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1. 上学期王钢表现出色,被授予优秀学生的称号。

Last semester, Wang Gang was awarded the title of an Outstanding Student for his excellent performance.

2.同学们在教师节给老师做了一张贺卡,以表示对老师过去一年工作的感谢。On Teachers’Day, the students made a greeting card for their teacher, which symbolized their appreciation of what the teachers had accomplished in the past year.


The children were amused by the story about the cat.

4.连续几个晴天, 气温骤然升高。

The continual sunny days made the temperature soar sharply.

5. 饭后散步有助于消化。

Walking after supper promotes digestion.

1. 他们试图离开营地,但被大雪止住了。

They attempted to leave the camp but were stopped by the heavy snow.


Accidents due to driving too fast are on the increase.


They grew up in the same environment, so their behaviors had much in common.


In contrast to children in the mountainous areas, we are lucky to have access to computers.


We were bored at hearing her dwelling so much on her past glories.


You must have the appetite for success and try hard to realize it.

1 在许多情况下,一个单词的意思在美国英语和英国英语里有所不同。

In many cases the meaning of a word differs in American English and British English.

2 因为他在一个广东人开的餐馆里打过工,所以学会了一些广东话。

As he did a part-time job in a restaurant run by a Cantonese, he picked up some Cantonese.

3 一个复合词的意思并不一定是其构成部分的意思的相加。

The meaning of a compound (word) is not necessarily the sum of the meanings of its parts /components.

4 讲英语的外国人一般需要两三个月的时间来习惯澳洲口音。

It usually takes an English-speaking foreigner two or three months to get accustomed to the Australian accent.

5 许多外来词都已经融入到英语里。

Many foreign words have been mixed into the English language.

6 这些话都是我的肺腑之言。

These words came straight from the bottom of my heart.


1 在谈判中如果你对谈判对手了如指掌,你就不用担心会吃亏。

If you know your opponent inside out in a negotiation, you can rest assured that you won't be at a disadvantage.

2 你去年的收入总共有多少?

What was your income last year in the aggregate?

3 他似乎随时准备与人争论。

It seems that he is ready to plunge into argument with others at any time.

4 一切新产品都应该经过检验才能投放市场。

All new products must be subject to testing before they are launched into the market.

5 从管理层的角度看,他们是不大可能签订这份合同的。

From the point of view of the management, it is not likely they will sign the contract.

6 由于双方各执己见,谈判最终毫无结果。

Since both sides stuck to their own opinions, the negotiation ended up in nothing.

7 你应该打起精神来勇敢地面对生活。

You should psyche yourself up and face life bravely.

1 在欧洲合同原则上是书面的,而且起草得相当详细。

In Europe, contracts as a principle are put in writing, and written contracts are minutely drafted.

2 即使日本的合同是书面文字的,那也常常仅仅是很简明扼要的。

Even if Japanese contracts are put in writing, they are often only of a summary nature.

3 我可不愿意一晚上都听你说话。

I have little inclination to listen to you all evening.

4 学生的好坏不能简单地凭成绩来判断。

Students cannot be judged as being “good”or “bad”simply by their grades.

5 你把价格降低10%,真慷慨。

It’s very generous of you to cut your price by 10%.

6 这种观念受传统影响根深蒂固,很难轻易改变。

Being deeply rooted in tradition, such ideas cannot be changed easily.

7 相反,在现代中国男女是平等的。

On the contrary, men and women are equal in modern China.
