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1.-- I am afraid I can’t help you with your project. I ________ a model these days.

-- It doesn’t matter. I will finish it by myself.

A.make B.will be making C.am making D.have made



试题分析:考查动词时态。句意:我恐怕不能帮你完成项目了,这几天我要做一个模型。没关系,我会自己完成。表示这几天一直要做的事情,用一般现在时表示将来,故选C 项。


2.I can't understand why he ________ so selfish. He isn't usually like that.

A.was B.had been C.is D.is being




3.Since the band announced the release of their new album, the phone hasn't stopped ringing. Many fans ________ to ask about the exact time.

A.were calling B.had called

C.are calling D.call



C 考察动词时态。句意:自从那支乐队宣布了要发行新的专辑的消息,电话铃声就不停地响。很多粉丝一直都打电话询问具体的发行时间。根据句中的hasn’t stopped ringing可知询问具体的时间内这件事情现阶段正在发生,应该使用现在进行时。故C正确。

4.—I some courses at university,so I can’t work full time at the moment.

A.take B.am taking C.took D.have taken



试题分析:考查动词的时态。句意:因为我正在上学,所以不能在这时候做全职的工作。根据下方提到so I can’t work full time at the moment 可知我正在上学,故选B 项。

考点 : 考查动词的时态

5.—Do you have any plan for this Sunday?

—Yes, I ______ shopping with my friends.

A.go B.am going

C.went D.have gone



试题分析:句意:---这个星期天你有计划吗?—是的,我要和朋友一起去购物.这里用be doing现在进行时表示一般将来时,所以选B。


6.—Have you seen recently? —No, but I _______ dinner with him on Friday.

A.had B.have had C.am having D.was having



试题分析:句意:---你最近见过Sean吗? ---不,但是我周五要和他一起吃饭。A.had一般过去时;B.have had现在完成时;C.am having是现在进行时表将来;D.was having 过去将来时。根据No 和on Friday推测,应该是将来要做的事,故选C。

考点: 考查动词时态的用法。

7.Some researches have proved that water quality ____ due to too many dams and pumps in some areas.

A.has been declined B.is being declined

C.is declining D.had been declining




考点 : 考查动词的时态

8.— Why do you do volunteer work in the North—West?

— I_____ to improve the lives of the children there through my efforts.

A.was trying B.have tried

C.am trying D.tried



试题分析:考查时态。句意:--你为什么选择去西北地区做志愿服务?--通过我的努力,我正在努力改善那里孩子们的生活。过去进行时用来指过去的某个时刻正在发生的事情,根据第一句中的Why do you...可知,这里不用过去的时态,排除A、D;现在完成时表示发生在过去的事情对现在造成的结果,参加志愿服务这件事并未结束,因此不用现在完成时,故选C。


9.—The constant noise around here______ me crazy!

—Calm down.It’s no use complain ing.

A.drove B.drives

C.is driving D.had driven







--- I hear you__________at Smith’s.

--- Yes, I __________ there for about three months.

A.work; had been working B.worked; was working

C.are working; have been working D.worked; have worked




11.—Joan,what ________ in your hand?

—Look!It's a birthday gift for my grandma.

A.had you held B.are you holding

C.do you hold D.will you hold




12.As they couldn’t satisfy my ____, I’m ____now.

A.needing; hunger B.need; starved C.needed; starvation D.needs; starving 【答案】D


试题分析:句意“由于他们不能满足我的需要,我快要饿死了”。这里的“satisfy one’s needs”“满足某人的需求”, starve动词,“挨饿”,hunger名词“饥饿”,。starvation名词“饥饿”,选D。
