


I.Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After Reading the following passage. For some blanks, there is a word given in the brackets. Fill in each of these blanks with the proper form. of the given word. Fill in the other blanks with words that are correct in structure and proper in meaning.


Even today there are a great many wrong ideas about food. Some of them are very widespread.

One such idea is that fish is the best brain food. Fish is good brain food(25)________ ________ it is good muscle food and skin food and bone food. But no one has been able to prove that fish is any(26) _________ (good) for the brain than many other kinds of food.

Another such idea is that you (27) _________ not drink water with meals. Washing food down with water as a substitute (28) _______ chewing is not a good idea, but some water with meals has been found to be helpful. It makes the digestive juices flow more freely and helps to digest the food.

Many of the ideas which scientists tell us (29) _________(have)no foundation have to do with mixtures of foods. A few years ago the belief became general that orange juice and milk should never be drunk at the same meal. The reason given was (30) _______ the acid in the orange juice would make the milk curdle and become indigestible. As a matter of fact, milk always meets in the stomach a digestive juice which curdles (31)________; the curdling of the milk is the first step in its digestion. A similar wrong idea

is that fish and ice cream when (32) ________ (eat)at the same meal form a poisonous combination.


It’s one of our common beliefs that mice are afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that (33) ________ ________ a mouse has never seen a cat before, it is still able to detect (觉察) chemical signals released from it and run away in fear. This has always been thought to be something that is hard-wired into a mouse’s brain. But recently Wendy Ingram, a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, (34)________ ________ this common sense. She has found a way to “cure” mice of their inborn fear of cats – by infecting them with a parasite (寄生虫), reported the science journal Nature.

The parasite, called Toxoplasma gondii, might sound unfamiliar to you, but the(35)__________(shock)fact is that up to one-third of people around the world are infected by it. This parasite can cause different diseases among humans,(36)__________pregnant women-it is linked to blindness and the death of unborn babies.

However, the parasite’s effects on mice are unique. Ingram and her team measured how mice reacted to a cat’s urine(尿)before and(37)__________it was infected by the parasites. They noted that normal mice stayed for away from the urine(38)___________mice that were infected with the parasite walked freely around the rest area.

But that’s not all. The parasite was found to be more powerful than originally (39) __________(think)-even after researches cured the mice of the infection, they no longer reacted with fear to a cat’s smell, which could indicate that the infection has caused a permanent change in mice’s brains.

Why does a parasite change a mouse’s bra in instead of making it sick like it does to human? The answer lies in evolution. Tosoplasma dondii can

only reproduce inside a cat. So the parasite had to develop a way of tricking the mice into getting eaten more easily-thus(40)_______(help)itself go inside a cat-by taking away mice’s sense of alarm.

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

What are the things that first come to your mind when you think of the UK? Are they nonstop rain, polite manners, boring food and tea drinking? Some of the UK’s national stereotypes are true, a new survey has found. For example, British people do have a tendency (倾向) to drink lots of tea. The research polled (调查) 1,402 foreigners living in the UK on their opinions about the British way of life. Unsurprisingly, the majority (大多数) of them, almost 70 percent, said they enjoyed living in the country –good manners, especially UK people’s extraordinary ability to queue (排队), are the main reasons for foreigners’ appreciation (欣赏). More than one-third said they like d British people’s restrained (克制的) approach to emotion.

However,there are aspects of British culture that are(45)_________upon. The heavy alcohol drinking culture(46)________as the least favorite trait, followed by the British sense of humor and the count ry’s bad weather.

It may not be too hard to understand why heavy drinking and bad weather are(47)__________.but what’s wrong with the British sense of humor?

British humor is known for being dry and satirical(讽刺的),so it is generally more(48)_________.When it comes to making the British laugh, here is nothing more(49)_________than a socially inappropriate joke, noted the BBC.”Britons are more comfortable with life’s losers,” wrote English actor Ricky Gervais in an article published in Time magazine.

“The ma jority of nationalities have stereotypes fitted around them and Britons don’t escape this,” said Lia m Clifford, the founder of Global Visas, the website that conducted the research.”People probably come here with a stereotype-based preconception of what to exa ct. It’s good to see from our survey, though, that in the majority of cases, this reputation is actually(50)__________upon living here”.

