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第二题对话理解这大题共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从每小题所给的A\.B C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

6. A. Betty B. John C. Nick

7. A. Rainy B. Windy C. Sunny

8. A. A bank ckerk B. A worker C. A teacher

9. A. In the classroom B. At home C. At the library

10. To take the test B. To go hiking with C. To do some schoolwork


11.What are the after-school activities for?

A. Learning to cook

B. Developing acting talent.

C. Being a person with skills

12. How many clubs are there in the school?

A. 30

B. 16

C. 9

13. Who set up the clubs for the students/

A. The scientist.

B. A girl named Ann

C. The school and students

14. What do students do in the Future Star Club?

A. They only perform for fun .

B. They make up shows for charity

C. They make

money for performing

15. Which club help kids know more about the scientist world?

A. The Music club B The Chemistry Club C. The Balanced Diet Club


16.—Excuse me, is this your ticket?

__No, it isn’t. _______is in the drawer.

A. Mine

B. Yours

C. Hers

17. I’m thirsty. Could you please give me some______?

A. orange

B. apple

C. fish

18. Some p eople think money makes everything possible, _____I don’t think so.

A. and

B. but


19.----Which people do you like running.

_----- of them. like running

A. Both

B. Neither

C. Either

20.---- I can____ _read the words in the newspaper

-----______It’s dark. Let me turn on the light fou you.

A. clearly

B. nearly

C. hardly

21. I’d like to be in good health. But_______, I don’t have a good a good lifestyle

A. to be honest

B. to my surprise

C. to start with

22. ---- What a cute model robot!

-----Thank you! It’s a present________ my friend made for me.

A. who

B. that

C. where

23. ------Listen! Helen is singing in the next room

-------It______ be Helen .She has gone to Beijing.

A. can’t

B. must

C. might

24. They are in trouble. We need to____ _some ideas to help them

A. come up with

B. run out of

C. pay attention to

25. Dsshan, a foreign who loves Chinese history very much,______ in China for many years.

A. lives

B. lived

C. has lived

26----_______will you finish building your new school?

-----In two years

A. How long B How far C. How soon

27. Everone___ _to the party except David. He was very upset

A. invited

B. is invited C I’’m sorry

28.—hi, would you like to go to the zoo with us?

----____,but I have to study for the physics test tomorrow.

A. I’d love to

B. I think so

C. I’ m sorry

29. –morning, Frank. ______

__Great! My new book will come out soon

A How’s your mother B. how’s the weather today. C. How’s it going

30. ----Do you know_____ during the coming summer holiday?

----Yes, she will go with her mother

A. what will Xiao Qian do

B. where Xiao QIan will go
