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7 自由度工业机器人以工作范围大、动作灵活、结构紧凑、能抓取靠近机座的物体等特点备受设计者和使用者的青睐。由于有一个冗余自由度,很容易在确保最佳焊接姿势的同时,避免工件以及夹具对机器人工作臂的干扰。

本论文首先根据机器人持重3kg、工作范围1434mm、本体重量150kg,确立机器人为S腰部回转、L小臂摆动、E大臂回转、U臂部俯仰、R腕部扭转、B 腕部俯仰、T腕部回转的7自由度关节型弧焊机器人的总体结构;分析机器人的各个关节在转动惯量、角速度、加速度等技术指标下的工作状况,确定7个关节都采用交流电机驱动、机器人手臂专用减速器传动,同时B、T腕部关节还用到同步带传动。通过计算各关节所需电机的功率和转矩、减速器的减速比、同步带的要求并选型;用UG NX6.0画出机器人的各关节三维仿真模型,并装配成型。




7 dof industrial robots with large scope of work, flexible, compact structure, can

grab the object near the base are famous among so much designers and users. Because

there is a redundant freedom, it is easy to ensure the best welding position at the same

time, avoid workpiece and fixture work on the robot arm interference.

In this thesis, according to the robot puts up 3kg, the scope of work is 1434mm,

body weight is 150kg,establish 7 dof joint structure of arc-welding robot including S

waist, L arm swing, E arm rotation, U pitching arm, R wrist turn, B wrist pitch, T wrist

rotation. Analysis of the various robot joints in moment of inertia, angular velocity,

acceleration and other technical indicators of the work under the conditions identified

seven joints driven by AC motor, the robot arm dedicated reducer drive, while B, T

wrist joint is also used in synchronous belt drive. Required by calculating the joint

motor power and torque, reduction ratio reducer, belt requirements and selection; robot

with UG NX6.0 draw three-dimensional simulation model of each joint, and assembly


This research has extensive practical significance and application prospect. 7 dof

industrial robots designed for the follow-up dynamics analysis and motion control and

provide a reference, and can do further research and development.

Key words: 7 dof, industrial robot, mechanical structure


摘要............................................................................................................................I Abstract..............................................................................................................................II 目录.................................................................................................................................III 第一章绪论. (1)

1.1 课题背景 (1)

1.2 国内外工业机器人的发展概况 (2)

1.2.1 国内外工业机器人的发展现状 (2)

1.2.2 工业机器人的发展趋势 (4)

1.3 课题来源 (5)

1.4 主要研究内容 (6)

第二章7自由度工业机器人总体方案设计 (7)

2.1 机器人机械设计的特点 (7)

2.2 与机器人有关的概念 (7)

2.3 机器人的基本技术要求 (9)

2.4 机器人手臂结构型式 (10)

2.5 机器人结构方案的分析 (12)

2.5.1 7自由度工业机器人的外形结构设计 (12)

2.5.2 7自由度工业机器人的关节结构设计 (15)

2.6 机器人的驱动方式的选择 (19)

2.7 7自由度机器人的控制系统 (20)

2.7.1 7自由度工业机器人控制系统硬件部分 (20)

2.7.2 7自由度工业机器人控制系统软件部分 (21)

2.8 本章小结 (21)

第三章7自由度工业机器人结构设计 (22)

3.1 引言 (22)

3.2 减速器类型选择 (23)

3.3 同步带类型选择 (24)

3.4 机器人结构设计 (25)

3.4.1 T腕部回转关节交流伺服电机和减速器、同步带的选择 (25)

3.4.2 B腕部摆动关节交流伺服电机和减速器、同步带的选择 (30)

3.4.3 R回转关节交流伺服电机和减速器的选择 (36)

3.4.4 U回转关节交流伺服电机和减速器的选择 (38)

3.4.5 E回转关节交流伺服电机和减速器的选择 (40)

3.4.6 L摆动关节交流伺服电机和减速器的选择 (42)

3.4.7 S腰部回转关节交流伺服电机和减速器的选择 (44)

3.4.8 电机、减速器、同步带选型总表 (47)

3.5 电机型号 (48)

3.5.1 SGMGH系列1500转电机 (48)
