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1.动词的定义:表示动作或状态的词叫做动词。表示动词的词如ask ,walk等


(1)实义动词又叫行为动词,能独立做谓语:如open,hold , learn



(4)情态动词,表示说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可能、应该或必要等。由于词义不完全,不能单独作谓语,要后接动词完成谓语部分:must、can、could、may、will 3.动词的基本形式



A.直接加“s”:read--reads leave---leaves

B.以e结尾的动词,直接加“s ”: come--comes close---closes

C.以s. x. sh. 结尾的单词,加“es ”: watch---watches fix---fixes wash---washes


D.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的单词,变“y”为“i”, 再加“es”: cry---cries



A.直接加“ed”:look--looked watch---watched

B.以e结尾的动词,直接加“d”: live--lived love--loved

C.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的单词,变“y”为“i”, 再加“ed ”: cry---cried

D.以“元音字母+y”结尾的单词,直接加“s ”:play---played


InfinitivePast tense InfinitivePast tense

1. am, iswas

2. keepkept

3. arewere

4. letlet

5. become became

6. make made

7. begin began 8. meet met

9. bite bit 10. put put

11. blow blew 12. read read

13. buy bought 14. ride rode

15. catch caught 16. run ran

17. come came 18. say said

19. cost cost 20. see saw

21. cut cut 22. sing sang

dug 24. sit sat

did 26. sleep slept

27. draw drew 28. speak spoke

29. drink drank 30. sweep swept

31. eat ate 32. take took

33. fall fell taught

35. feed fed 36. tell told

felt thought

39. fly flew 40. throw threw

forgot understood

43. get got 44. give gave

45. wake woke 46. go went

47. wear wore 48. grow grew

49. win won 50. have/has had

51. write wrote 52. know knew

53 .break broke


一、一般现在时: 表示经常性、规律性习惯性的动作或现在存在的状态。


1. 动作词一般用原形,但如果是第三人称单数时(如Tony ,he ,she ),动作词用第三人称

单数形式,即加s 或es ;

在主语前加do, does帮助疑问句,后面的动词用原形;

在动作词前加don’t, doesn’t 帮助否定句,后面的动词用原形。

2. 句子中没动作词时,用be动词:is , am , are ;

is , am , are 放在主语前帮助疑问句;

is , am , are 后面加上not帮助否定句。

3. 情态动词can, may, should,must引起的句子是一般现在时,后面接动词用原形;

can, may, should,must 放在主语前帮助疑问句,后面接动词用原形;

can, may, should, must后面加上not帮助否定句,后面接动词用原形。

4. 肯定祈使:动词原形+ 其它

否定祈使句:Don’t +动词原形+ 其它

5.感叹句:What a mess! What a beautiful desert! What beautiful flowers! ——What+(形)名How beautiful! How beautiful the flower is! How beautiful the flowers are! ——How+形

A. :(非第三人称单数)主语+V+其它We come from China.

(第三人称单数)主语+Vs+其它He comes from China.

主语+be (is, am, are)+其它We are from China.

主语+情态动词(can, may, should, must)+V+其它She must go.

B. :(非第三人称单数)主语+don’t +V+其它We don’t come from China.

(第三人称单数) 主语+doesn’t +V+其它He doesn’t come from China.

主语+be (is, am, are) not+其它I aren’t from China.

主语+情态动词(can, may, should, must)+not +V+其它C.一般:Do +(非第三人称单数)主语+V+其它Do you come from China

Does +(第三人称单数)主语+Vs+其它Does he come from China

be (Is, Am, Are)+主语+其它Are you from China

情态动词(Can, May, Should, Must)+主语+ V+其它She can’t go.

D.特殊疑问句:+do +(非第三人称单数)主语+V+其它Where do you come from

+does +(第三人称单数)主语+Vs+其它Where does he come from

+be (is, am, are)+主语+其它Where are you from

+情态动词(Can, May, Should, Must)+主语+ V+其它Can she go

二、现在进行时: 表示现在正在进行的动作。结构:

1. be动词( is , am , are) + 动词ing (现在分词);

is , am , are 放在主语前帮助疑问句,后面的动词加ing;

is , am , are 后面加上not帮助否定句,后面的动词加ing。

A. :主语+be(is, am, are)+Ving+其它They are coming here.

B. 否定句:主语+be(is, am, are)+not +Ving+其它They aren’t coming here.

C. 一般疑问句:be(Is, Am, Are)+主语+ Ving+其它Are they coming here

D. :特殊疑问词+ be(is, am, are)+主语+ Ving+其它What are they doing


1. 动作词用过去式(ed ) ;



2. 句子中没动作词时,用be动词的过去式:was , were;

was , were 放在主语前帮助疑问句;

was , were后面加上not帮助否定句。

A. :主语+Ved+其它We came from China

主语+be (was, were)+其它We were from China.

B. :主语+didn’t +V +其它We didn’t come from China.

主语+be (was, were) +not+其它We weren’t from China.

C.一般:Did +主语+V +其它Did you come from China

be (Was, Were)+主语+其它Were you from China D.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ did +主语+V +其它Where did you from

特殊疑问词+ be (was, were)+主语+其它Where were from


1. be going to + 动词原形
