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Main scene, Part A Let’s talk, let’s play of Unit 6. 本单元学习的主题是shopping。教材通过John和妈妈在鞋店买鞋的情景让学生感知目标语言的语义和语用情景,通过学习培养学生听说的能力。


1.知识目标:学习句型Can I help you? Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6,

please. They’re too small.


Can I try …on? Size …, please.来请求试穿某件衣服并告之尺码;能够在情景中用These …are nice. They’re too ….来描述物品。



1.重点是听说认读句型Can I help you? Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6, please. They’re too small.并感知其语用功能。

2.难点是用Can I try …on?来请求试穿某件衣物。


STEP 1: Warm up

(1)Greeting. Divide the class into 4 groups.

(2)Sing a song together. This old hat. Clap with your hands.

(3)介绍评价方式: One question for one sticker.

(4)以Main scene为素材进行free talk,引入主题。

T: Whom do you see in the picture? S: Sarah, Sarah’s mom and the saleswoman.

T: Where are they now? S: They’re at a clothes shop.

T: What are they doing? S: They’re shopping.

STEP 2: 新课呈现




T: Look,John and his mother are shopping now. Let me show you a video. T: Can you guess,

what does John want to buy?

S: Shoes.

(3)These shoes are nice. 的呈现与突破

教师呈现几双鞋的图片说:There are so many shoes in the shoe shop. I like the blue shoes.

What about you? 引导学生用I like the …shoes.来表述自己喜欢的鞋子。教师用These shoes are nice.进行反馈评价。反复说出These shoes are nice.让学生感知其语用功能。小组间问答操练句型I like the …shoes. These shoes are nice.突破重点。

(4)Can I help you?的呈现与突破

教师呈现J和妈妈在鞋店买鞋的情景说:John and his mother are at a shoe shop. This is the shop assistant. What will she say to John?

S: Welcome./ Can I help you?

教师板书,学生模仿并理解句型。小组间问答操练句型Can I help you? Yes.突破重点。

(5)Can I try them on?的呈现与突破

T: Wow, there are so many nice shoes here. Do you want to buy them? S: Yes.

T: Ok, let’s ask the saleswoman: Can I try them on?请一名学生扮演营业员,教师扮演顾客,师生对话如下:

S1: Can I help you?

T: Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on?

S1: OK. / Of course.

教师板书Can I try them on?,利用图片让学生理解try on.


T: I want to try the blue shoes. I wear Size 36. What about you? S: I wear Size ….

Q: 为什么你们的鞋码和John的鞋码差这么远呢?请看:


NOW, John wants to try the shoes. But how big are John’s feet? What size? Can you guess?

S: Size 6./ Size 7.

(7)They’re too small.的呈现与突破

T: look, John is trying Size 6. Look at John’s face. What happen? Are they ok?

S: No. The shoes are too small. They’re too small.

T: let’s try Size 7. Are they ok?

S: They are just right.

呈现各种码数的衣物,举一反三说出They’re too small/big.或They’re just right.

STEP 3: Practice

(1)Watch the video again.


(3)Role play.让学生从态度是否积极、语音语调是否正确、朗读是否流畅三方面进行小组评


STEP 4: Consolidation

T: Boys and girls, I have a clothes shop for kids. Do you want to buy something? Please choose clothes and talk with your partner. Use the sentences followed.

STEP5: Homework

(1) 熟读课文。

(2) 课后与同学继续创编购物对话。


