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1.sometimes/ some times/sometime/ some time:

sometimes: “有时”=at times. He is sometimes late for school.

some times: “几次” I have been to Nanjing some times.

sometime: “某一时刻” I bought it sometime last spring.

We’ll meet again sometime next week.

some time: “一段时间” We have to stay here for some time.

2. many/ much/ a few/ a little/ few/ little



(2)a few和a little都表示"有一点儿",侧重于肯定,相当于"some",但a few修饰可数名词,

a little修饰不可数名词,例如:

He has a few friends in London.

---Would you like some coffee?

---Yes, just a little.


He is a strange man. He has few words.

Hurry up, there is little time left.


be busy doing sth.忙于做…… eg: Mother is busy cooking.

look forward to + doing sth. 期待做…… eg: Tom looks forward to seeing his father again.

Thank you for (doing) sth. 为了…感谢你 eg: Thank you for your help.

have fun doing sth愉快地做某事 eg: I had great fun playing in the water.

=have a good time doing sth eg: I had a good time playing in the water.

have problem/trouble/difficulty (in)doing sth.做某事有困难

eg: I have difficulty finishing my homework in 2 hours.


⑴ 它们必须与其他动词连用,即:情态动词+动词原形



(以be和have 开头的情态动词短语除外)。

⑶ 在意义上,情态动词具有“多义性”。



1. can的基本用法:

⑴ 表示体力或智力上的能力,即“能够,会”,可与be able to转换。

例:He can speak English. = He is able to speak English.

—Can you play basketball?

— No, I can’t.

如果表示将来具备的能力,要用will be able to。

例:If I have a good sleep, I will be able to do the problem.

⑵ 表示许可,主要用于口语,书面语一般用may。

例:—Can we go home now, please?

— No, you can’t.

You can only smoke in this room.

You can’t keep the library books for more than a month.

⑶ 表示“可能”,与may同义,但一般用在疑问句中。

例:What can he possibly want?


例:Anybody can make mistakes.

The news can’t be true.


例:Can / Could we meet again next week? 下周我们可以再见面吗?

—What shall we do? 我们怎么办呢?

— We can / could try asking Lucy for help. ——我们可以请露茜帮忙试试看。

You can / could help me with the cooking. 你可以帮我做饭。

2. may的基本用法:

⑴ 表示“许可”,用can比较口语化。

例:You may / can come if you wish. 如果你想来,你就来。

You may not pick flowers in this park. 本公园内不许摘花。

(may not表示按规定不许可,如果用mustn’t则表示说话人不许可。)

—May I smoke here? 我可以在这里抽烟吗?

—No, you mustn’t.不行。(mustn’t表示明确的禁止。)

⑵ 肯定句中表示推测,“可能”。

例:It may rain tomorrow. 明天可能会下雨。

The news may not be true. 这个消息可能不会是真的。


例:Can it be true? 那会是真的吗?

Who can he be? 他究竟是谁呢?

⑶ 【注意】:—May I/we……?

—Yes, you may./—No, you mustn’t.

3. must的基本用法:

⑴ 表示必须,强调说话人的主观意志。

例:I must go now, or I’ll be late.

You must be here by ten o’clock.

【注意】:表示“必须“时,must的否定式为needn’t,或don’t have to ,而不是mustn’t。

也就是:—Must I/we do it now?

—Yes, you must .

—No, you needn’t/don’t have to .

例:—Must I go with them?

—No, you .

⑵ 表示推测,一般只用于肯定陈述句,表示非常肯定。

例:She didn’t look at me. She must be angry. 她不朝我看,一定是生气了。

He is good at English. He must know the word. 他英语好,准知道这个词。

You must be Mr. Jones. 想必您就是琼斯先生吧。

4. have to的基本用法:

have to可视为情态动词,但它与其他情态动词在用法上稍有不同。其他情态动词没有人称和数的变化,而have to 却有人称和数的变化,要视主语的不同而变化。

例:I / You / We / They have to….

He / She / It has to….

You don’t have to….

Does she have to…?

have to =have got to,意思是“必须,不得不”。


have to强调客观需要。

例:Sorry, I have to leave now. 对不起,现在我得走了。

I’ve got to go to a meeting. 我得去参加一个会议。

Will he have to work deep into the night? 他将不得不工作到深夜吗?

5. need的基本用法:


⑴ need用作情态动词时,只用于否定句和疑问句。它只有一种形式,后接动词原形。

例:I don’t believe you need worry. 我相信你没有必要焦急。

—Need we go so soon? 我们需要这么早就去吗?
