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The Hardest Part of Analytics Isn’tAnalysis.It’s Data

From advanced BI tooling to machinelearning and artificial intelligence, modern businesses have more ways thanever to slice and dice their data.As data scientists and business leaders alikefixate on the great potential of these new technologies,we risk losing sightof what’s most important:the data itself. After all,fancy visualizations andpredictive analytics don’t matter without the right data powering them.

Every single business needs to prioritizecollecting and structuring their underlying data over the analysis they use tounderstand it.Here’s why:

Data will be ingrained in every part ofhow we do business

Companies have just begun to grasp not onlythe complexity of data,but also the depth of its relationship with their ownemployees.All business roles and levels need to make good decisions,and thebest decisions are made with user data.Thus,every department–not just thedata science team–should have access to that information,from product tocustomer service to sales.

It’s no longer enough to just reviewtopline metrics at a monthly all-hands anizations must infusedata-driven processes into their

decision-making.Take a modern marketing team,for example.Marketers today have a multitude of rich data sources at theirdisposal,especially with the explosion of smartphones,tablets,social mediaplatforms and digital touchpoints through which a brand can interact with itsaudience.If all of this data is collected into a central place,it opens uppowerful new ways of understanding long-term customer behavior.Otherdepartments like sales, product,and customer success similarly have access toan unprecedented amount of data.

Every bit of data contributes to thebigger picture

As data plays a bigger role across everydepartment and level,businesses must consider all of its data as a growingcollection of opportunities.Every dataset–CRM,CMS,ERP,marketing software–contains a multitude of possible insights. Findings that seem insignificantnow might matter a great deal down the road. It’s impossible to know upfrontwhat data matters,so businesses need to collect as much of it as they can.This lets companies retroactively unearth insights,even if their priorities ormarket conditions change.

Insights are only as good as theunderlying data
