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As the rapid development of China's automobile industry, the car modeling aesthetic appreciation of the domestic consumers is increasing, China's own-brand automobile enterprises through the development of high-speed accumulation of a lot of resources and experience, but the design of automotive modeling already should not remain in the Design of a single model level, how to improve vehicle quality and brand identification style, has been a major challenges to the own-brand automobile enterprises. In our efforts to raise the level of design at the same time, let us learn from this German V olkswagen’s experience.

This paper means to summer up the law and experience by studying the German V olkswagen’s style evolution, provides reference to China's own-brand automobile enterprises. The paper started research in the main characteristics lines which determine the style, and collect the models pictures and information of V olkswagen in the history of evolution process, and then extract its morphology, take the representative characteristics lines for further study; respectively as models and time been the direction of comparison and analysis, Finally integrate the two directions of research, summarized the evolution rules of V olkswagen’s style, and predict its future style trends. These methods of analysis, not only provide a reference in our modeling evolution research, but also provide a reference methods and ideas in our vehicle design in the future.

Keywords: platform, style, evolution, characteristics

摘要......................................................................................................................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................................................................................II 第一章绪论.. (1)

1.1课题研究的背景 (1)

1.2国内外研究现状 (2)

1.3研究的目的 (3)

1.4研究的方法 (3)

第二章汽车的造型分析 (4)

2.1造型研究的理论与方法 (4)

2.1.1形态学图表法 (4)

2.1.2造型文法(Shape Grammars) (5)

2.2汽车造型特征分析 (5)

2.2.1确定汽车造型特征研究对象 (5)

2.2.2汽车车身结构和造型 (6)

2.2.3 车型的分类 (9)

2.3汽车造型演变的因素 (9)

2.3.1汽车造型演变与空气动力学的关系 (9)

2.3.2 汽车造型演变的民族因素 (13)

2.3.3 汽车造型演变与环境保护的关系 (16)

第三章德国大众汽车造型演变和分析 (18)

3.1大众(VW)汽车公司简介 (18)

3.2大众(VW)汽车公司的平台战略 (19)

3.2.1A/A0级平台主要车型 (21)

3.2.2 其他平台主要车型 (23)

3.3大众(VW)汽车同平台车系造型特征演变纵向对比分析 (24)

3.3.1前脸造型对比分析 (24)

3.3.2侧面造型对比分析 (30)

3.3.3尾部造型对比分析 (35)

3.4大众(VW)汽车跨平台造型特征演变横向对比分析 (41)

3.4.1 前脸造型对比分析 (41)

3.4.2 侧面造型对比分析 (42)

3.4.3 尾部造型对比分析 (42)

3.5大众汽车造型演变过程中的遗传和变异 (43)

3.5.1 纵向——同平台研究 (43)
