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托福听力疑难词组part 1


1,a while back 不久以前,刚才

-Sam want to be able to play in the basketball game this week ,yeah he hurt his knee pretty badly a while back ,i don't why he didn't quit right away

2,about to 正要,正准备

-i am about to go swimming

3,according to 按照,根据

-there are a big sales going on at the department store downtown this week according to Chali 4,account for 说明,解释

-how do you account for it

5,and how 对,当然,那是自然

-the concert pianoist is fantastic

and how

6,as a rule 通常

-I am not suprised you didn't like that movie,I found it really frightening myself

I did too, I don't care much for horror movie as a rule

7,at one's service 随时效劳

-Phil ,could you give me a hand with this file cabinet that belongs against the wall next to the bulletin board

at your service

8,at the most 至多,最多

-has Sandy ever missed coming to one of our parties

only once or twice at the most

9,back and forth 来回,往返

-most fishes can do this by waving back and forth in snacklike motion

-i don't want a raser racer(赛车) or touring bike(山地车) or anything,mostly I will just be using it ,a bike to get me back and forth from work

10.backup 挡住,堵住

-while i was going to come down n Elm street ,but the traffic was really backed up

-the subway is running behind schedule and traffic is backed up for blocks,I don't know if we will make the seven fifteen show

it's a beautiful night ,let's try to get there on foot ,and if we don't make it,let's just

have dinner near the theater

11,be anything but 决不

-Susan is anything but poor

12,be beyond 太难以致不能做到或理解

- I think Tom left his own umbrella on the bus

why he's so irresponsible is beyond me

13,be broke 破产的,身无分文

-Caro was broke after his vacation

14,be hard on 对某人要求严厉

-Larry certainly made a mass mess of that plain job,don't be too hard on him,he was only trying to help

15,be in another world 精神恍惚,魂不守舍

-Peter's really out at these days,yeah, i know, ever since he met ann,he's been in another world

16,be onto something 发现,理解,懂得

-how's your work going ,I think this time i am really onto something

17,be tied 平局

-the game was tied until John score the winning point

18,be under the impression 有什么的印象,以为

-I heard there are a few seats left for tonight show ,

really i was under the impression that they were sold out a long time ago

19,be up 熬夜

-I am going to be up all night studying for my exam

Do you think really that's wise?

20,before long 不久以后,很快

-before long we all got to know one another

21,beyond the reach of 超出某人的能力之外

-they just builds senior apartments near campus ,but one bedroom rents for five hundred dollars a month, that’s a bit beyond the reach of most students

22,boil down 变成,基本上是或简要的是

-they said the train won't arrive until nine, well, what that boils down to is yet an another delay in our schedule 基本上说,我们的行程又要延误了

23,break down 出故障,出毛病

-registration ought not to be easier than ever this year, unless the computer breaks down


-if the computer doesn't break down again, the dad data will be available to us soon

-it's only a matter of time before my car breaks down again

24,break in 通过使用使变柔软或合用些

-the walk phone sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to break in my new pair of sports shoes

25,brighten one's spirits 提神,使某人高兴起来

-the flowers in the window really brighten my spirits

26,bring up something 开始讨论,谈及,提到

-I am glad you’ve brought up the question about our investigation sent to the makeup of the earth centeria interior

27,brush up on 温习,复习,改进

-I really need to brush up on my math

28,build up 积累,增长

-you also learned how to use the computer data base because the records are kept on it and building up the computer skills is a good preparation for lots of jobs

29,bump into 偶然碰上

-how long has you been since you saw Baky,I bumped into her at the market just last week

-you know my car hasn't been the same since I had bumped into the telephone tall toll(电话厅) You’d better have that looked into before you drive to Florida
