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乔治·华盛顿简介George Washington (February 22, 1732 - December 14, 1799), the United States outstanding bourgeois politicians, military strategists, revolutionaries, the founding fathers of the United States, the father, the first president.

1775 to 1783 American War of Independence when the Continental Army (Continental Army) commander in chief, 1787 presided over the Constituent Assembly. The meeting developed the current US Constitution. In 1789, he became the first president of the United States (which became the first president of the world to be the "president"), and in the successive elections, Have won all the electoral groups without objection support, has served as president until 1797. He has set up many policies and traditions that have continued into today's term. At the end of his two terms, he voluntarily waived his power to no longer seek to succeed.

Washington, as the most important role in the American War

of Independence and the founding of the country, was known as the "father of the United States", also known as "the father of the United States." The scholars tied him to Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt as the greatest president in American history. George Washington was rated by the American authoritative journal "Atlantic Monthly" as the second of the 100 characters in the United States.

乔治·华盛顿为政举措Build the United States

From 1775 to 1781, Washington led the army to fight the mighty British army. In this war of independence, Washington chose the right strategy, as the Roman general Fabius Maximus (Fabius Maximus) in the second Punic War strategy (Fabry strategy), continued to delay the enemy Will be able to make the British as Hannibal then, "attacked the door" but "no door into the door." Soon the British will understand that continuing to fight is just a waste of resources, they can only pursue the US military melee, but can not completely capture the main US military.

At the same time, Washington took the opportunity to attack. In 1776 he regained Boston in 1776, despite his defeat in the subsequent battle of New York and the battle of Long Island, but he persevered in the struggle, and at the end of 1776 and

early 1777, Terenton and Princeton were Victory. In October 1777, under his command of Horatio Gates and Benedictine Arnold led the North American Army in Saratoga to Bai Gao Ying led the 5000 British soldiers surrounded and captured the United States, the war of independence. Finally, in 1781, Washington personally led the army to Kang Weili (also translated Charles Convorius) generals of the British forces around the town of York. Under the attack of the United States and France, in October 1781, General Kang Wally and 7,000 British troops surrendered to the US military. The victory was the most glorious moment in Washington's career, and the end of the war on the North American battlefield - the North American people won the final victory.

The victory on the battlefield accelerated the independence of the United States, such as the recovery of Boston to promote the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. But Washington is not just a war of war. He is well aware that the war will win through diplomatic channels, rather than relying on the soldiers. York town after the victory over two years, after diplomatic negotiations, the United Kingdom finally admitted that the United States independent, meritorious Washington choose to retreat.
