆、音响效果等。(Asking for impressions and responding)

A:Hey guys,listen! I watched a movie just now,it is very very wonderful that I think I must recommend it to you, or I will be sorry for the things this movie have gived me. B: A movie?wait a minute....Do you mean《High School Musical》?

A:How do you know that? Did you hear the sound when I was watching?

B:No,I never cheated.Recently,I watched《High School Musical》in my English lessons, so when you mention the word movie ,it came into my mind. So, you do like the movie very much.

A:Yes,that’s why I want to recommend it to you.I was imaging the scene that you appreciate for what I have recommended to you just now.But surprise to find that you have watched it before,So,what do you think this movie?

B:It is great, especially the actors,I still remember the love story between Troy and Gabriella, rough but sweet,and all performers are very very good at singing and dancing! It's the soul of this movie.

A:what I want to say is that I like the team Wildcats ,they are joyful all the time,which give me a deep impression and influence me a lot.

B:And the youthful clothing as well as the excellent acoustics,which made up the wonderful movie.I think I will watch it again.

Task 2: Discussion or debating (5 minutes) What are key factors to success? What role do you think EQ, IQ and MQ play in one’s success?

B:what’your ideas about the key to success?IQ EQ MQ,which one is the most important?

A:In my opinion ,IQ plays the most important role in our life,for eighteen years when we were studying in school, there must be a time when you are upset because of

failing to work out a math problem or something,hard-working is not enough, a clever mind make things easier.A people with high IQ always do things effectively so people succeed or not depend on his IQ.that's my idea.

B:I don’t agree with you.The reality will teach us that most guys succeed in the College Entrance Examination don’t succeed in their life at last. IQ is important,but it isn’t the key to success. EQ and MQ is important,the skill of how to get along with people plays a more important role after we graduated, many people succeed in college entrance examination don’t succeed in their life when they work.But many people failed the college entrance examination have their own company and make a lot of money,so i think it is IQ and MQ which make you succeed or not.

A:That sounds reasonable.maybe they all play a important role, just as Mouse and keyboard of a computer. IQ EQ MQ are all required for being successful.And there is saying goes”the biggest,the smartest,the strongest are not the survivors,Rather,the survivors are the adaptable”, it shows the idea that EQ is important,too.

Item Two

Task 1: Situational dialogue (3 minutes)

A是校学生会Student Union的副主席vice chairman,B是校乐队school band的主唱lead singer。B的乐队刚在学校的艺术节上表演,获得了巨大成功。A赞美B的音乐天赋,B赞美A的组织才能。(Giving, accepting or downplaying compliments)

A: Congratulations,what a great performances you have give us , I am proud of you. B: Thank you, I'm glad that my song is welcomed by most of audience.

A: Of course,I heard your music talent long time ago, and now I see it,you are the best lead singer .

B: Don’t say that, too much praise can only make me feel self-satisfied. By the way,It is me that should send admiration to you for your organizing ability.

A: Thank you, You know, I usually meet many problems working in the student union. As the saying goes"Darkness makes me feel better than staring at the sun" it is the problems I met makes me stronger. By the way,what problems you have met when preparing for the performances?

B:All kinds of problems,like No equipment,No practicing room and so on.
