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4. 【表解】
a. sb. + 现在完成时
+since 从句( 过去时)+….
b. It is / has been + 时Ev间a段luation only.
ted with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2
练习:用C动op词y的ri适gh当t时2态00填4空-2。011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
初中英语 Evaluation only. 常用句型复习总结 ted with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2
Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
1. 【表解】
a. There
be +主语+……+某地/某时有……
Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
①It’s nice_ta_l_k_in_g___(talk) to you. ②It’s a pleasuret_o_m__e_et_____(meet)you. ③I think it’s difficult__t_o_s_e_e____(see) in the dark. ④It’s no use__c_r_y_in_g_____(cry)now.
①It__i_s_/h_a_s_b_e_e_n___ (be)five years since he went to America.
②I _h_a_v_e__w_o_r_k_e_d_ (work)in that hospital since I___le_f_t_(leave)the college.
ted wi②thItAwsaps othseefi.rSstltEiidmveeashluef_aoh_tar_ido_.b_Nne_eE_on_T_n_l3_y..(5beC) laileonnetaPt hroomfeil.e 5.2 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
⑤She__p_a_i_d___him 200 yuan for the bike.
6. 【表解】
a.It is/was +adj./n.+to do sth.
b.It is/was +adj./n. + doing sth.
c.主语+谓语+it+adEjv.+atloudaotisothn. only. ted 练wi习th一A:sp用o动se词.S的lid适es当f形or式.N填E空T。3.5 Client Profile 5.2
4.There are two knives and a pen on the desk.
5.The table has four legs.
Keys:1.F/ has —is 2.√3.F/have-be 4.√ 5. √
2 【表解】
for sth. It’s time + to do sth.
②I__sp_e_n_t_two hours doing my homework yesterday.
ted③wTritahveAllsinpgobsyea.Sirl_Eid_v_eca_sol_us_ftaos_t_riao.NnlitEtolTenml3yo..5re.Client Profile 5.2 ④__D__Cid_o/_Wp__yil_rl i_g_h__t 2it0_0_ta_4k_-e_2_0_1yo1uAthsrpeoesheouPrtsytoLgtod.there?
Copyright 2004-2011sAths.pose Pty Ltd.
c.sth. costs sb. some money d.sb.pays money for sth.
①How much___d_o_e_s__ a new dress___c_o_st___?
1.There has a ruler in the pencil case.
2.Mary has a new watch and some interesting
Evaluation only.
ted w3it.ThChAoepsrepyorisisggeho.tSinl2igd0e0tos4h-f2oav0re1.N1anEATpsap3rot.y5setChPilisetySnutLntPddra.oyf.ile 5.2
5. 【表解】 a.It takes sb. some time to do sth./sth. takes sb. some time
on sth.
b.sb. spends somEveatilmuae tion only. ted with Aspose.Slides for .NE(iTn) 3do.5ingClient Profile 5.2
_______lunch). to start
2It’s time for us_______(start) the class.
3. 【表解】 It is ( was ) the first ( second , third …) time + 主语+ 完成时 练习:用适当时态填空。
①It is the third time you _h_a_v_e_b_e_e_n___ ( be ) late this week.
will/be goEinvgatloubaetion only.
ted with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client PrBiblioteka Baidufile 5.2
Cohpayver/ihgahs…t 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
b.sb. will/be going to have…某人有……
for sEb.vtaolduoasttioh.n only. ted w练it习h:A用sp所o给se词.的Sl适id当es形f式o填r .空N。ET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2
1.It’Csotipmyeritgohhtav2e00(4ha-v2e0) l1un1chA.(sItp’osstiemePftoyr Ltd.