










_____________________________________________________________ Dear Linda,

Knowing that you have a preference for Chinese calligraphy, I am writing to invite you to the calligraphy cultural exchange activity, which is scheduled on May 30th in the City Culture Center.

All the people present will have chances to enjoy an exhibition of traditional Chinese calligraphy and experience writing in the flesh. Besides, there will be a lecture addressed by a famous calligrapher, which will help you have a deep insight into classical Chinese culture.

I'd appreciate it if you could take my invitation into account. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

第二篇(2022·湖北省宜昌市九月起点)假定你是李华,你的外国朋友露西(Lucy)在媒体上看到我们中国人五一小长假(the May Day holiday)的出游盛况,来信询问你的假期经历,请你写一封回信,内容包括:










_____________________________________________________________ Dear Lucy,

How's everything going?I'm writing to share with you how I spent my May Day holiday.

Since the holiday lasted for 5 days, my family decided to drive to Hangzhou. As you saw in the news, the highway was packed with cars and excited crowds were seen everywhere. Though wearing a mask, people still enjoyed themselves to the fullest. During our stay, we tasted some local food and visited some famous scenic spots.

I felt happy and lucky enough to have such a good time with my family.


Li Hua

第三篇(2022·夷陵高中八月月考)你校英文报Sports and Health专栏正在征稿,邀请你推荐一项适合中学生的健身项目,要点包括:










Walking is the easiest and simplest form of exercise to stay healthy and lose weight. Besides, walking is of great convenience. You can take a walk during the class breaks or after dinner. You can walk at a fast speed or just walk slowly around the campus, and it is up to you to decide where you will walk and whom you will walk with. More importantly, you should avoid some unnecessary injuries which often occur in other sports and all you need may be only a pair of sneakers.

Choose walking and begin your journey to good health and healthy life with each step.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm writing to express my thanks for your timely rescue, without which my life couldn't have returned to normal.

A few days ago, an extremely frightening earthquake struck my hometown, which left a great number of houses in ruins and completely destroyed my house. Shocked to find everything buried under the fallen houses, I burst into tears/burst out crying. As far as I can judge, it seemed as if the world was at an end. Thankfully, strangers as you are, you have done everything in your power to help me have a shelter to live in and enough food and water to survive on. Therefore, I can't express my gratitude too much.


2023届高考英语应用文写作精选四篇(含范文) 第一篇(2022·湖南四校联考九月起点)假定你是李华,你的外教琳达(Linda)对中国书法(calligraphy)很感兴趣。5月30日,城市文化中心将举行一个书法文化交流活动,请给她写一封邀请信,内容包括: 1.时间、地点; 2.活动的内容:看展览、听讲座等; 3.活动的意义。 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Dear Linda, Knowing that you have a preference for Chinese calligraphy, I am writing to invite you to the calligraphy cultural exchange activity, which is scheduled on May 30th in the City Culture Center. All the people present will have chances to enjoy an exhibition of traditional Chinese calligraphy and experience writing in the flesh. Besides, there will be a lecture addressed by a famous calligrapher, which will help you have a deep insight into classical Chinese culture. I'd appreciate it if you could take my invitation into account. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua


高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解 一、邀请信:邀请外教参加英语角活动 假定你是校英语俱乐部的李华,正在筹备一次英语角活动。请写一封电子邮件邀请指导老师Kevin参加,内容包括:1.发出邀请;2.活动时间、地点;3.活动内容。 注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 写作注意要点 1.基本时态为一般现在时和一般将来时。 2.写作思路:三段论。第一段开门见山发出邀请;第二段写活动时间、地点和内容(要点1 & 2);第三段期待回复。 【参考范文】 Dear Kevin, In order to further increase students' interest in learning English and enhance their oral English ability, our English Club is going to hold an English corner. I am writing to invite you to this activity. The event is scheduled to be held in the Lecture Hall of the Art Building at 3pm this Saturday, running for two hours. You are expected to give us a special lecture on Western culture and customs, followed by a free talk about the differences between Chinese and Western culture. We are greatly honored to have your presence. Looking forward to your reply. (98 words) Yours, Li Hua 【中文翻译】 亲爱的凯文老师, 为了进一步提高同学们学习英语的兴趣,增强同学们的英语口语表达能力,我们英语俱乐部打算举办一次英语角活动。我写信邀请您参加此次活动。 此次活动计划在本周六下午3点在艺术楼报告厅举办,为期2个小时。我们希望您能为大家做一个西方文化习俗的专题讲座,然后有由大家围绕中西文化差异自由发言和交流。 您的出席将让我们万分荣幸。期待您的回复。 李华 【参考范文解析】 1.应用文写作前三步骤: (1)审题判定文体为邀请信; (2)因Kevin是指导教师,故李华身份不必交代; (3)因文本主体部分为介绍英语角活动的时间、地点和活动内容,故本文总体时态定调为一般现在时和一般将来时。 2.本文的亮点: (1)be scheduled to do sth计划做某事; (2)running for ...持续...时间,分词短语作状语; (3)be expected to do sth期待某人做某事,运用了被动语态; (4)followed by接着是...,运用了分词短语结构; (5)we are greatly honored to do sth做某事万分荣幸; (6)have one's presence邀请某人出席(活动)。 二、介绍信:汉学社介绍 假定你是校汉学社(the Sinology Society)社长李华,得知你校英国交换生Adam对你社很感兴趣。请你给他写一封邮件简要介绍。内容包括:1.社团宗旨;2.社团活动;3.邀请加入。