III. Reading comprehension:

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Coffee can be considered one of nature's greatest gifts. It gives mental and emotional(51)__________ without harmful side effects, (like alcohol or tobacco), and it contains a wealth of nutrients. Yet, when most people drink coffee, they are not thinking that the beverage is (52)__________ their health. In fact, some may even feel a little guilty, (53)__________ they believe Coffee isn't good for you at all.

Well, here's the truth of the matter. Coffee, like anything else, can cause problems if too much is (54)__________. In the short-term, too much

coffee will cause insomnia, nausea and hypertension. In the long-term, too

much Coffee will cause stomach problems, teeth staining, and high cholesterol.

As far as the benefits, moderate consumption of Coffee, (which means 1

to 4 cups a day), inundates your body with a wealth of antioxidants. These substances are (55)__________ for eliminating free radicals. They are the chemical byproducts produced any time your body does something. A small number of them can help serve as a buffer against negative elements, but if

they aren't kept in check, they can cause health problems. Antioxidants (56)__________ that this doesn't happen.

The psychological effects of caffeine cannot be (57)__________ either.

Not only does caffeine make you more (58)__________, but it can actually

affect your mood. If you were feeling (59)__________ or overwhelmed, a nice

cup of coffee could change your perspective. The stack of work that seemed(60)__________ before isn't even a problem now.

(61)__________, caffeine helps stimulate creativity as it speeds up the

body's functioning. That's why coffee is often (62)__________ with writers

and other intellectual professions. Other drugs (63)__________ to make people dumber. Consider what happens when people get high off of crack or

when they get drunk off of alcohol. They won't be functional at all. But with Coffee, an individual gets a creative boost while still helping their bodies.

In conclusion, don't feel bad when you're brewing your morning cup of coffee. (64)__________ a can of soda or a shot of alcohol, Coffee will make

you feel wonderful while keeping you healthy. Just remember, you do have to consume the beverage(65)__________. 51. A. reaction B. clarity

C .freedom

D .challenge

52. A. improving B .damaging C .adjusting D .stimulating

53. A. though B .so C. while D. since

54. A. purchased B. cherished C. taken D. promoted

55. A .suitable B. responsible C. convenient D. famous

56. A. ensure B .assume C. threaten D. indicate

57. A. ignored B. achieved C. measured D .abandoned

58. A. attractive B. attentive C. alert D .approachable

59. A .incompetent B. guilty C. depressed D. embarrassed

60. A .doubtful B .unknown C .impossible D .improper

61. A .By contrast B. In addition C. For example D. In brief

62 . A popular B compared C. familiar D. associated

63. A. mean B. tend C suppose D .expect

64. A. Despite B .Without C .Apart from D. Unlike

65. A. at will B. at random C.in particular D .in moderation

Section B

Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Once upon a time it was boarding school adventures and mysteries solved by tweed-wearing detectives that fired young readers’ imaginations. Now, it seems, it is the promise of tales of blood sucking vampires, unstoppable zombies, howling werewolves and terrifying beasts that young audiences to pick up a book.

Teen horror is a genre that seems to be going from strength to strength, with titles like The Demonata and The Saga of Larten Crepsey by Irish born writer, Darren Shan, topping the charts. Indeed Darren Shan’s success has

earned him the title of ‘Master of Children’s Horror’ and his books, which also include The Thin Executioner and the vampire series The Saga of Darren Shan, have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide. But what is it about horror fiction that so appeals to young readers, and just how scary do they like it?

‘I think horror allows teenagers to focus on real-life issues in a fantastical way, helping them analyze and make sense of the world as they are coming to great understanding of it,’ says Darren. ‘In my book, Lord Loss, the main character’s parents and sister will are slaughtered by demons. While that’s obviously not going to happen to anyone in the real world, many will lose people they love during their formative years, whether it’s grandparents dying of old age, or friends or relatives in accidents. A book like this can hopefully help them prepare for when death strikes at them in real life. Good horror is always about helping us prepare for the darker aspects of life-and since we can’t avoid them, we might as well turn them into entertainment!’

