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I. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. (20%)

1._________ is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines

A. keyboard B .modem C. printer D. mouse

2.__________is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds.

A. network card

B. video card

C. sound card

D. monitor

3. __________ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.

A. Software

B. Hardware

C. Hardship

D. Instruction

4. The display screen is the most common device used to show you what the

computer is doing.

A. input

B. printing

C. output

D. electronic

5. _________ are programs that provide access to Web resources

A. browsers

B. database


D. E-commerce

6._________ is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.

A. Word 2003

B. Outlook 2003

C. Access 2003

D. Excel 2003

7. __________ is a fast and powerful operating system, based on the UNIX O.S.

A. Windows 2003

B. Office 2003

C. Windows 2003

D. Linux

8. A virus is a __________

A. program

B. computer

C. bad man

D. beast

9. TCP/IP are the two standard protocols for communications on the __________.

A. web

B. computer

C. Internet

D. network

10. B2C involves individuals selling to ___________.

A. client

B. consumer

C. corporation

D. company

II. Decide whether the following statements are True or False. (20%)

1.( ) The CPU is the processor of a computer.

2.( ) Windows NT is designed for replacement of Windows.

3.( ) A computer is only connected by cable lines, such as telephone lines.

4.( ) Air can be used to transit data.

5.( ) Search engines help you to locate information on the Web

6.( ) B2C involves individuals selling to individuals.

7.( ) Databases are widely used

8.( ) Oracle is the largest database system vendor in the world.

9.( ) Complete access and complete security are good for information security

10.( ) Portable computer can fit in a briefcase or even in the palm of your hand. III. Translation: English to Chinese (20%)

1. CPU_____________________

2. OS __________________________

3. LAN_____________________

4. B2B__________________________

5. CEO_____________________

6. ATM__________________________

7. DBMS____________________ 8. URL__________________________

9. personal computer _______________________________________

10. storage device _________________________________________

11. information exchanges ___________________________________

12. protocol ______________________________________________

13. broadband ____________________________________________

14.browser _______________________________________________

15. search engine __________________________________________

16. update ________________________________________________

17.Web Site _______________________________________________

18. human resources _________________________________________

19. environment _____________________________________________

20. computer virus ___________________________________________

IV. Word-matching (20%)

1.LCD a. 主页

2.menus b. 黑客

3.bus c.超链接

4.WAN d. 冲浪

5.home page e液晶显示器

6.E-commerce f 菜单

7.hacker g 总线

8.surfing h 广域网

9.delete i电子商务

10.hyperlink j 删除

V.Translation (20%)

1. Computer hardware has four parts: the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, storage

hardware, input hardware, and output hardware.