高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解 一、报道:庆祝世界水日青年志愿者活动 每年的3月22日是"世界水日"(World Water Day),上周日上午你校学生会组织部分青年志愿者走上街头开展公益宣传活动。假定你是李华,请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1.活动目的;2.活动内容;3.活动反响。 注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 写作注意要点 1.基本时态为一般过去时。 2.写作思路:三段论。第一段介绍活动时间、地点、事件和目的(要点1);第二段介绍活动内容(要点2);第三段写活动反响(要点3)。 【参考范文】 A Youth Volunteer Activity Celebrating World Water Day Last Sunday morning witnessed a nonprofit publicity about"World Water Day" organized by the Student Union in People's Square, in order to arouse the public concern on water resource, and cultivate people’s responsibility of saving water. Volunteers adopted various forms, ranging from signatures on the banner to photo exhibition, as well as distribution of leaflets, to publicize the establishment of the World Water Day and its significance, and show the current severe situation of water resource destruction. The public were encouraged to act together and protect water resources, the environment, and the planet we live in. Through this activity the public have not only become aware of the importance of water conservation, but also realized the truth of all for environmental protection, environmental protection for all. (124 words) 【中文翻译】 庆祝世界水日青年志愿者活动 为了唤起全社会对水资源的关注,培养广大市民节约用水的责任感,上周日上午,校学生会组织部分青年志愿者到人民广场开展“世界水日”公益宣传活动。 志愿者们通过条幅签名、 展、分发传单等形式,向全社会宣传世界水日的设立及其意义,并向市民展示目前水资源被破坏的严峻形势,号召广大市民共同行动起来,保护水资源,保护环境,保护我们赖以生存的家园。 此次活动不仅让广大市民意识到水资源保护的重要性,也让大家明白了“人人为环保,环保为人人”的道理。 【参考范文解析】 1.应用文写作前三步骤: (1)审题判定文体为报道; (2)因文体是报道,故李华身份不必交代; (3)因文本主体部分为介绍活动内容,故本文总体时态定调为一般过去时。 2.本文的亮点: (1)witness用作无灵主语(即拟人写法); (2)ranging from ... to ...强调范围广时使用; (3)as well as=not only ... but also ... (4)become aware of意识到; (5)all for environmental protetion, environmental protection for all.人人为环保,环保为人人。此句改编自大仲马的《三个火枪手》中All for one, one for all人人为我,我为人人。


高考应用文模板 1.投诉信 Dear ______ (称谓), I am _______, a senior high school student. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment about the unpleasant experience which happened a few days ago. In the first place, ______(问题一). In addition, ______(问题二). Under these circumstances, ______(问题的结果) . I do hope you can deal with this problem. It is required that I should get a replacement, or I should receive a full refund. (提出解决问题的办法或者要求) I'd appreciate it if you can cope with it as early as you can. Looking forward to your prompt reply.(期待回复) Yours sincerely, Li Hua 2.演讲稿 Good morning, everyone, / Ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honor for me to stand here to deliver/address a speech.My topic today is ______(主题). There is no doubt that ______(陈述自己的观点). However, ______(陈述问题), which gives rise to______(问题结果). To remedy (v.解决) the situation, we students need to spring into action. We are supposed to ______(建议一).Do dear in mind that ______(建议二). That’s all. Thank you! 3.求助信 Dear ______ (称谓), I am ______(自我介绍) . I’m writing to you in the hope of seeking for help.(写信目的). Faced with so many problems, I have to turn to you for help. First, I have trouble in _________________(遇到的困难1). What’s more, ___________(遇到的困难2)is also very difficult for me to do. Therefore, could you please put forward some practical suggestions? I am convinced that I will benefit a lot from your valuable and timely advice. I would appreciate it if you could respond at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 4.邀请信 Dear ______ (称谓), Knowing that you are enthusiastic about _____, I am writing to invite you to participate in it. As scheduled, the ______(活动) falls on ______(具体日期), lasting from______ to______(具体时间点) , during which time a wide variety of activities will be put on. To begin with, _______(具体活动1). In addition, _______(具体活动2)I believe that you will be very interested in these activities. This is a good opportunity for you to ______(重要意义). Hopefully, you can spare time to join us. Should you have any question, please don’t hesitate to let me know. May you have a good time! Yours sincerely, Li Hua