Darren tours frequently, attending events in schools and libraries, and talking to young readers help s him gauge what they can and can’t take terms of frightening content. He explains: ‘When I’m writing an especially terrible scene, I imagine myself reading it out in a live environment, and ask myself if I would feel comfortable doing so. If not, I’ll go back and tweak the scene. I have no set formula for deciding what is suitable and what is not. I simply go with my gut instinct.’

66.What is the point of the article?

A. To recommend some popular horror books.

B. To analyze why horror fiction fascinate young people.

C. To explore how horror fiction benefits young readers.

D. To introduce how Darren creates horror books.

67. The underlined phrase

‘going from strength to strength’ in Paragraph2 is closest in meaning to .

A. Failing to attract attention

B. Improving imagination

C. Getting darker and scarier

D. Becoming increasing successful

68. Darren Shan thinks that his books interest young people because .

A. They are exciting and inspiring

B. They are about the darker aspects of life

C. They deal with real-life issues in a fanciful way

D. They teach people how to deal with real-life problems

69. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A. Teenagers feel comfortable with Darren’s imagination

B. The more frightening a book is, the better it sells

C. Darren visits schools from time to time to promote his books

D. Darren sometimes changes his stories to make them less scary.


70. Which of the following groups is the advertisement NOT intended for?

A. Social clubs.

B. Businesses.

C. Families.

D. Large groups.

71. What advantages do you get from having one of the Gift Cards?

a. You get further discount on bulk purchases.

b. Your card is preloaded with a certain amount of cash.

c. You get the best discounts among the three promotions.

d. The cards can be used in many cinemas for many items.

A. a, b

B. b, c

C. c, d

D. b, d

72. What do the three promotions have in common?

A. They all have a minimum purchase.

B. They are all valid for 12 months.

C. They all need to be ordered ahead of time.

D. They can all be used on tickets and food.

73.In which of the following circumstances may a firm owner NOT consider bulk ticket purchase?

A.His customers usually don’t place big orders.

B.His sales staff cooperate well and perform perfectly.

C.He hopes his customers will always pay in time.

D.He hopes to be admitted into a social club soon.


ARE we getting more stupid? According to Gerald Crabtree, a scientist at Stanford University in the US, we are.

You may not want to hear this, but Crabtree believes that human intelligence reached its peak more than 2,000 years ago and ever since then has been going dow nhill. “If an average Greek from 1,000 BC were transported to modern times, he or she would be one of the brightest among us,” Crabtree told The Guardian.

At the heart of Crabtree’s thinking is a simple idea. In the past, intelligence was critical for survival when our ancestors had to avoid dangerous animals and hunt for food. The difference of being smart or stupid is often life or death. However, after the spread of agriculture, when our ancestors began to live in dense farming communities, the need to keep their intelligence in peak gradually reduced.

This is not hard to understand. Most of the time, pressure is what keeps us going-you need the pressure from your teachers to finish your homework; the pressure of looking pretty you to lose weight when summer comes. And the

same is also true of our intelligence-if we think less, we become less smart.

These mutations are harmful to our intelligence and they were all developed in the past,3000 years. The other evidence that Crabtree holds is in our genes. He found that among the 2000 to 5000 genes that we have that determine human intelligence, there are two or more mutations in each of us.

However, Crabtree’s theory has been criticized by some who say that early humans have better hunting and surviving abilities, but people today have developed a more diverse intelligence. For example, spearing a tiger doesn’t necessarily require more brainpower than play playing chess or poem. Moreover, the power of modern education means a lot more people have the opportunity to learn nowadays.

‘You wouldn’t get Stephen Hawking 2000 years ago. He just wouldn’t exist,’ Thomas Hills of the University of Warwick, UK, told Live Science, ‘But now we have people his intellectual capacity doing things and making insights that we would never have achieved in our environment of evolutionary adaptation.’

74.What is Crabtree’s recent finding according to the article?

A.The Greeks from 1000BC could have been the smartest in human history.

B.Our ancient ancestors had no better surviving than we do nowadays.

