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2017至2018学年第2 学期



1. The thief denied ______ some money from the old lady.

A. having stolen

B. to steal

C. being stolen

D. stole

2. If my sister doesn’t go to the cinema tonight, ______.

A. nor do I

B. same with me

C. so will I

D. neither shall I

3. I cannot support a policy of which I have never ______.

A. accomplished

B. approved

C. applied

D. abandoned

4. The reference book ______ many of the problems we have come across in our study.

A. says

B. covers

C. talks

D. refers

5. The guard kept quiet about the accident ______ lose his job.

A. so not as to

B. so as to not

C. so as not to

D. not so as to

6. A driver should ______ the road when ______.

A. concentrate in; driving

B. concentrate on; drive

C. concentrate on; driving

D. concentrate to; drove

7. He worked very hard in order to ______ a good knowledge of English.

A. take

B. hold

C. catch

D. acquire

8. —Why didn’t you come to meet me, Bob?

—Sorry, dear. But I really forgot where I was ______ to meet you.

A. about

B. demanded

C. supposed

D. /

9. —The government suggests the number of private cars be limited to stop air pollution.

—______, the idea is not very practical.

A. Sounds good as it

B. As it sounds good

C. As good it sounds

D. Good as it sounds

10. Modern women with independent incomes are refusing to ______ the traditional idea of marriage nowadays.

A. submit to

B. contribute to

C. devote to

D. expose to

11. The young man insisted that he was innocent of the case because he was not ______ it.

A. informed of

B. accused of

C. involed in

D. interested in

12. ______ to hear the good news, the excited pupils threw their schoolbags into the air.

A. Delighting

B. To be delighted

C. Having delighted

D. Delighted 13. So amused ______ that they couldn’t help laughing when they saw the headteacher dressed up as

Santa Claus on Chrismas Day.

A. did the students feel

B. had the students felt

C. the students felt

D. the students had felt

14. The farmers built fences in order to ______ their sheep ______ wolves.

A. protect; for

B. defend; against

C. defend; for

D. preserve; of

15. ______ fallen asleep ______ he heard a knock at the door.

A. Hardly had he; when

B. Rarely he had; than

C. Scarcely had he; before

D. Hardly had he; than

Armed with two over-packed suitcases, we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight. “Well, here we are, the airport,” my 1 said with a sigh. As I watched her unpack my luggage, I could see the sadness in her eyes. This was not easy on her either.

We had both been dreading this moment for the past week. One last hug and a final goodbye and I would be on my way to a new life 2 , leaving my beloved sister behind.

All my life I had loved airports. To me they were some kind of magic gateway to the world, a place from which to start great holidays and adventures. But today it seemed like a 3 and heartless place.

As we made our way to the gate we passed through a busload of 4 holiday goers and their screaming children. I looked at my sister and even though her eyes were 5 with tears, she was trying to keep a brave face. “You’d better go or you’ll miss your flight,” she said.

“I am just going to walk away and 6 look back,” I said. “That would just be too hard.”

As I held her one last time she whispered, “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be just fine.”“I’ll miss you,” I replied, and with those last words I was off. 7 promised, I did not look back, but by the time I reached the customs office I was sobbing. “Cheer up, love,” the tall customs officer said with a smile. “It’s not the end of the world, you know.” But to me it was the end of the world, as I had known it.

While 8 the plane I was still crying. I did not have the 9 to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I stuffed(塞)it on the empty seat next to mine. As I settled into my chair, a feeling of

10 overwhelmed(笼罩) me. I felt like my best friend had just been taken away from me.

Growing up, my sister and I would do everything together. Born barely fifteen months apart we not only looked alike —we were alike. We both had that 11 mix of curiosity and fear of all things unknown to us.

My parents were 12 because that way we could “keep an eye on each other” and of course report back on what the other one was up to. But now our college days were over and I was off to a
