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school education/ social education/ censorship


1、There is not much relevant information provided

in the current school education system.

Having a glimpse of students’ curriculums, there is no subject related to lifestyle or eating habits.Occasionally one or two lectures held by schools instead of governments.

2、Governments ignore their responsibility of

warning against people’s unhealthy habits such as consuming junk food.

set no restriction on the production and sales of junk food.

smoke-free law

3、Governments do not have strong and

powerfulsurveillance and censorship against illegal advertisements of food and drugs.

Illegal advertisements of food and drugs are still rampant on media, arousing disturbance on people’s lifestyle.

in 20 years, people will live a more leisurely life.



education/ work/ life场景拆分


1、Students are facing unprecedentedly high

academic standard imposed on them.

exam-oriented education is being converted to quality-centric education. confronting endless tests and innumerable competitions and after-school activities to build up their “soft power”.

2、Jobs today are much more complicated than ever.

not only require a variety of knowledge and skills in different fields, also need employees to adapt to the new environment quickly, including how to relate well to colleagues.

3、Family life is not an easy topic to young people


all the more difficult to find the life partner; the tougher standard of getting married but with less income; have to strike/keep a balance between work and life.


拆分1: products

clothes/ food/ houses/ transportations tools

拆分2: make better的方式

appearance (food)

function (electric home appliances/ medicines)

price ( sales promotion in shopping malls)



拆分to be successful所需要的qualities

planning and organizing skill + detail-oriented perseverance

self-responsibility/ independence


1、People need to work out a clear plan before

cleaning, prioritizing what to do first.

Dothe laundry first, then make the bed, sweep the floor and so on.

2、People who can routinely clean their rooms

exhibit perseverance.

It is easy to clean for just three or four days, but for a long time, it needs one’s persistence.

3、People constantly cleaning rooms by themselves
