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Unit 1 Making new friends Topic 1 Welcome to China!

Section B

The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a, 2a和3a。

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. (1) Learn the letters Hh-Nn.

(2) Learn some new words:

Miss, this, is, Mr.=mister, see, my,mom, teacher, how, do

2. Learn about greetings and introductions:

①Miss Wang, this is Michael. Michael, this is Miss Wang.

②—Nice to see you.

—Nice to see you, too.

③—How do you do?

—How do you do?

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:10分钟)


1. (让学生做上节课的字母接力游戏,复习字母Aa-Gg。也可以让两位学生在黑板上听写,要


2. (教师用小黑板展示上节课所学功能用语,让学生配对。)

T: Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B.




2.Welcome to China!b.Nice to meet you, too.

3.Good morning!c.No, I’m not. I’m Wei Hua.

4.Nice to meet you.d.Hello!

5.Are you Kangkang?e.Good morning!


3. (师生对话,导出新词。)

T: Good morning, S1!

S1: Good morning, …

T: Oh. I’m …, you can call me Mr./Miss… (教师给以汉语提示。)


Mr. = mister


Ss: Good morning, Mr./Miss …

T: Hi, S2! Nice to see you.

S2: Hi, Mr./Miss …Nice to see you, too. (如果学生答错或答不出来,教师给以帮助。)


4. (教师用多媒体出示其他老师的照片作介绍,引出This is …这一句型。)

T: This is Mr. …/This is Miss …


5. (出示1a教学挂图,导入新课。)

T: Now Kangkang, Michael and Miss Wang meet at the school gate. What are they saying?

Do you want to know? Let’s come to 1a together. (教师给以汉语提示。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:8分钟)


1. (放1a录音,让学生结合挂图了解1a对话的大致内容,必要时可放两遍。)

2. (再放1a录音,让学生跟读并模仿语音语调,然后找两位同学一起对话表演。)

T: Listen to 1a again and repeat, and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Then practice the dialog with me.

S1: Good morning, Miss Wang!

T: Good morning, S1!

S1: Miss Wang, this is S2. S2, this is Miss Wang.

S2: Nice to meet you.

T: Nice to meet you, too.

3. (让学生三人一组练习1a对话,然后找2~3组同学表演,对表演好的小组给予表扬和鼓


T: Please practice 1a in groups, then act it out.

4. (让学生根据1a,介绍自己的新同学给其他同学,完成1b。)

T: Introduce your new classmates to others, using “This is …”. Then make your own conversations according to 1a.

Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:10分钟)


1. (教师出示3a教学挂图,让学生根据图中情境,猜出How do you do?的意思。)


2. (让学生听3a录音,结合图片理解对话情境。)

3. (再放3a录音,让学生跟读,并模仿语音语调,然后进行人机对话。)

T: Listen to 3a and repeat, and imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Then practice the dialog with the tape.

4. (让学生三人一组,分角色练习3a对话,然后表演,完成3a。)