2023年高考英语专题复习:应用文写作30篇范文汇编 1 由于疫情(Covid-19)原因,你所在国际学校原定下周举行的生命科学周将改为网上进行。你受学生会委托写一则英文通知,内容包括: 1.变更原因; 2.具体活动; 3.期待参与。 Notice May 18,2020 Life Sciences Week Due to the on-going concerns regarding COVID-19,we have decided to move our Life Sciences Week,scheduled for May 22-26,to a fully virtual experience. Life Sciences Week is a five-day exploration of the natural world.Lectures to be delivered by distinguished professors will provide you with more insights into rare species of flora and fauna. Besides,you can watch documentaries to get a unique and intimate glimpse into the secretive lives of germs.There will also be a digital exhibition featuring students' paintings and photographic works,where you will be awed by the beauty of our community. The full list of events is now available at our school website.Please join us online for an exciting and rewarding experience! The Students' Union 2 中美贸易战 假定你是李华,给美国总统特朗普写一封信,表达作为中国人对中美贸易战的态度,内容包括: 1)中美两国人民都爱好和平;


2022高考全国甲卷英语应用文写作范文 题目 你校将以六月八日世界海洋日为主题,举办英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文投稿。 1. 海洋的重要性; 2. 保护海洋的倡议。 注意: 1. 词数100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Our Oceans,Our Responsibility 范文 Our Oceans,Our Responsibility There is comprehensive evidence that we humans are not taking good care of the ocean, posing a lot of problems, such as plastic pollution, oil leak, rising sea levels as well as extreme weathers. As a consequence, great importance should be attached to protect our ocean. Admittedly, intense attention should be paid and tireless effor ts be made by people all over the world. Initially, governments need to consider making policies and taking proper measures to to conserve our ocean. In addition, what is of utmost importance is that we individuals should raise our awareness of environment protection, reducing our footprint and living a green lifestyle.


2023年浙江首考高考英语应用文范文三篇 上周末你参加了学校学生会组织的“认识我身边的植物”活动,请你给校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括: 1.活动的过程; 2.收获与感想。 Getting to Know the Plants Around Us ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________ 下水作文: Last weekend I attended the “Getting to know the plants around”activity organized by the school’s student union. It was a day-long event where we toured around campus appreciating and identifying the variety of flora that co-inhabit our space. From the plants that were nurtured indoors to wild plants that persevered on their own, we identified more than 150 different species that live around us. All participants left the activity with a newfound appreciation for the vegetation around us and how it makes our school a diverse and beautiful place. 下水作文:

2023年新高考英语二轮复习 应用文写作 佳作背诵20篇

2023年新高考二轮复习英语应用文写作训练 (佳作背诵20篇) 1.宣传稿 假如你是李华,你校将举办以“人工智能与生活”为主题的科技创新大赛(the Science and Technology Innovation Contest)。请你用英语为本次活动写一则宣传稿,内容包括:1.比赛目的; 2.主题与内容; 3.参赛方式。 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 范文必背 A Special Contest You Won’t Want to Miss To inspire us with scientific creativity in this ever­changing “smarter” world, we have a Science and Technology Innovation Contest on the way. The coming contest, with the theme of “Artificial Intelligence and Our Life”,will serve as a platform to show our talents for technological innovation. Works ranging from scientific designs to inventions facilitating our daily life with AI are welcome. If interested, please submit your work to the Students’ Union Office before December 1st. I believe every participant will achieve something amazing. 2.通知 近期你校将举办英语听力竞赛,请用英文给你校英语俱乐部成员写一则通知,内容包括:1.竞赛信息; 2.表达期待。 注意:词数80左右。 【范文必背】 NOTICE In order to stimulate an active role in learning English,an English listening contest is going to be organized in the school hall on October 10th.We hope all of you take an active part. There will be 12 teams competing in the contest,which will begin at 9∶00 am and end at


