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本毕业论文范文写的是水池水位自动控制电路的作用是根据水位的高低,自动地控制水泵的启动与停止。水泵和水位的高低是相互反馈的。这样就可以实现水位自动控制的目的。我所设计的水位制动控制装置是有以下几部分组成:水位自动控制电路,高低水位报警器,数码显示。水位自动控制在一定范围内(如 2 -6 米),当水位低至2米时使水泵启动上水;当水位升至6米时,使水泵停止工作。因特殊情况水位超限(如高至7米、低于2米)报警器报警。设有手动按键,便于随机控制。由数码管直观显示当前水位。本系统可以随时的控制水位的高低,防止过量放水或来水无人打开关。



According to the nature of an object floating in the water, you can use a float to sense the water level in the lift tower to control the pump, the pump automatically to the water tower, Sheung Shui, water, power off automatically when full stop pumping water tower, and truly automatic control tower to solve the inconvenience of daily water.

Pham Van of the thesis is written in the role of water level automatic control circuit is based on the level of the water level, automatic control of pump start and stop. Pumps and water level is the level of mutual feedback. This level can automatically control. I designed the brake control device is the water level has the following components: automatic water level control circuit, high and low water level alarm, digital display. Automatic water level control within a certain range (eg. 2-6 meters), when the water level as low as 2 meters, the Sheung Shui to start the pump; when the water level to 6 meters, the pump stopped working. Water level gauge due to special circumstances (such as up to 7 meters, as low as 2 meter) alarm to the police. With manual buttons, easy to stochastic control. Visual display by the LED current level. The system can control the water level at any level, to prevent excessive drainage or runoff and no open relations

Keywords:water tower; float switch; automatic pumpin


摘要................................................................ I Abstract (2)

第一章引言 (1)

第二章水位自动控制装置整体电路图及工作原理 (5)

2.1 整体装置电路图: (5)

2.2 工作原理: (6)

2.3 运行方式: (6)

第三章电路设计 (7)

3.1 水位自动控制电路设计 (7)

3.2 高低水位报警器电路设计 (8)

3.3 数字显示的电路设计 (8)

3.3.1 数码管的电路图 (8)

3.3.2 数字显示的原理 (9)

第四章故障处理 (10)

4.1 水泵的常见故障及检修 (10)

4.1.1 无法启动 (10)

4.1.2 水泵发热 (10)

4.1.3 流量不足 (10)

4.1.4 吸不上水 (11)

4.1.5 剧烈震动 (11)

4.1.6 深井潜水泵不上水或者水量小 (11)

4.2 关于PLC控制器 (12)

结论 (13)

致谢 (14)

参考文献 (15)




