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1. 文艺复兴人文主义中世纪

2. 易经形而上形而下

3. 爱默生苏格拉底儒家

4. 印度教伊斯兰教佛教

5. 美国国会参议院众议院

6. CPI PPI 通货膨胀

7. 诺曼底登陆盟军第二战场

8. 细胞学说能量守恒定律生物进化论马克思主义





P5+1,UNCTAD,SCO,CDM,BRICS,the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly 67th Session,fisical cliff,CO2 enquivalent,SAARC,QE 3,Social media,Mandatory evacuation,Non-Aligned movement,Hamid karzai



1. 罗素的文章网上有原文

The misfortunes of humanbeings may be divided into two classes: First, those

inflicted by the non-human environment and, second, those inflicted by other

people. As mankind have progressed in knowledge and technique, the second

class has become a continually increasing percentage of the total. In old

times, famine, for example, was due to natural causes, and although people

did their best to combat it, large numbers of them died of starvation. At

the present moment large parts of the world are faced with the threat of

famine, but although natural causes have contributed to the situation, the

principal causes are human. For six years the civilized nations of the world

devoted all their best energies to killing each other, and they find it

difficult suddenly to switch over to keeping each other alive. Having destroyed

harvests, dismantled agricultural machinery, and disorganized shipping,

they find it no easy matter to relieve the shortage of crops in one place

by means of a superabundance in another, as would easily be done if the

economic system were in normal working order. As this illustration shows,

it is now man that is man's worst enemy. Nature, it is true, still sees

to it that we are mortal, but with the progress in medicine it will become

more and more common for people to live until they have had their fill of

life. We are supposed to wish to live for ever and to look forward to the

unending joys of heaven, of which, by miracle, the monotony will never grow

stale. But in fact, if you question any candid person who is no longer young

, he is very likely to tell you that, having tasted life in this world, he

has no wish to begin again as a 'new boy' in another. For the future, therefore

, it may be taken that much the most important evils that mankind have to

consider are those which they inflict upon each other through stupidity

or malevolence or both.


第二篇What was the origin of the oil which now drives our motorcars and aircrafts? Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. They think that the oil under the surface of the