北京卷高考英语作文深度解读+精彩范文 书面表达(满分20分) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Jim正在策划一次以“绿色北京”为题的社团活动他发来邮件询间你的建议。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括1.活动形式;2.活动内容注意: 1词数100左右 2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数 解思路(列好后三审) 1写信目的 2具体建议 3表达希望 Dear Jim Delightedly hearing that you are planning a club activity themed "Green Beijing , I am writing to make my suggestions for the event. To begin with, I suggest organizing a walking tour around the city to explore the green spaces in Beijing which will allow participants to experience the beauty of the city's parks and gardens while promoting eco-friendly transportation. Another effective activity is planting trees to contribute to the city's green efforts. I hope these suggestions are helpful. I'm looking forward to participating in this event and promoting environmental awareness together. Yours, LiHua 非常高兴听到您计划组织以“绿色北京”为主题的社团活动,我写信来提出一些活动建议首先,我建议组织一次步行游览城市的活动,探索北京的绿色空间,这将让参与者在推广环保交通的同时,体验城市公园和花园的美丽。另一个有影响力的活动是种树,为城市的绿化工作做出贡献。我希望这些建议有所帮助。我期待着参与这个活动,与大家一起促进环保意识。参考范文2 Dear Jim It's great to hear that you are planning a club activity with the theme of "Green Beijing.. I would share my suggestions with you! Firstly, I suggest you include a visit to some of Beijing's famous parks such as the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven. Not only are they beautiful and scenic locations, but they also contain rich cultural and historical significance Secondly, you could organize a tree planting

2023全国甲卷 英语应用文

2023全国甲卷英语应用文 假定你是李华,外教Ryan准备将学生随机分为两人一组,让大家课后练习口语,你认为这样分组存在问题。请你给外教写一封邮件,内容包括: 1.说明问题; 2.提出建议。 注意: 1.写作词数应为80个左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Dear Ryan, I’m Li Hua from Class 3. _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【答案】 Dear Ryan, I’m Li Hua from Class 3. I think it’s not a good idea to randomly

pair up students for the spoken English training after class. The reasons are as follows. To begin with, randomly pairing up students may lead to unbalanced language abilities within the groups. This can hinder the progress of students as the more advanced one may dominate the conversation, leaving little room for the other students to improve. Besides, students may feel uncomfortable or less motivated if paired with someone who they don’t get along with or have difficulty communicating with. My suggestion is to group students based on their language abilities or to let students choose their own partners. This way, everyone can feel more comfortable practicing and improving their spoken English together. Thank you for considering my suggestion. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


2023届新高考英语应用文讲义:浙江省12月联考真题范文 1、2022年12月浙江省高三“浙里卷天下”百校联考应用文真题 假定你是李华,上周六你校举办了一场歌咏比赛。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括: 1.参加人员; 2.比赛情况; 3.活动评价。 注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 【原创作文】 A Singing Competition Our school held a singing competition last Saturday, with 20 students participating. The event was divided into a preliminary round and a final round, with the top 10 performers from the preliminary round moving on to the final. The judges selected the first, second, and third place winners based on vocal ability, stage presence, and overall performance. The event was a great success and received a lot of support from the school community. All participants received participation certificates, and the winners received trophies and certificates as well. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to showcase their singing skills and we hope to hold similar events in the future. 【参考范文】 A Singing Competition Last Saturday, our school organized a singing competition, It was a sunny day which was suitable for an outdoor activity. All the students and teachers in our school took part in it, which lasted for 3 hours, To our excitement, there were 40 participants competing with each other, including 6 teachers. It was our headmaster who presented the awards to the winnersThrough this competition, not only did we gain the courage


2023全国二卷英语作文范文(通用5篇) 【满分作文】 Dear Terry How are you doing? Learning that you are about to pay a visit to a Chinese friend and confused about the Chinese customs, I am writing to put forward some advice. Firstly, I would 1ike to suggest that you arrive 5 to 10 minutes earlier, which is common in Chinese traditional culture. Secondly, if I were you I would bring some appropriate gifts with me, such as souvenirs from my own country. Besides, table manners are also what you should pay attention to. For example, you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into your food. Instead, laying them on your dish is a smart choice. If you have any other problems, please dont hesitate to contact me. 2023全国二卷英语作文范文第2篇 奇妙无比的大自然声音既动听,色彩也很迷人,这种声音,是人类无法演奏出来的。 早晨醒来,我看见天空乌云密布,看起来要下雨了。淘气的小鸟正叽叽喳喳地在谈些什么呢?它们好像在说:要下雨了,要下雨了! 我打开窗户一滴雨点打在了我的脸颊上。啊,好凉快啊!接着,雨滴答滴答地从天上往下落,它们告别了云哥哥来到这美丽的世界,滋润这万物。