C.Humans have been getting steadily more intelligent since the invention of farming.

D.Mutations in genes that decide human intelligence have affected the development of intelligence.

75.According to Crabtree, ancient humans

A.had much more genes that determine human intelligence

B.Were forced to be smart due to natural selection pressures

C.Relied more on group intelligence than individual intelligence

D.Developed a diverse intelligence to adapt to the harsh realities

76.Some argue that Crabtree’s theor y is false because they think .

A.People today are under much more pressure than early humans

B.It’s ridiculous to compare a hunter’s and a poet’s intelligence

C.Modern education is far more advanced than ancient education

D.Human intelligence nowadays is different from that of the distant past

77.What is Thomas Hill’s attitude toward Crabtree’s theory?

A. Supportive

B. Unfavorable

C. Worried

D. Confused.

Section C

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.(No more than 12 words)Proxemics (空间关系学) is the study of what governs how closely one person stands to another. People who feel close will be close, though the actual distances will vary between cultures. For Americans we can discern four main categories of distance: intimate, personal, social and public. Intimate ranges from direct contact to about 45 centimeters. This is for the closest relationships such as those between husband and wife. Beyond this comes personal distance. This stands at between 45 and 80 centimeters. It is the most usual distance maintained for conversations between friends and relatives. Social distance covers people who work together or are meeting at social gatherings. Distances here tend to be kept between 1.30 to 2 meters. Beyond this comes public distance, such as that between a lecturer and his audience.

All cultures draw lines between what is an appropriate and what is an inappropriate social distance for different types of relationship. They differ, however, in where they draw these lines. Look at an international

reception with representatives from the US and Arabic countries conversing and you will see the Americans pirouetting(快速旋转) backwards around the hall pursued by their Arab partners. The Americans will be trying to keep the distance between themselves and their partners which they have grown used to regarding as “normal”. They probably will not even notice themselves trying to adjust the distance between themselves and their partners, though they may have vague feeling that their Arab neighbors are being a bit “pushy”. The Arab, on the other hand, coming from a culture where much closer distance is the norm, may be feeling that the Americans are being “stand-offish”. Finding themselves happier standing close to and eve n touching those they are in conversation with they will persistently pursue the Americans round the room trying to close the distance between them.

The appropriateness of physical contact varies between different cultures too. One study of the number of times people conversing in coffee shops over a one hour period showed the following interesting variations: London, 0; Florida, 2; Paris, 10; and Puerto Rico 180. Not only dose it vary between societies, however, it also varies between different subcultures within one society. Young people in Britain, for example, are more likely to touch and hug friends than are the older generation. This may be partly a matter of growing older, but it also reflects the fact that the older generation grew up at a time when touching was less common for all age groups. Forty years ago, for example, footballers would never hug and kiss one another on the field after a goal as they do today. (选自大学六级真题)

78.In proxemics, ____governs the standing space between two persons.

79.The word “stand-offish”(Line 14, Para. 2) could best be replaced


80.In conversation with an American partner at an international reception, an Arab deems that close distant is _________.

81.We can infer from the third paragraph that the appropriateness of physical contact also varies with_________.



I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.






II. Guided writing. (25%)

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below.

It is reported that Chinese tourists have recently been listed among the most unwelcome groups by a well-known foreign website on travel. Suppose you are Wang Fang, a high school student, please write a letter to Xinmin Evening News, analyzing at least two causes and giving advice on how to improve the image of Chinese tourists.

