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第一部分听力 (共五大题,满分30分)




1. A. rains B. rainy C. raining

2. A. guide B. guard C. guitar

3. A. parent B. present C. patient

4. A. strict B. strong C. straight

5. A. stand up B. set up C. sent up



6. What is the man’s job?

A. B. C.

7. What is the man going to do?

A. B. C.

8. Which animal is mentioned in the conversation?

A. B. C.

9. What sport will the man do this Saturday?

A. B. C.

10. Which festival does Daniel like best?

A. B. C.

11. Whose bicycle is broken?

A. Tina’s.

B. John’s.

C. Jeff’s.

12. How will the speakers go to Shanghai?

A. By car.

B. By train.

C. By plane.

13. When did Bill begin to collect coins?

A. At the age of 6.

B. At the age of 10.

C. At the age of 16.

14. How much will the man pay?

A. £15.

B. £30.

C. £50.

15. How often does Jerry telephone his mother?

A. Once a day.

B. Once a week.

C. Once a month.




16. What day is coming soon?

A. Mother’s Day.

B. Father’s Day.

C. Chil dren’s Day.

17. Who will help Frank wash the car?

A. His brother.

B. His father.

C. His mother.


18. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Waiter and customer.

C. Father and daughter.

19. Where does the man want to sit?

A. Beside the winciow.

B. In the center.

C. Near the door.

20. How soon will the man get his food?

A. In ten minutes.

B. In twelve minutes.

C. In twenty minutes. Ⅳ.短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


21. Which country is showing a couple ofwhite baby lions?

A. South Korea.

B. New Zealand.

C. South Africa.

22. How many white lions are there in the world?

A. Only 303.

B. Only 313.

C. Only 330.

23. Why don’t the baby lions stay with their family?

A. They can easily get hurt.

B. They can’t find their family.

C. They can easily get hungry.

24. Where do the baby lions live now?

A. In a shop window.

B. In a small place.

C. In a small palace.

25. What colour are the baby lions’ noses?

A. They are purple.

B. They are black.

C. They are pink.





31. I fell off the bike on my way to school. ______, I wasn’t hurt.

A. Luckily

B. Unluckily

C. Sadly

D. Unhappily

32. -Mom, what would you like, coffee or tea?

-______. Just water, please.

A. Either

B. Both

C. Neither

D. None

33. I ______ scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old.

A. will be

B. was

C. have been

D. would be

34. -Have you watched the new movie jurassic World, Steven?

-Not yet. I ______ it with my cousin this evening.

A. will watch

B. was watching

C. watchied

D. have watched

35. The old man ______ live with his wife, but now he ______ alone after she died.

A. used to, is used to live

B. used to, is used to living

C. was used to, used to live

D. used to, used to live

36. -Do you have any plans for this Sunday?

-I’m not sure, I ______ go to the countryside to see my grandmother.

A. can

B. must

C. may

D. need
