安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 教材考点精讲 第18课时 九全 Units 7-8练习

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第18课时九年级 Units 7~8


1.(2018·江西宜春模拟)—Oh, no! We have missed the early bus. What should we do?

—I'm afraid we have no but to wait for the next one.

A.choice B.information

C.promise D.message

2.(2019·预测)—Well done, Lily. You finally made it.

—Thanks. But I can't succeed without your . You helped me a lot.

A.support B.weight

C.progress D.mistake

3.(2019·预测) we have many problems about our environment, some people still continue destroying our earth.

A.Though B. Because

C.Once D.If

4.(2019·原创)I am worried about my brother because I haven't letters from him for a long time.

A.accepted B.written

C.received D.collected

5.(2018·山东青岛市北二模)Necessary action so that students can be safe at schools. A.can be taken B.must be taken

C.can take D.must take

6.(2019·预测)Kelly takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of . A.knowledge B.courage

C.change D.energy

7.(2019·预测)—It's said that a pianist will perform at Art Center this Friday. Is it Lang Lang?

—Yes. It him. He has been here for a week.

A.might be B.mustn't be

C.can't be D.must be

8.(2019·预测)— dictionary is this?

—Maybe it's Carla's.

A.What B.When

C.Whose D.Which

9.(2019·原创)The song is very moving and its lyrics the singer's feelings well. A.imagine B.express

C.discuss D.expect

10.(2018·上海徐汇二模)The law prevents businessmen buying and selling ivory—tooth of the elephant.

A.by B.of

C.against D.from


(2019·预测)A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need some hearing aid(助听). Not quite sure how to 1 her, he called the family doctor to discuss the problem. The doctor told him there was a simple test the husband could do to give the doctor a better 2 of her hearing loss.

“Here's what you do,” said the doctor. “Stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a 3 conversational speaking tone(音调) see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on 4 you get a reply.”

That evening, the wife was in the 5 ,and he was in the yard. He said to himself, “I'm about 40 feet away, and let me see what will happen.” Then in a usual tone he asked, “Honey, what's for dinner?”

No 6 .

So the husband moved closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and asked, “Honey, what's for dinner?”

7 no reply.

Next he moved into the dining room where he was about 20 feet from his wife and 8 ,“Honey, what's for dinner?”

A gain he got no reply. He walked up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. “Honey, what's for dinner?” Again there was no reply.

So he 9 right up behind her. “Honey, what's for dinner?”

“Chicken! James, for the 10 time I've said that.”
