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I. Authors and their works (one point for each)

A. Try to give one of the works by the following writers

1. Thomas More _________________________

2. Daniel Defoe _________________________

3. John Milton _________________________

4. Henry Fielding _________________________

5. Percy Bysshe Shelley _________________________

6. Charlotte Bronte _________________________

7. G. Bernard Shaw _________________________

8. Virginia Woolf _________________________

B. Please point out the author of the following works

9. The Canterbury Tales _________________________

10. Macbeth _________________________

11. The Pilgrim’s Progress _________________________

12. Gulliver’s Travels _________________________

13. IWandered Lonely as a Cloud _________________________

14. Hard Times _________________________

15. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists ___________________ ______

II. Multiple Choice(one point for each)

1. The only complete piece of epic in old English is ________.

A. The Geste of Robin Hood

B. Beowulf

C. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

D. Mort d’Arthur

2. ________ is the main literary trend in the first period of the English Enlightenment.

A. Realism

B. Romanticism

C. Neo-classicism

D. Sentimentalism

3. Robert Burns wrote his poems chiefly in the ________ dialect.

A. Irish

B. London

C. Dublin

D. Scottish

4. The rise and growth of the ________ is the most prominent achievement of the 18th century English literature.

A. romantic poetry

B. realistic novel

C. neo-classical poetry

D. sentimental novel

5. Most of Shakespeare’s best plays were written in the ________ period of his dramatic career.

A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

6. John Milton is a great poet in the period of English ________.

A. feudalism

B. Renaissance

C. Bourgeois Revolution

D. Enlightenment

7. ________ is regarded as“Father of English Prose”, who was the first to write essays in

the English language.

A. Bede

B. Alfred

C. Francis Bacon

D. Samuel Johnson

8. The well-known soliloquy by Hamlet“To be or not to be…”shows his ________.

A. hatred for his uncle

B. love for life

C. resolution of revenge

D. inner strife

9. The impact of ________ upon Bernard Shaw was important and far reaching, which could find evident expression in many of his literary efforts.

A. socialism

B. capitalism

C. Utopia

D. Fabianism

10. “Don Juan”was written by Byron in ________. Don Juan, the hero in the poem, is a (an)________ youth of noble birth.

A. Italy; Spanish

B. Span; Italian

C. England; Italian

D. Italy; English

III. Blank-filling (one point for each)

1. The story in“Hamlet”comes from an old ________________ legend.

2. Sir ThomasWyatt first brought the sonnet to England from ________________.

3. “The Geste of Robin Hood”is the best known ________________ in the Middle English period.

4. Paradise Lost is a long ________________ divided into 12 books.

5. Robert Browning’s principal achievement lies in his introducing to English poetry


6. The most important poet in the Age of Elizabeth was ________________.

7. English literature began with the ________________ settlement in England.

8. ________________ was the representative poet of passive romanticism.

9. Richard Brinsley Sheridan was the most important English dramatist of the 18th century. His masterpiece is ________________.

10. In his novel“A Tale of Two Cities”, Dickens takes the ________________ as the background.

IV. Explain the following terms (five points for each)

1. Oxford Reformers

2. Romanticism

3. Enlightenment

4. Humanism

V. Talk about the following topics

1. Analyze the theme of “Oliver Twist”. (15 points)

2. Analyse the image of Maggie in “The Mill on the Floss”. (20 points)

VI. Analyze the following lines (10 points)

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,”—that is all

Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know



