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绝对翻译。Absolute Translation。按照古阿德克的解释,指专业译员为应付不同翻译要求而采用的七种翻译类型之一。According to Gouadec,one of 7 types of translation which can be used by professional translators to respond to the various translation requirements


摘要翻译。Abstract Translation 古阿德提出的用以对付不同翻译要求的七种翻译策略之一。One of seven strategies proposed by Gouadec to fulfil the various translation needs which arise in a professional environment。

3滥译。Abusive Translation。路易斯用来表示文学翻译中极端做法的一个术语。A term used by Lewis to refer to a radical approach to literary translation。


可接受性。Accetability。图里采用的术语,用来指可以从翻译作品中观察到的两种倾向之一。A term used by Toury to denote one of two tendencies which can be observed in translated texts。


准确。Accuracy。翻译评估中用来表示译文与原文相符成都的术语。A term used in translation evaluation to refer to the extent to which a translation matches its original。


改编Adaptation。传统上用来指采用特别自由的翻译策略而做出任何目标文本的术语。A term traditionally used to refer to any TT in which a particularly strategy has been adopted。

充分性。Adequacy。某些译评者讨论源文本与目标文本关系属性时所采用的术语。A term used by some commentators on translation to discuss the nature of the relationship between ST and TT,

按照图里的解释,指翻译过程中与规范相关的连续体的两极之一。According to Toury ,one of the two poles of the continuum relates to the NORMS used in the translation process。


调整。Adjustment。。按照奈达的解释,指《圣经》翻译中使用的一套技巧,旨在于目标语中“产生正确的对等形式”,以帮助译文达至动态对等。According to Nida,a set of techniques used in Bible translation which are designed to “produce correct equivalents”in TL and thus help a translation achieve dynamic equivalences


美学诗体翻译。Aesthetic-Poetic Translation:按照卡塞格兰德的解释,指四种翻译类型之一。According to Casagrande ,one of four types of translation。


经纪人Agent。塞杰用来指“处于译者与译品最终使用者中间位置”之人的术语。A rerm used by Sager to the person who is “in an intermediary position between a translator and an end user of a translation。”


国际会议口译联合会。AIIC(AssoicationIternationale Iterpretes de Conference)

为包含会议口译员利益而成立于1953 年11 月的组织。An organization founded in November 1953 to protect the interests of conferences interpreters


类同形式。Analogical form。按照霍姆斯的解释,译者在翻译诗体形式时可以采用的四种途径之一。According to Holmes,one of four approaches which a traslator may use when translating verse form。


分析。Analysis。奈达与泰伯用来描述翻译过程三步骤之中第一步的术语。A term used by Nida&T aber to describe the first of the three stages of the translation process。


应用翻译学,应用翻译研究。Applied translation studies。霍姆斯提出的翻译研究领域,与翻译研究中的理论研究及描写翻译研究相对应(后两者构成纯翻译研究)。The area of investigation within translation studies constrasted by Holmes with theoretical and descriptive translation studies(the two of which together make up the field of pure translation studies)


古词,废词。Archaism。用来指译本中使用古文(或指一例具体的此种用词)的术语。A term which refers to the use of obsolescent language in a translation (or alternatively,

a single instance of such language)


元译素(简称ATR)。Architranseme。范。路文兹瓦特创造的术语,用来表示在文学文本与其译本之间进行详尽语言比较时所用的理论概念。A term coined by Leuven-Zwart to designate a theoretical concept used in the close linguistic comparision of literary texts and their translations。
