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Unit 14I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.


1.We are preparing ________ art festivals.

A. on

B. in

C. for

D. of

2.They didn't go climbing Mount Tai ___the bad weather.

A. because of

B. because

C. so

D. for

3.Yao Ming retired but he didn't take a break ___ basketball.

A. to play

B. from playing

C. for playing

D. from play

4.My math teacher always takes the time ________ difficult questions to us.

A. explain

B. to explaining

C. to explain

D. explaining

5.—Who will you miss ______ after junior high school? ——My English teacher, Mr.Zhang.

A. more

B. the best

C. the more

D. the most

6.I remember ___ the classroom this afternoon, but now it is a real mess.

A. cleaning

B. clean

C. to clean

D. cleaned

7.Yao Ming is the ___of Chinese.We are __of him.

A. pride; proud

B. proud; pride

C. pride; pride

D. proud; proud

8.They decided to work harder and ________ more effort after their failure.

A. put in

B. putted in

C. put on

D. be put in

9.Students stand hand in hand ________ a row.

A. in

B. on

C. between

D. of

10.I believe that you can ____this problem by yourself.

A. work in

B. work out

C. work on

D. work at

11.Tom has problems ________ English.

A. learning

B. to learn

C. learn

D. learned

12.There will be a flower show in the park __we visited last week.

A. who

B. when

C. what

D. which

13.The first thing __my brother is going to do is to write a letter.

A why B. who C. that D. whose

14.Have you read the book ____ is about the moon?

A. what

B. it

C. /

D. which

15.There ________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

A. will be going to

B. will going to be

C. is going to be

D. will go to be

16.Charlie ___ here next month.

A. isn't working

B. doesn't working

C. isn't going to working

D. won't work

17.The teacher told us the sun ________ in the east.

A. will rise

B. rises

C. will raise

D. raises

18.She lived there before she ___to China.

A. came

B. comes

C. come

D. coming

19.When ___ you have supper?—I ____ it half an hour ago.

A. have; had

B. do; have

C. did; had

D. will; had

20.Mother ___ me a nice present on my next birthday.

A. will gives

B. will give

C. gives

D. give

21.We will go shopping if it __tomorrow.

A. don't rain

B. didn't rain

C. doesn't rain

D. isn't rain

22.He said the sun ___ in the east and ___ in the west.

A. rose; set

B. rises; sets

C. rises; set

D. rise; sets

23. Mei __music and she__ to music now.

A. like; listen

B. likes; listens

C. likes; is listening

D. liking ; listening

24.In Grade 8,Tim__different school clubs.

A took part in

B took part C. joined D. joined in

25.Mr.Green is looking forward __ a big house for his family.

A. to buying

B. to buy

C. buy

D. buying

26.He ____ be late for class, but now he is always on time.

A. used to

B. use to

C. to use

D. to used

27.Tom ___ hard since he came to China. So he can get good grades.

A. worked

B. works

C. has been working

D. has been worked

28.Do you have any problems________ your English?

—Yes, I have some difficulty ________ texts.

A. with; reading

B. read; study

C. with; study

D. in; of

29.This is the best song __ I have ever heard.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. whose

30.Thanks for ________ me with my English.

A. helping

B. to help

C. help

D. helped

31.The boy __up so much already and he can look after himself.

A. has grew

B. grown

C. has grown

D. grew

32.___ they all worked very hard, none of them succeeded at last.

A. Although

B. Because

C. But

D. If

33.In our daily life, there is always something unexpected ___around us.

A. happen

B. happening

C. to happening

D. to be happen

34.I can ___ him, but I cannot ___ him.
