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小学英语说课模板(英文版) (2)

小学英语说课稿模板二 (7)

小学英语说课稿模板三 (10)

说课的内容要求和评价 (12)

pep六年级英语下册教学计划 (15)

Unit 1 How Tall Are You? (22)

Unit 1 How Tall Are You? 教学设计(6课时) (22)

Unit 1 How Tall Are You? Part A说课 (34)

Unit 1 How Tall Are You? 说课 (39)

Unit 2 What’s the Matter, Mike? (45)

Unit 2 What’s the Matter, Mike? 教学设计(6课时) (45)

Unit 2 What’s the Matter, Mike? ?(第一课时)说课 (64)

Unit 2 What’s the Matter, Mike? Part A 说课 (70)

Unit 2 W hat’s the Matter, Mike? Part B 说课 (75)

Unit 2 What’s the Matter, Mike? Part B说课二 (78)

Unit 3 Last Weekend (82)

Unit 3 Last Weekend教学设计(6课时) (82)

Unit 3 Last Weekend Part A第一课时说课 (104)

Unit 3 Last Weekend Part A第二课时说课 (108)

Unit 3 Last Weekend Part A说课 (120)

Unit 3 Last Weekend Part B说课 (123)

Unit 3 Last Weekend Part B 英文版说课 (126)

Unit 3 Last Weekend 说课 (130)

Unit 3 Last Weekend 英文版说课 (133)

Unit 3 Last weekend 复习课说课 (136)

Unit 4 My Holiday (146)

Unit 4 My Holiday教学设计(6课时) (146)

Unit 4 My Holiday Part A 第一课时说课 (167)

Unit 4 My Holiday Part A 说课一 (168)

Unit 4 My Holiday Part B 说课 (172)

Unit 4 My Holiday Part B说课二 (175)

Unit 3 Last Weekend 说课 (179)

Unit 4 My Holiday 说课二 (185)

Unit 4 My Holiday 说课三(英文版) (188)

Recycle 1 Let’s Take a Trip! (194)

Recycle 1 Let’s Take a Trip! 教学设计(6课时) (194)

Recycle 2 A Farewell Party (215)

Recycle 2 A Farewell Party教学设计(5课时) (215)

Recycle 2 A Farewell Party第一课时说课稿 (227)

Recycle 2 A Farewell Party说课稿一 (230)

Recycle 2 A Farewell Party说课稿二 (236)

本册重点句型单词 (238)


Goood moring, I'm glad to interpret my lesson here . The lesson plan I am going to talk about is Part A let's learn of unit1 PEP Primary English book7. I will explain how to teach and the reason for doing this from following aspects.

Ⅰ analysis of the teaching content.

Ⅱ ways of teaching and learning .

Ⅲ teaching procedures

Ⅳ blackboard design

V assessment

Now Let’s focus on the analysis of teaching content. It can be divided into 3 parts as followed: the status and the function, the teaching objectives , the main points and difficult points, I’ll talk about it one by one. This lesson is the first lesson of unit 1, book7 . It includes two parts: Let’s learn and let’s play. In section 1, it mainly deals with these key phrases: on foot, by bike, by bus, by train, by subway. And in section 2, it provides a game for the Ss to prastise the patterns: How do you go to…? And the answer: I go… by../ on foot.

Our students have already known some vehicles in the daily life. It’s not difficult for them to understand and use these words . If students can learn it well, it will help students to learn the rest of this unit. So, I set the following aims:

The first is language objectives

To make sure that students can read, recognize and use these key phrases :on foot ,by bike,by bus,by train skillfully.

The next is ability objectives

(1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.

moral objectives
