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题目: Z—L输油管道初步设计



设计题目: Z-L输油管道初步设计







关键词: 管道;输量;热泵站;工艺流程


The length of the pipeline design is 220 kilometers, the elevation height is between 28-88 meters,the section which pipeline passed is smooth.Go through the calculate, there was no get over point.This design used tight line pumping which called “from pump to pump”, so it can reduce consumptive waste, Moreover, this method can utilize sufficiently remain pressure head.

In the design, economic pipe diameter is firstly determined by economic velocity. At lest, Ф813×10.3,L325 pipe is used.

The transportation capacity and the geography conditions are considered of in order to determine the heating station. And including the environmental protection the worker's live conditions and so on. Finally, the heating station id placed to the first station,0Km. And direct heating is used.

In the condition of meeting all the kinds of those factors, the technological processes are used as simply as possible, and the advanced technologies are used an usually as possibly. In each station, oil is first heated and then pumped in heating—pump station in the design. The process of the origin station is: forward transportation, reverse transportation, heat oil cycling and pigging operation, etc. The technology process of the following station is: forward transportation, reverse transportation, non—pumping operation, non—heating oil cycling and pigging operation, etc.

The last , analysis of the projects economic becefics is necessary.The IRR is included.SO ,the project is possible.

Keyword:tube type:transmit output;hot pumpstation;technical process


第一章前言 (1)

第二章工艺设计说明书 (2)

1.工程概况 (2)

1.1 线路基本概况 (2)

1.2 输油站主要工程项目 (2)

1.3 管道设计 (3)

2.基本参数的选取 (3)

2.1 设计依据 (3)

2.2 原始数据 (3)

2.3 温度参数的选择 (4)

3.参数的选择 (5)

3.1 管道设计参数 (5)

3.2 油品密度 (5)

3.3 粘温方程 (6)

3.4 总传热系数K (6)

3.5 最优管径的选择 (6)

4.工艺计算说明 (7)

5. 确定加热站及泵站数 (7)

5.1 热力计算 (8)

5.2 水力计算 (9)

5.3 站址确定 (10)

6.校核计算说明 (11)

6.1 热力、水力校核 (11)

6.3 进出站压力校核 (11)

6.4 压力越站校核 (12)

6.5 热力越站校核 (12)

6.6 动、静水压力校核 (12)

6.7 反输运行参数的确定 (12)

7. 站工艺流程的设计 (13)

8.主要设备的选择 (14)

8.1 输油泵的选择 (14)

8.2 首末站罐容的选择 (15)

8.3 加热炉的选择 (15)

8.4 阀门 (15)

第三章工艺设计计算书 (17)

1.经济流速确定管径 (17)

1.1 输量计算 (17)

1.2 经济流速 (17)

2.热力计算与确定热站数 (19)

2.1 确定计算用各参数 (19)

2.2 确定流态 (19)

2.3 总传热系数的确定 (20)

2.4 最小输量下确定热站数和泵站数 (21)

2.5 判断翻越点 (23)

2.6 最大输量下确定热站数和泵站数 (23)

2.7 翻越点的校核 (25)

3. 确定站址 (25)

3.1 热力校核 (25)
