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考试时间:120分钟满分150分 2018.10





It is one of the liveliest festivals that happen in Bath and it is returning this September. The Jane Austen Festival kicks off on September 8 and runs for ten days until September 17 with events running every day and evening.

What are some of the festival highlights?

Grand Regency Costumed Charity Walk

The highlight is usually the walk which sees 600 or more fans dressed in period dress as they walk from Royal Crescent Lawn through the city to Parade Gardens. It is a splendid sight to see in the historic, Georgian streets.

When: Saturday, September 9/11: 00 am-12: 30 pm

Where: Royal Crescent Lawn

Tickets: £ 10 per adult / FREE to watch

Mr Wickham and an evening with Jane Austen

Jane Austen’s most memorable characters come to life at the Old Theater Royal. Performances include the handsome Wickham (Adrian Lukis). Period music and a talk from historian Catherine Creon will also feature.

When: Sunday, September 10/7: 30 pm-9: 00 pm

Where: The Masonic Hall (Old Theater Royal)

Regency Dance Workshops

“There is nothing like dancing. After all. I consider it as one of he first refinements of polished societies...”Join in on the fun. Costumes are welcome but not necessary!

When: Thursday, September 14/10: 30 am-12: 00 pm

Where: Assembly Rooms

Tickets: £ 15

Are there any free events?


A Reading of Northanger Abbey. The novel will be read aloud throughout the festival. Sections of Austen’s first novel are set in Bath and you can still find the locations mentioned!

When: Everyday from Sept. 10-sept. I7 from 2:00 pm-3:00 pm

Where: Waterstones bookshop, Milsom Street (upstairs)

1. What does the author say about the festival?

A. It is in honor of a novel

B. It starts on September 8

C. It is held beyond Bath

D. It is intended for the locals

2. Where should people wear special costumes to attend an event?

A. Royal Crescent Lawn.

B. The Masonic Hall

C. Assembly Rooms

D. Waterstones bookshop.

3. Which of the following events are not included in the celebration of this festival?

A. Joining in a charity walk through the city Bath.

B. Attending a lecture from a historian.

C. Watching a performance by actor Wickham.

D. Enjoying the public reading of Jane Austen’ s first novel.


I handed the card from my school’s help-wanted board to the man behind the counter of Mort’s Deli(熟食店)at the Farmers Market. Even before I opened my mouth, he was shaking his head.

It was September 1957, and my family had just arrived in California. My father only got work two or three days a week. Our poor savings were gone, and as the eldest boy of the family, I was the only one able to help.

“let me work the rest of the week, and if you don’t like the way I do the job, don’t pay me.”I said. The tall man stared at me, then nodded. At Mort’s, I worked very hard. Near the end of the day he called me up to him. “How much did that card at school say this job paid? "he asked. “One dollar an hour. " I whispered. Actually I was willing to take less.

“That’s not enough for someone who works as hard as you, "Mort said. “You start at £ 1.25.”Over the next few weeks I learned a lot about Mort. Our store was closed on Sundays, so every Saturday evening Mort urged me to take home the leftover soup. It was a meal in itself, a treat for my struggling family.

One Saturday after work. I was about to step in my house when I saw a large man in my father's chair. He was swearing at my father. I quietly walked into the kitchen and listened through the door. The man wanted to take our car. Dad offered to make the three payments that were due, but the man demanded the entire sum---£325---or the car. I slipped out of the door, thinking: Who might have £ 325? Who would even consider lending me so much money?

The only person I could think of was Mort. I ran back to his deli and told him my tale. “So, could you possi bly lend my father £325?"I finished, realizing how absurd it sounded. Although Mort’s eye bored(挖) holes in my face, he gave me £ 325, saying,“I 'll take back half your wages until it's repaid.”

That night I was a hero to my family, But the real hero was Mort Rubin, who quietly raised my salary every month afterwards. He made the world a better place.

4. Why does the author talk about his family in Paragraph 2?

A. To show his strong desire for a job.

B. To reflect his poor living conditions.

C. To stress the heavy burden on his father.

D. To prove high living costs in California.

5. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence?

A. The meal was cheap but very delicious

B. The soup was fuel in snowy weather.

C. The soup was more than the family could eat.

D. The soup was a basic solution to the problem of the author’s family.

6. Why did Mort give the author £ 325?

A. Because the author wanted to buy a car.

B. Because the three payments of the author’s family were due.

C. Because he thought it absurd not to lend the author the money.

D. Because the author wanted to pay off all the debts for his family.