高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解 一、道歉信:不能如期拜访教授 假设你是李明,因故取消旅行计划,无法如期去拜访史密斯教授。请给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.道歉并解释原因;2.建议换见面时间。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 写作注意要点 1.基本时态为一般现在时。 2.写作思路:三段论。第一段开门见山表示道歉(要点1);第二段解释不能如期拜访的理由并更换时间(要点2 & 要点3);第三段再次道歉。 【参考范文】 Dear Professor Smith, I'm terribly sorry to inform you that I have to cancel my travel plan, therefore failing tomeet you as scheduled. I sprained my ankle while playing volleyball yesterday and the pain was unbearable. The school nurse treated me briefly and rushed me to the hospital. After examination, the doctorinsisted onmy not walking around for a month while recovering from my injury. Could I postpone our meeting with each other till the New Year's Day, when I will have a week's vacation? My apologies again. Looking forward to seeing you soon. (93 words) Yours, Li Ming 【中文翻译】 亲爱的史密斯教授, 我很抱歉告知您,我不得不取消我的旅游计划,因此无法和您如期见面。 昨天我在打排球时扭到脚,疼痛难忍。校医给我做了简单处理后将我送到医院。经过检查,医生说我一个月不能下地。我是否可以在元旦时再来拜访您?那个时候我有一周的假期。 再次向您表示抱歉。期待我们早日相见。 李明 【参考范文解析】 1.应用文写作前三步骤: (1)审题判定文体为道歉信; (2)由原文本信息推断两人彼此熟悉,故李明身份可不交代; (3)因文本主体部分为解释不能如期拜访的原因,故本文总体时态定调为一般现在时。 2.本文的亮点: (1)I'm terribly sorry我非常抱歉; (2)inform sb that告知某人某事; (3)fail to do sth无法做某事; (4)as scheduled如期; (5)rush sb to sp把某人迅速送到某地; (6)insist on doing坚持做某事; (7)my apologies again再次表示歉意。 二、感谢信:感谢美国同事的热情款待 假设你是中美文化交换生项目成员张伟,刚从美国返回中国。请你写一封信给你的美国同事,内容包括:1.感谢热情款待;2.邀请适当时候来中国游玩。 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解 一、倡议信:保持身心健康 假如你是学生会主席李华,为促进学生身心健康发展,请你面向全体学生写一份倡议书,内容包括:1.倡议目的;2.倡议内容;3.倡议与希望。 注意:1.写作词数应为80词左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 写作注意要点 1.基本时态为一般现在时。 2.写作思路:三段论。第一段描述倡议目的(要点1),;第二段倡议的内容(要点2);第三段倡议与希望(要点3)。 【参考范文】 Dear fellow students, It is health that really matters in the process of our learning and growth. Therefore, it's high time to take action in order to improve our physical and mental health. Balancing our study and life always comes first, for only by rest regularly can we refresh ourselves to greet the new day and devote ourselves to the study. It is also a must to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, and learn to relax ourselves and free ourselves from stress. Plus say no to negative attitude, which will only make us lose confidence and lead us to go from one failure to another. Let's keep healthy together! (111 words) The Student Union 【中文翻译】 亲爱的同学们, 健康对于处于学习和生长期的我们而言无疑很重要。为了提升我们的身心健康,是时候该行动起来了。 首先要平衡好自己的学习和生活,做到规律作息,使自己每天都能振作精神迎接新的一天。其次,有必要参加丰富多彩的课余活动,学会让自己在紧张的学习中放松自我。最后,要拒绝消极态度,因为它只会让我们丧失信心,从失败走向失败。 让我们一起,保持健康吧! 学生会 【参考范文解析】 1.应用文写作前三步骤: (1)审题判定文体为倡议信; (2)因文本是倡议信,故作者身份不必交代; (3)因文本主体部分为倡议保持身心健康,故本文总体时态定调为一般现在时。 2.本文的亮点: (1)It is health that really matters运用强调句型表达保持身心健康的重要性; (2)it's high time ...是时候该做某事了; (3)it's high time to do sth是时候该去做...了; (4)... only by rest regularly can we refresh ourselves ...否定词置于句首产生部分倒装结构; (5)It is also a must to do sth做某事也是必须的; (6)a variety of多种多样的; (7)free sb from sth使某人免于遭受; (8)Plus say no to sb此外,要拒绝... (9)go from one failure to another从失败走向失败。
