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When it mentions America and its democratic system, what will come first to people’s mind? Probably it is George Washington, the founder of the United States, praised as the “Father of His Country”, and also the first president of America.

For more than two hundred years, George Washington has always been admired and respected by American and even the world’s people. How can a person have so significant influences in America and even all over the world? It can be attributed to his characters of a great man and his powerful impact on the history of America and the world.

The February.22, 1732 witnessed the great moment in this New Land. With a newborn cry, a baby came to the world. It was George Washington.

As time flied, George entered the age of receiving education. However, at that time, there were few schools in Virginia,so he did not get the formal school education. But he learned by himself and tried his best to acquire knowledge .What’s more, he was nurtured deeply by his father both in intelligence and morality. The famous example was a story about the cherry tree.

When George was six years old, he got a lovely axe .Like other boys, he liked to go out with his axe and hack something .One day, he hacked the cherry tree in the yard . The next day when his father

saw his favorite tree destroyed, he was very angry. The little George admitted initially his mistake to his father. Moved by his honesty and courage, the father praised him .This little story showed that George possessed the virtue.

When he was 11years old, his father died .Then it was Lawrence Washington, his half--brother, that influenced him deeply. Lawrence had received good education in England. Attracted by his masculine demeanor and profound erudition, George regarded him as the model and imitated him hither and thither. In 1747,invited by his brother , moved to live with him. There he developed good habits of keeping accounts and drafting documents and mastered the technique of land-measuring, one of the most important and pragmatic skills in the colony of North America at that time. Later the three years of arduous and tough land-measuring life shaped his persistence, calmness and strong—will.

During his youth, George had possessed the great characters, so there was no surprise that he could stand out in America history.
