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1.It is said the Great Wall_______ the Warring States, is _______worth visiting.

A. dated from; much B.dated from; well

C. dating from; much D. dating from; well




考查非谓语动词和副词。句意:据说长城始建于战国时期,非常值得参观。date from追溯到,用现在分词做伴随状语,be well worth doing很值得做某事,故选 D 项。

2.--- I was walking along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.

--- You can never be ______ in the street .

A. careful enough B. much careful C. very carefully D. too carefully

【答案】 A



和 be 连用,后跟形容词,排除C,D;且根据句意,所以选A。

3.(杭州一检 )She paused________over the unfamiliar word but soon continued.

A. frequently C. anxiously 【答案】 B B.briefly D. casually


考查副词辨析。句意为:她碰到不熟悉的词稍微停顿了一下,但很快又继续了。frequently 频繁地; briefly 短暂地,暂时地;anxiously 焦急地; casually 随意地,偶然地。


4.(浙江卷 )I ’ ve been writing this report________for the last two weeks, but it has to be handed in tomorrow.

A. finally C. occasionally 【答案】 C B.immediately D. certainly


考查副词辨析。finally 最后,终于; immediately 立即,马上; occasionally 偶尔; certainly 当然。句意为:在过去的两周里,我________在写这份报告,但是明天就必须要上交了。根据句意和逻辑,此处应表示没完成之意。所以空格处用occasionally。


5.You say you are innocent, but we have good reasons to think.

A. twice B. over

C. aloud D. otherwise

【答案】 D




A. twice 两次,两倍;

B. over 结束,越过;

C. aloud 大声地;

D. otherwise 否则,另外。故选D。

6.China may as well keep its growth above 7 percent. __________, the rate may be set between 6 to 7 percent, for the sake of a healthy environment.

A. Consequently B. Alternatively C .Accordingly D. Contrarily

【答案】 B




税率可以设定在6%到 7%之间。 A. Consequently 因此,所以; B. Alternatively 或者; C. Accordingly 于是,因此; D. Contrarily 反之,相反。表示“选择”,故选 B.

7.Don’ t defend him any more. It’ s obvious that he ___________ destroycedofthethefen garden even without apology.

A. accidentally C. deliberately B.carelessly D. clumsily





歉。 A. accidentally 偶然地; B. carelessly 粗心地; C. deliberately 故意地,刻意地; D. clumsily 笨拙地。根据前一句

坏的,故选 C 项。

Don’ t defend him any more可.推知,他是故意把花园的围墙弄8.________ he has not pleaded the guilty.

A. So far C. Till far B. As D. By far

【答案】A 【解析】【详解】

考查 So far 的固定用法。句意:到目前为止,他还没有认罪。So far 到“目前为止”,与现在完成时态连用,故选A。

9.— I ’ m driving to Beijing after breakfast.

—Take care,with all this fog.


【答案】 A

B. mainly C. extremely D. really


考查副词辨析。尤其是在这样有雾的天气。 A 尤其 B 主要地 C 极其地 D 真正地

10. If an entire country gets richer at the same time, individuals wouldn't ________ feel wealthier, since their relative positions in society haven't changed.

A. necessarily B. initially C. typically

【答案】 A

D. sustainably




在社会中的相对地位并没有改变。 A. necessarily 必要地; B. initially 最初; C. typically

性地; D. sustainably 支撑得住。根据后面的since 从句可推知,个人不一定感到更富有,

代表not necessarily不一定,故选A。

11. For those ____don A. which; much C. who; much

【答案】 C ’ t smoke, it is ____ easier not to start smoking than it is to quit it.

B.which; more

D. who; more




____don ’ t smoke这是一个定语从句,t hose 是先行词,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,用who,排除 A 和 B,第二个空用much 修饰比较级,故选C。

12. What made them miss the deadline was not their lack of funding, but ________ their lack of planning.

A.even C. rather B.still D.ever




考查副词。句意:使他们错过最后期限的不是缺少资金,而是缺少计划。 A. even 甚至; B.
