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Tunnel or shaft engineering measurement wires for the form of roadway, if simple shape by changing arrangement forms or improve wires and precision Angle measurement methods, and often difficult to satisfy the measurement accuracy for engineering construction. Gyro theodolite is measured in wire edge Angle, improve the measuring precision instruments. Especially in the measurement of the photoelectric theodolite gyro breakthrough is used extensively. Through measurement is a very important measurement work, must strictly according to the design requirements. The roadway expedite, its joint deviation cannot exceed a certain limit, otherwise they will be detrimental to the mining project, and even cause great losses. This paper introduces working principle of gyro theodolite, as well as the breakthrough in the measurement of the gyro theodolite accuracy assess. Gyro theodolite in different fields

of the measurement of the examples, this paper leads in breakthrough measurement on the edge of the directional gyro adds the best position.

Key words: directional gyro; through measurement; gyro theodolite; Accuracy Assessment


1 绪论 (1)

1.1陀螺定向的研究现状 (1)

1.2研究陀螺定向的目的 (1)

1.3陀螺定向的应用领域及发展趋势 (2)

2 陀螺经纬仪定向测量原理与方法 (3)

2.1陀螺经纬仪的类型与结构 (3)

2.1.1 陀螺经纬仪定向的优点及应用领域 (3)

2.1.2 陀螺经纬仪的基本结构 (3)

2.1.3 陀螺经纬仪的类型 (4)

2.2陀螺经纬仪定向的基本步骤 (5)

2.3跟踪逆转点法测定陀螺方位角的作业过程 (7)

2.3.1 陀螺仪悬带零位观测 (7)

2.3.2 粗略定向 (8)

2.3.3 精密定向 (9)

3 陀螺定向的误差分析 (13)

3.1陀螺定向的误差来源 (13)

3.2陀螺定向在贯通测量中的精度评定 (14)

3.2.1 陀螺方位角一次测定中误差 (14)

3..2.2 一次定向中误差 (14)

3.3陀螺定向在贯通测量中导线的平差 (15)

3.3.1 具有两条陀螺定向边导线的平差 (15)

3.3.2 具有三条陀螺定向边导线的平差 (17)

4 陀螺定向在贯通测量中的应用实例分析 (20)

4.1陀螺定向在道路贯通测量中的应用实例分析 (20)

4.1.1 工程概况 (20)

4.1.2 陀螺定向技术 (20)

4.1.3 精度评定 (22)

4.1.4 工程分析 (23)

4.2陀螺定向在矿山贯通测量中的应用实例分析 (24)

4.2.1 工程概况 (24)

4.2.2 陀螺定向技术 (24)

4.2.3 精度评定 (26)

4.2.4 工程分析 (27)

4.3陀螺定向在水利贯通测量中的应用实例分析 (27)

4.3.1项目概况 (27)

4.3.2 陀螺定向技术 (28)

4.3.3 陀螺定向精度评定 (29)

4.3.4 坐标解算及成果对比分析 (30)

4.3.5 工程分析 (35)

5 结论 (38)

参考文献 (39)

致谢...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
