Bill Gates关于微软的演讲稿

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Bill Gates

Good morning. It's a great pleasure to be here. Today is a major milestone for Microsoft as our first Developers' Conference here in China. The key partnerships we build with software developers around the world are central not only to the success of Windows but also to realize the great possibilities that PC technology provides. It's through applications of every variety that businesses will be using the personal computer as the tool of the Information Age.


The storage systems are now delivering gigabytes of storage as the standard capability. Over 80 million PCs are being sold a year. And the server market, the higher performance machines that these PCs net- work with, that's the fastest growing part of the business. The performance of those servers is increasing not only because the individual processors are faster, but also because we're using multiple-processor machines, so called SMP designs对称多处理设计and clustering nodes together. We are also improving the high-end software on the server level. So a year ago, the fastest transaction benchmark using PC technology, was about 6,000 transactions a minute. Today, that's more than double to over 14,000 transactions a minute. And I can say with great confidence that during the next year we'll more than double that again.

存储系统提供lGB存储的标准功能。(全球)每年会售出8000多万台PC。在服务器市场中,令这些PC联网的性能更高的机器是发展最快的部分。这些服务器的性能不断提高,不仅是因为单一处理器速度更快,还因为我们正在使用多处理器机器,也就是被称为SMP 设计并实现节点的集群化。同时,我们也在不断提高有关服务器等级的高端软件。所以一年前,运用电脑科技最快的处理基准是一分钟处理6000项事务。现在,这个数字已经超过了一番达到一分钟处理14000项事务。并且我可以很自信地说,明年我们又将超过一番。

Microsoft has a vision for where the PC is going. And that vision says that PCs will become a central element of how companies share information inside the company. The name of that vision is the so called Digital Nervous System (DNS), allowing companies to reduce paperwork and make better decisions. The Digital Nervous System means that not only do you have the PCs and they are connected together, and not only do you have standard elements like electronic mail but also you really thought carefully about what information is important, and so all of the processes - order taking, sales planning, personnel management, project management - all of those have been set up to take full advantage of the capabilities of the computer.


Another major vision that Microsoft has is that writing programs, writing the applications for these machines needs to get very easy and we need to be able to do it, so we can write programs that run across the entire Internet which is millions of machines. And this is a new approach to programming that draws on what was done previously. DNS says that developers should be able to focus on their particular task and not have to learn a lot about management of the machine
