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a.好的 n. 井
fine a. 美好的 (天气,身体) good a. 好的
感谢的说法: Thanks 谢谢 Thank you. Thank you very much! 非常感谢

Goodbye 再见 老外在说: See you later. See you after. See you. ---- See ya. Later. 特殊场合:有时候说一会见不太好,我们用: Have a nice day!
Good evening !
Nice to see you !
Nice to meet you ! Glad to meet you !
Good bye ! Bye !
Bye-bye !
See you !
How are you? 这是朋友或相识的人之间见面时问对方身体情况的寒暄 话,一般回答是: Fine,thank you.
Look at the girl. She is lazy.
The end
Mr. Cheng Miss. Xu
woman [‘wumən] 女人
man [mæ n] 男人
pig [pig] 猪
fat [fæ t] 胖的
am [æ m] be动词,是 it [it] 它
he [hi:] 他
she [ʃi:] 她
is [iz] be动词,是
thin [θin] 瘦的
clean [kli:n] 干净的
dirty [‘də:ti] 脏的
The coat is clean. 这件大衣很干净。
The dress is dirty. 那件连衣裙很脏。
the [ðə] 定冠词,这,那
a/an 不定冠词,一
a coat 一件大衣 a dress 一件连衣裙
hot [hɔt] 热的
New words and expressions
hello hi how today well
fine thanks goodbye see
today 今天 tomorrow 明天 yesterday 昨天 the day after tomorrow 后天 the day before yesterday 前天
The rabbit is very busy.
The young man is very lazy.
busy ['bizi] 忙的
lazy ['leizi] 懒的
※注意:look at … 看…, 它主要是强调看的对象,所以 “at”不能丢哦!
Look at that man. He is fat.
I’m fine/ great, thanks.
I’m very well, thanks. 如果是很熟悉的朋友,大家也可以回答,Not bad。 当然,因为这属于寒暄语,所以我们就算心情很 差,一般也不会直接的就说bad. 除非是极要好的朋 友,你需要聊天和倾诉,也可以说Not good, 朋友 会追问why?,这样就产生出更多的对话。
Hi ,Steven .
How are you today ? I’m very well ,thank you .
And you ? I’m fine .Thanks.
How is Tony? He is fine .
How is Emma ? She is very well ,too.
Goodbye ,Helen . Nice to see you . Nice to see you , too ,
Steven .Goodbye .
二. Greetings (问候,打招呼)
Hello !
Hi !
Good morning !
Good afternoon !
How are you ?
Where do you come from?
What nationality is she?
Where is she from?
What’s her nationality?
What nationality is he?
Where is he from?
What’s his nationality?
rabbit ['ræ bit] 兔子
tall [tɔ:l] 高的 short [ʃɔ:t] 矮的 long [lɔŋ] 长的 翻译练习: 这把尺很长。This ruler is long. 那个男人很高。This man is tall. 那把尺很短。That ruler is short. 这个女人很瘦。This woman is thin.
cold [kəuld] 冷的
hot dog 热狗
I’m very hot. 我很热。 I’m very cold. 我很冷。 It is very hot. 天很热。 It’s very cold. 天很冷。
young [jʌŋ] 年轻的
old [əuld] 年老的,旧的
new [nju:] 新的 photo ['fəutəu] 相片 a young man 一位年轻男士 an old man 一位年老的男人 an old photo 一张旧照片 a new photo 一张新照片
• 事情进展如何? How is it going?=How goes it? • 生活如何? How's life? 工作怎样? How's work? 情况怎样? How are things?
And you? 它的完整表达是:
And how are you?
Nice to see you.
疑问代词 (Interrogative Pronouns)
相互代词 (Reciprocal Pronouns)
不定代词 (Indefinite Pronouns)
(1) 人称代词
口诀1: 主格和宾格的用法
主语上主格, 动介后宾格.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu口诀2: 并列人称代词的排列顺序
单数人代二三一, 复数人代一二三; 两性并列男在前, 承认错误我当先;
Lesson 9 How are you today ?
What’s your name?
What’s his name?
What’s her name?
What nationality are you?

What’s your nationality?
= =
Where are you from?
它的回答是: Nice to see you,too.
Grammar in use 语法点
代词是一种能代 替名词、形容词 或数词的词。
Which kind of pronouns is it?
人称代词 (Personal Pronouns) 物主代词 (Possessive Pronoun) 反身代词 (Reflexive Pronouns) 指示代词 (Demonstrative Pronouns)
see v.看见
近义词: look (at) v.看……(强调动作) watch v. 盯着看 read v. 看书,看报
Notes on the text 课文注释
一. Listen to the tape, and then fill in the blanks:
Hello ,Helen .
单数 格 人称 主格 宾格 第一人称 I me 第二人称 you you he him 第三人称 she her it it

复数 主格 宾格 we us you you
they them
Chant :
主格代词顺口溜: 我是I ,你是You ; 男他He ,女她She ,动物的它是It; 我们We ,你们You ,他们They. Who are you ?