Dear editor,


III. Reading Comprehension Section B ( 22%) Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (C) Open data-sharers are still in the minority in many fields. Although many researchers broadly agree that public access to raw data would accelerate science—because other scientists might be able to make advances not foreseen by the data's producers—most are reluctant to post the results of their own labours online. When Wolkovich, for instance, went hunting for the data from the 50 studies in her meta-analysis, only 8 data sets were available online, and many of the researchers whom she e-mailed refused to share their work. Forced to extract data from tables or figures in publications, Wolkovich's team could conduct only limited analyses. Some communities have agreed to share online—geneticists, for example, post DNA sequences at the GenBank repository(库), and astronomers are accustomed to accessing images of galaxies and stars from, say, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, a telescope that has observed some 500 million objects –but these remain the exception, not the rule. Historically, scientists have objected to sharing for many reasons: it is a lot of work; until recently, good databases did not exist; grant funders were not pushing for sharing; it has been difficult to agree on standards for formatting data and the contextual information called metadata; and there is no agreed way to assign credit for data. But the barriers are disappearing in part because journals and funding agencies worldwide are encouraging scientists to make their data public. Last year, the Royal Society in London said in its report that scientists need to ‘shift away from a research culture where data is viewed as private preserve’. Funding agencies note that data paid for with public money should be public information, and the scientific community is recognizing that data can now be shared digitally in ways that were not possible before. To match the growing demand, services are springing up to make it easier to publish research products online and enable other researchers to discover and cite them. Although calls to share data often concentrate on the moral advantages of sharing, the


牛津上海版英语二年级第一学期知识点 Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 Hello Look and learn morning 早上、上午 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上 night 晚上 **知识拓展**:evening往往指下班后进入黑天及以后的一段时间,即可以有大型公众party或活动的时段。而night往往是夜深以后的个人或家庭活动时段。 Play a game Good morning. 早上好! Good afternoon. 下午好! Good evening. 晚上好! Good night. 晚安! Look and say 学会对话A : How are you? 你好! B: I’m fine. Thank you. 我很好,谢谢! Alice和妈妈出去散步,遇到Mrs. Li遛狗,狗的名字叫Sam: Alice的妈妈: Hello, Mrs Li. Mrs Li: Good evening.

Alice: Good evening. Mrs Li: Good evening. Alice. Mrs Li: How are you, Alice? Alice: I’m fine. Thank you. Alice的妈妈: Hello, Sam. How are you ? Alice: Hi, Sam. Sam: Woof! Mrs Li: Goodbye, Alice. Alice: Goodbye, Mrs Li. Alice的妈妈和Alice: Goodbye, Sam. Sam: Woof! Say and act Eddie’s day Eddie的一天 1. Eddie起床后,向妈妈问好: Eddie: Good morning, Mum. Eddie的妈妈: Good morning, Eddie. 2. Eddie吃完早饭,出门上学前: Eddie: Goodbye, Mum. Eddie的妈妈: Goodbye, Eddie. 3. Eddie放学回到家后: Eddie的妈妈: Good afternoon, Eddie. How are you today? Eddie: Good afternoon, Mum. I’m very well. Thank you.

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译练习2 学生版

翻译练习2 20130928 1.事实上,我更喜欢和有礼貌的人交谈。( prefer) ________________________________________________________ 2.孩子对父母说话的方式应该表现出尊重 (the way). _________________________________________________________ 3.在西班牙,意大利和希腊,那些人们站得很近互相交谈的地方,眼神交流更频繁和持续更久(where). ___________________________________________________________________ 4.他走进房间时,她朝他看了一眼,又深深地叹了口气。(as; sigh) ___________________________________________________________________ 5.给别人留下好印象的关键就是注意你交流的方式 (key, impression) ____________________________________________________________________ 6.在西方文化中,交谈时保持眼神交流是必要的。(maintain) ________________________________________________________________________ 7.老师常常提醒我们要毫不犹豫地向她寻求帮助,并且她总是使我们感到受欢迎。(remind) _________________________________________________________________________ 8.如果你不知道解决这些问题的关键是什么,请直接问我。(key, hesitate) ________________________________________________________________________ 9.缺乏眼神交流可能表示紧张。(lack of; signal) ___________________________________________________________________ 10.头发问题通常是饮食不健康的结果(result). ____________________________________________________________________


第一学期期末考试 高三英语试卷 (满分:150分考试时间:120分钟) 第Ⅰ卷 (共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In the classroom. D. In a department store. 2. A. Its price. B. Its location.

