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Have you passed the security check? n. 支票 Could you hand me the checkbook please?
tower n. 塔
• water tower 水塔 • tower bridge 塔桥
• Official • 1)官方的 • 公务,公事
• erection n. 建立 • The erection of the hospital is a big mistake.

• accurate adj. 精确的,准确的 • 精确的尺寸 • an accurate dimension • 警察强调说这就是杀人犯最为精确的描述了。 • Police have stressed that this is the most accurate
Let's review
1. 忙于 2. 突然看见 3. 向...进攻 4. 变得安静 5. 对某人有信心 6. 直到这时 7. 再一次,多一次 8. 为…感到遗憾 9. 没意识到…
1. be busy with/doing 2. catch sight of 3. charge at 4. grow quiet 5. be sure of oneself 6. by this time 7. once more 8. feel sorry for 9. be unaware of
• 现在国会通过政策,但是政策还没有变成法律。
• The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of the Commons.
• 英国议会是由上议院和下议院构成的。
• Erect v. 建造,树立,建起 • 此建筑是在1900年到1901年间建造的。 • The building was erected in 1900-1901. • 示威者在去往国会大楼的路上竖起了路障。
description of the killer • What many people mean by the word `power'
could be more accurately described as `control'. • 人们所说的“力量”这个词,可以更为准确的
被描述为“控制”。 • accurately adv. 准确地,精确地
• parliament 国会 • the Houses of Parliament • (英国的) 国会大厦 • Member of Parliament • 国会议员
• Parliament today approved the policy, but it has not yet become law.
check n/v. 检查 n.支票
•check in 登记
•He has just checked in at the hotel. 他刚刚在旅馆办好住宿手续。
•check out 检查出来
v. 检查 Check up all the windows before you leave the office. n. 检查 You should have a health check every year.
Lesson 71
A famous clock
• 大本钟简介

英国伦敦著名古钟或称大本钟(Big Ben),是

• Official affairs • 公款
• Official funds • 官方文件
• Official documents • 对于总统的缺席,官方给出的原因是生病了。
• The official reason given for the President's absence was sickness.
• Demonstrators have erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.
• 我们都不知不觉的在彼此之间竖起了隔阂
• We all unconsciously erect barriers between each other.
• 我觉得是有年龄限制的,但是我需要 查一下
• I think there is an age limit, but I have to check.
• 名称由来

杰明爵士(Benjamin Hall),故名“大本”。
One can’t put back the clock. 时钟不能倒转。
On the great clock of time there is but one word, “Now.” 在伟大的时钟上,只有一个词,就是“现在”
• 2)官员 • 联合国的一个高级官员希望这个月去访问巴格达。
• A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month.
• Check 检查,核对 • 检查你的简历上每处都是准确的。
• Check the accuracy of everything in your CV.

observatory n. 天文台
• observe vt. • to see or notice sb/sth • 看到,注意到,观察到 • 警察注意到一个男人走进了银行 • The police observed a man enter the
• to make a remark 说话;评论 • He observed that it was a lovely day.