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一、商务术语英译汉(每题1分,共10分)1. housing and land tax 2. agent-service

3. business tax

4. income tax

5. amount deposited

6. capital market

7. economic stimulus 8. export contract

9. foreign currency earnings 10. amount receivable


1. 承租人

2. 资产

3. 本地银行

4. 出租人

5. 损失

6. 抵押

7. 萧条

8. 信用第一

9. 公平交易10. 首次公开发行


Part one Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:

A______________________ B________________________________________

1)market share A) A group of advisors, originally to a political candidate,

for their expertise in particular fields,

but now to any







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decision makers,

whether or not in


2)cash drain B) The rate of new product development, which is

getting faster with more severe competition and faster

technological advancement.

3)shareholder wealth C) Percentage or proportion of the total available

market or market segment that a product or

company takes.

4)net worth D) A group of executives employed to manage a

project, department, or company with their

particular expertise or skills.

5)management team E) A person, project, business or company that

continues to consume large amounts of cash with

no end in sight.

6)brain trust F) A person or firm that invests in a business

venture, providing capital for start-up or

expansion, and expecting a higher rate of return

than that for traditional investments.

7)balance sheet G) The wealth shareholders get to accrue from their

ownership of shares in a firm, which can be

increased by raising either share prices or

dividend payments.

8)captains of industry H) A financial statement that summarizes a

company's assets, liabilities and shareholders'

equity at a specific point in time.

9)Venture capitalist I) Total assets minus total liabilities, an important

determinant of the value of a company, primarily

composed of all the money that has been invested

and the retained earnings for the duration of its


10)product cycle L) A business leader who is especially successful

and powerful and whose means of amassing a

personal fortune contributes substantially to the

country in some way.

Part two Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:


1) bondholder a) A measure of a company's financial health,which

equals cash receipts minus

cash payments over a

given period of time.

2) creditor b) A financial asset whose value has fallen

significantly and which fails generate cashflow

and is worth much less than expected.

3) dealership c) An entity (person or institution) that extends

credit by giving another entity

permission to

borrow money if it is paid back at a

later date.

4) health-care expenses d) A unit specially organized to work on a single

defined task

5) manufacturing capacity e) A business company that is owned or controlled

by another larger company 6) net cash flow f) A person owning a bond or bonds issued by a

government or a public


7) bad asset g) Money used for the preservation of mental and

physical health by

preventing or treating


through services offered by

the health


8) hot products h) Volume of products or services that can be

generated by a production

plant or enterprise in

a given period by using

current resources.

9) subsidiary# i) A business established or operated under an

authorization to sell or

distribute a company’s

goods or service in a

particular area

10) task force j) Products that are extremely populous among

consumers and normally sell

like hot cakes in

the market.