C. Its comfort. D. Its facilities. 3. A. He is just a passer-by like the woman. B. He is unwilling to tell the woman anything. C. He doesn’t know where the closest bookstore is. D. He can’t understand the woman’s question thoroughly. 4. A. He would rather have American food. B. He has always liked American food. C. He is accustomed to eating American food. D. He ate American food more in the past. 5. A. Five minutes. B. Fifty minutes. C. Forty-five minutes. D. Fifteen minutes. 6. A. The man has left a good impression on her family.

牛津上海英语高一上翻译-Unit Two

练习册P12 1.多喝水能防止头发变得干燥。(keep…from…) Drinking more water will keep your hair from becoming dry. 2.河上仅有的一座桥在地震中被毁了。(damage) The only bridge on the river was damaged in the earthquake. 3.一定要选择适合你发质的护发用品。(sure) Be sure to choose the hair products that suit your hair. 4.过度使用电吹风对头发的伤害非常大。(overuse) Overusing the hairdryer can do harm to your hair. 5.这家商场里所有的电子产品均保质三年(guarantee)。 All the electronic products in the shop are guaranteed for three years. 6.你穿绿色的很漂亮,看来绿色很适合你啊(suit)。 You look nice in green. It seems that green suits you very much. 7.在干燥的冬季,不要忘了在洗脸后涂乳霜。(apply) In the dry winter, do not forget to apply cream to your face after washing it. 8.城市里有空气污染,因此常洗头是明智的。(shampoo; it is wise for…to…) City air is polluted, so it is wise for you to shampoo your hair often. 9.用了许多种药之后,她终于找到了治疗胃痛的良药。(remedy) After trying many kinds of medicine, she finally found the remedy for her stomachache.


E D F 上海版牛津英语七年级上学期期中考试卷 Part 1 Listening:20% I. Listen and choose the right picture:5% A B C D E F 1._______ 2.________ 3.________ 4._ 5._________ II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the questions you hear:5% ( )1. A)In a shop B) In a Market C)In a library D)In a bookstore ( )2. A)America B) American C)Australia D) Australian ( )3. A) Yes, she is a member of SPCA. B) Yes, she does. C) No, she isn ’t a member of SPCA. D) No, she doesn ’t. ( )4. A)At 7:55 B)At 7:50 C) At 7:45 D)At 7:20 ( )5. A)A singer B)A pilot C) A football player D)A basketball player III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false:5% ( )1. Jane ’s apartment is in a very convenient place. ( )2.There is a cinema around the corner from her building. ( )3.Two gas stations are far away from her building. ( )4.There is not much traffic near her home. ( )5.It is very noisy, but Jane still likes to live there. IV. Listen to the passage and complete the form:5% Mrs Jackson ’s family

上海牛津英语高一上 翻译检测1 答案版

Sentence 1--6 and Unit 1&2 Name ________ Class ________ Score ________ I. Phrases 1.不知道 be ignorant of/about sth 2.据报道 It's reported that 3.在...的帮助下 with the help of 4.对...开放 be open to 5.情不自禁地做...can't help doing sth. 6.把笔记本留在学校 leave the notebook at school 7.在历史上 in history 8.发现钱包被偷 find the wallet stolen 9.毫不犹豫 without hesitation 10.采取...的新方法 take a new approach to II. Sentences 1.记住任何孩子都需要爱和关注。(bear) Bear in mind that every child needs love and attention. 2.这是如此重大的一个项目,我们不得不十分小心。(such…that…) It is such an important project that we will have to be very careful. 3.我们别无选择只能接受多数人的决定。(choice) We have no choice but to accept the majority decision./decision made by most people. 4.我似乎从前读过这篇文章。(seem to) I seem to have read this article before. 5.别管那个男孩,他会自己作出决定的。(leave) Leave the boy alone, and he can make up his own mind. 6.由于缺乏睡眠,我有黑眼圈了。(lack of) I’ve got dark rings under my eyes for lack of sleep. 7.在公众场合,用手机大声打电话被认为是粗鲁的,并且要避免。(consider) In public places, talking loudly on the mobile phone is considered rude and should

