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Food culture is not an abstract nguage is the carrier of culture.The great richness of traditional culture can be found in the study of

language historical records.As the live fossil of language, idioms enjoy great

popularity among people in the west because of their conciseness,vividness,distinctiveness and comprehensiveness.Reflected from the idioms are the

environment,life,history and culture of the native speakers as well as their

value orientations and beliefs.Idioms contain such a vigorous life that they

have held their place throughout centuries.It is worthwhile to make a

comparative study of Chinese and English idioms from a cross—cultural

communication perspective so as to have a good grasp of the meaning and

use of the language.There‘s a principle which is unchanged through all

ages,that“food is the first necessity of the people”.Just as Confucius put

it in Li chi,“Alimentation and reproduction,or in simpler terms,food and

drink and women are the two greatest desires of human beings”,as well as

in the English saying,“Bread is the staff of life”.As an essential

prerequisite for existence,food plays an irreplaceable role in the

development of society and progress of human beings,whether in ancient

times or in modern times,and whether in the East or West.However,not

all human beings have the same food or develop the same food habits,as

the famous English saying suggests that“One man’s meat is another man’s poison”,for food is closely related to culture.Food cultures and habits

vary with nations,which can be easily found in idioms.Such as “earn one’s salt”,“go Dutch”,“bring somebody to his milk”,which mirrors

individualism of the English.


英语习语之中饮食习语占据了相当重要的地位。由于在饮食习语当中涉及到了一些历史渊源或者宗教典故,以及每个民族所独有的象征性食物,这些都拥有浓厚的民族特色以及文化内涵。英国的饮食文化在很大程度上说是面包文化。英国位于欧洲大陆西侧,受温带海洋性气候影响,适合种植小麦,所以面包是主食,因此形成了独特的“面包文化”,并深刻地影响了西方其他国家。在以英语为母语的国家中,奶酪、蛋糕和黄油等食品也是富有特色的日常食物,受其饮食习惯的影响cheese, cake 和 butter 等词频繁地出现在西方习语之中。英语饮食习



面包和牛油是西方人最常见的食物,没有了这两样东西他们就不知道怎么做饭饮食,就像中国人离开了米和面就不知道如何做饭一样,所以很多的英语习语来源于bread和butter。如:Bread is the stall of man.(面包是人类的支柱),就是汉语的的“民以食为天”。bread and butter面包和牛油就转义成提供衣食住行等生活必需品的谋生之道。例如:Swan Lake is the bread and butter to the ballet company.(天鹅湖是那个芭蕾剧团的看家剧目)。bread and butter这两样东西在英语国家历史悠久,这个习语还转义为“基本的;日常的;实用的”。例如:It is a real bread-and-butter satellite.(这是个实用价值很高的卫星);They asked some bread-and-butter questions.(他们问了几个很普通的问题)。

bread and circuses本义是面包和马戏,转义为食物与娱乐。有了面包就不会饿肚子,但是人不能光靠面包生活,还要有精神生活。例如:It was bread and circuses time during spring festival. (春节是老百姓享受吃喝玩乐的日子);the greatest thing since sliced bread本义是自切片面包发明以来最伟大的事。转义为最受欢迎的人或事。例如:He got 13 points within 5 minutes,so he became the greatest thing since sliced bread among Chinese basketball fans.(他在五分钟内得了

13分,因此成了中国球迷心目最了不起的球星)。take the bread out of someone’s mouth(从别人口中抢面包),比喻抢某人的饭碗。break bread with someone本

义是与某人一起掰面包,转义为与某人共餐。bread line指失业者领取救济食物

的长队。earn one’s bread本义是赚自己的面包,现在转义为赚钱糊口。如:He earns his bread by working in a restaurant.(他靠在一家餐厅打工来赚钱糊口)。

Half a loaf is better than no bread.本义是半片面包比没有好,现转义为聊胜于无。

bread buttered on both sides两面都涂了牛油的面包,吃面包能涂上黄油真不错,既香又有营养,比喻过着舒适的生活。例如:He lived like a bread buttered on both sides.(过去他过着舒适的生活)。butter both sides of one’s bread在某人的面包两面都涂黄油,比喻一个可以在同一时间从两件事中获利。例如:He is buttering both sides of his bread———he works for us during the day and has a job

with another company during the evening.(他身兼两职,白天为我们工作,晚上在另一家公司上班)。know(on)which side one’s bread is buttered知道在面包的哪一面涂黄油。比喻知道自己利益所在。例如:He would’t be rude to his boss———he knows on which side his bread is buttered.他不会对老板无礼,他知道其中的利害。

Look as if butter would not melt in one’s mouth装成嘴里连黄油都融化不了的

样子。如果一个女人真连黄油放在嘴里都融化不了,那她真是娇弱无力,贤淑文静,心地善良,老实可靠。但是,这种人多数是装出来的。如:When a visitor comes in,she smiles and languishes,you’d think butter would not melt in her mouth.(当客人走进来,她就摆出一付笑眯眯、娇软无力的样子,仿佛纯净到了极点)。
