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年级08 级




关键词:塑料盒盖; 盒盖塑件注射模具;模具;


This topic is mainly aimed at the lid mold design, through to the plastic parts for process analysis and comparison, the final design out a pair of injection mold. This subject from product structure, and the specific property of the mould structure, mould pouring system, die forming part of the structure and ejector system, cooling system, the injection molding machine selection and related parameters of checking, a detailed design, at the same time and simple compiled the mould processing technology. Through the whole design process shows that the mold can achieve the required plastics processing technology. According to the topic design is the main task of the injection mould design the lid. Also is a pair of injection mold design to production of plastics products, with the lid to realize automation to increase production. According to the specific structure, the lid of the die is the point of the gate double parting surface injection mold. Because plastic parts inside there are four small convex platform, the direct roof, the structure of the push rod solid form. Its advantage is that simplifying the mechanism, make the mould shape narrowed, and greatly reduce the mould manufacturing cost. Through the die design shows that the mold can achieve the lid of the quality and processing technology requirements.

Key word:Plastic box cover; the box cover injection mold; mold.


摘要 (1)

Abstract (2)

第一章绪论 (5)

1.1当前模具设计发展趋势 (5)

1.2本次模具课程设计的任务 (5)

第二章塑件成型工艺性分析 (6)

2.1塑件的分析 (6)

2.2聚苯乙烯(PS)的性能分析 (7)

2.3 PS的注射成型过程及工艺参数 (8)

第三章初选注塑机规格 (11)

3.1注射机型号的确定 (11)

3.2注射机的相关参数的校核 (12)

第四章分型面和型腔数目选择 (14)

4.1分型面位置的选择和确定 (14)

4.2型腔数目的确定 (15)

第五章浇注系统的设计 (16)

5.1主流道的设计 (16)

5.2浇口的设计 (17)

第六章型腔型芯设计 (19)

6.1成型零件的结构设计 (19)

6.2 型芯和型腔的加工工艺卡、工序卡 (23)

第七章模架的确定 (25)

7.1模架的选择 (25)

7.2模架各尺寸的校核 (26)

第八章导向与脱模机构的设计 (28)

8.1导向定位机构的设计 (28)

第九章温度调节与排气系统的设计 (28)

9.1温度调节系统设计 (29)

9.2排气系统设计 (30)

结论 (31)

参考文献 (32)

致谢 (34)