上海市七宝中学2016届高三考前模拟英语试题(一) Word版含答案

2016高三英语模拟考试 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. (A) Once just a science fiction idea, VR has now become more accessible than ever. (25) _________ (wear) a pair of VR goggles connected to your computer and you can experience a lot of things without stepping out of the room. From climbing (26) _________ (high) mountain in the world to flying a spacecraft, the things you can experience with VR are limitless. This new 'reality ' is starting to takeover China. The Report on Chinese VR Users' Behavior was released on March 18 during the 12th TFC Global Mobile Game Conference & Intelligent Entertainment Expo held in Beijing. The report is based on a survey of 5,626 people, (27) _________ (age) between 15 and 39, from across the country. It shows that up to 68.5 percent of people have heard of or are interested in VR products. But surprisingly, it isn't new technology that has made VR so popular. 'VR has been (28) _________ for many years, but it will stick this time because there's enough computer power and the price will just keep going down,' Todd Richmond, a VR group member with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in the US, told USA Today. VR (29) _________ (expect) to change various different fields. For example, VR could be used to train pilots and miners before they had to actually risk their lives in highly dangerous working environments, or to treat patients with acrophobia(恐高症)by making them think they were standing on top of a high building. 'If you have perfect virtual reality, (30) _________ you'll be able to simulate everything that a human can experience or imagine experiencing,it's hard to imagine where you go from there,' Palmer Luckey, 23 inventor of the Oculus VR goggles, told NPR. But the technology is still far from perfect. Users report experiencing motion sickness, headaches and other discomfort while wearing VR goggles. Also, (31) _________ more and more tools are flooding the market, the software that runs VR games and simulators has yet to catch up with all the new advancements. It could take (32) _________ while for VR to be widely accepted. When every new technology is first introduced, the technology (33) _________ is the driving force. But for it to really blend into people's lives, meeting basic and practical needs should be the main aim. (B) It has become the talk of the town: A stranger allegedly attacked a woman in a Beijing hotel at night on April 3. The man is said to have clutched her by the neck and attempted to drag her into the elevator. Lodgers passed by, but no one tried to intervene until one woman did. Her actions are believed to (34) _________ (save) the victim from whatever was going to happen to her. The incident has pushed the risks of solo traveling into the spotlight. Online forums like Sina Weibo (35) _________ (flood) with advice for how women (36) _________ protect themselves


2020 年上海高三英语一模分类汇编:翻译 2020 宝山一模 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 无论时走路、骑车还是开车,遵守交通规则都很重要。(follow) 73. 只有发展好、运用好、治理好互联网,才能使其更好地造福人类。(Only) 74. 鼓励你,给你建议,并提出有建设性的问题的人被称作人生教练或导师。(helpful) 75. 生命充满了挑战,但是只要你有学习新事物的意愿,就能得到克服障碍的正确态度。(willingness) 72. Whether you walk, cycle or drive a car, it ' s important to follow the rules of the road. 73. Only by developing, using and governing the internet well can it benefit mankind. 74. A person who encourage you, give you advice and asks helpful questions is called life coaching or mentor. 75. Life is full of changes, but a willingness to learn something new gives people the right attitude for overcoming obstacles. 2020 崇明一模 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 出于好奇,杰克向村民们打听了这座城堡的历史。(curiosity) 73. 我们最好分析一下公司最近几年发展减缓的原因。(analyze) 74. 人人都该意识到,减少人类活动对环境的负面影响是很有必要的。(it) 75. 我决心已定,无论你怎么劝我,我也不会同意放弃这个通过夜以继日的努力工作才获得的机会。(however) 72. Out of curiosity, Jack asked the villagers about the history of the castle. 73. We ' d better analyze(the reasons) why our company ' s development hians r eslcoewnet d down years. We' d better analyze the reasons for the slow-down of our company ' s development these years. 74. Everyone should realize that it 'qsu ite necessary to reduce the negative effect that human activity has on

上海牛津英语高一上 Unit 6 翻译练习(答案版)

Unit 6 翻译练习 1.火车由于事故延迟了一个小时。(hold up) The train was held up for one hour by the accident. 2.在考试中你必须利用好时间。(make use of) You must make good use of your time in exams. 3.他拿着一只装有柠檬水的瓶子。(which) He’s holding a bottle which contains lemonade. 4.这个物品,尽管小,却证明很好用。(prove) This article, though small, has proved most useful. 5.听到获得一等奖,她的脸上就露出了微笑。(appear) When she heard that she had won the first prize, a smile appeared on her face. 6. 他们的第一次见面最后成了他们合作的开始。(prove) Their first meeting proved to be the beginning of their cooperation. 7. 爸爸决定充分利用五一假期带全家去青岛。(use) Dad decided to make the best use of the May Day holiday to take the family to Qingdao. 8. 白色农业是指一种在水中种植植物的新的耕作。(farming) White agriculture means a new kind of farming that grows plants in water. 9. 黄小姐家门前花园里的红玫瑰看起来长得很好。(appear; nourish) The red roses which are in the garden in front of Miss Huang’s house appear to be well nourished. 10. 意识到健康重要性的人们正在越来越关注他们的饮食。(aware) People who are aware of the importance of health are paying closer attention to their diets. 11.农业是我国非常重要的一个产业。(agriculture) Agriculture is an important industry in our country. 12.他被告知这个工作需要出公差。(involve) He was told that the job would involve business trips. 13.由于身体差,他退休了。(account) He retired on account of ill health.


2020-2021学年上海市闵行区七宝中学 高三英语上学期10月月考试卷 I. Listening Comprehension(略) II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20分) Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. Challenging work that requires lots of analytical thinking, planning and other managerial skills might help your brain stay sharp (21) you age, a study published Wednesday in the journal Neurology suggests. Researchers from the University of Leipzig in Germany gathered more than 1, 000 retired workers who were over age 75 and had the volunteers’ memory and thinking skills (22) (assess)through a battery of tests. Then, for eight years, the scientists asked the same group to come back to the lab every 18 months (23) (take) the same sorts of tests. Those who (24) (hold)mentally stimulating, demanding jobs before retirement tended to do the best on the tests. And they tended to lose cognitive(认知)function (25) a much slower rate than those with the least mentally challenging jobs. The results held true even after the scientists accounted for the participants’ overall health status. “This works just like physical exercise,” says Francisca Then, who led the study. “After a long run, you may feel like you’re in pain, you may feel tired. But it makes you fit. After a long day at work — sure, you will feel tired, (27) it can help your brain stay healthy. ” It’s not just corporate jobs, or even paid work (26) can help keep your brain fit, Then points out. A waiter’ s job, for example, (28) ( require) multitasking, teamwork and decision-making could be just as stimulating as any high-level office work. And “running a family household requires high-level planning and coordinating(协调),” she says. “You (29) _______ ________organize the activities of the children and take care of the bills and groceries.” Of course, our brains can decline as we grow older for lots of reasons — including other environmental influences or genetic factors. Still, continuing to challenge (30) mentally and keeping your mind busy can only help. 【答案】 21. as 22. assessed23. to take 24.had held25. at26. that 27. but28.requiring 29. have to30. yourself 【难度】中等


2017 学年第一学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷 高三英语试卷 (满分 140 分,考试时间 120 分钟)2017.12 考生注意: 1.考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分 140 分。 2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸 上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3.答題前,务必在答題纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码貼在指定位置上,在 答題纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. At a bank. B. On the street. C. At home. D. In a cafe. 2. A. A concert. B. A book sale. C. A banquet. D. An art exhibition. 3. A. 50 minutes. B. 25 minutes. C. An hour and a quarter. D. An hour and a half. 4. A. The train will arrive on time. B. The train is late due to the storm. C. The woman will take the next train. D. The woman has to wait for the train. 5. A. She talks too much. B. She doesn’t like speaking. C. She is always very frank. D. She often talks loudly. 6. A. She doesn’t want to have a birthday party. B. She doesn’t like the gift. C. She wants to forget her birthday. D. She doesn’t w ant to grow old. 7. A. The woman doesn’t want to go out in the evening. B.The film is not worth seeing at all. C.The man won’t go to the movies with the woman. D.The man is very tired from his work. 8. A. The summer this year is terribly hot. B. Last summer was even hotter. C. Hot weather helps people lose weight. D. Light was stronger this morning.
