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1.Though many students are against them,I believe these disciplines are necessary and helpful.

In the past,~used to be regarded as a place of ~but now.

承认问题:this is undeniably true, although many students do not strongly object to is, I don’t think it is advisable for ~

疑问的方式:先陈述,but do you think~,this sseems a tricky question.

2.热点问题:recently the inflence of internet has attacted muuch public attention.(从长远看)but if we take a broader perspective ,we may find that the internet has had many positive impacts on the modern society.

As ~ has come to be viewed as one of the bases for a nation’s power,it has attracted more and more attention in the new century.in my opinion,there are mainly three major results worth discussing.

Has sky-rocketed.暴涨,temporary

3.直接用鲜活的例子开场。Every summer hundreds of thousands of young students attend the college entrance examination,fighting hard to be among the lucky ones to enter universities.but have this large crowd asked themselves such a question:why do you want to go to university?it will be dangerous if so many people try so hard to do something without clear purpose.for me ,going to university can fulfil three important purposes.

4.作比较:reading novels used to be a major entertainment for people in th 19th century and befor.but since the invention of film at the end of the 19th centry,people have gradually abandoned novels for movies to enjoy new stories.nowadays novel readers are on a decline.however,if I were to make a choice between reading a novel and seeing a movie for a story I have never heard of ,I would still prefer the former.


1,first,these ~are necessary to establish a proper environment for~and~.

The sceond function of~is,the first benefit from~is.

2,没注意not aware that

3,举例:1,it can be seen from this example that if~do not cultivate 2,I learnd from a friend that b

4.讲道理:those who are against ~ on the basis of( personal freedom) have a serious misconception about ().being an adult does not mean you can do anything you like without caring about others’ interests.

5.威胁:when everybody is pleased with what they have, the world will stop moving forward,which virtually means the end of humankind.

6.积极影响:internet has made the access to information more convenient.in the past,people could get information they wanted through only limited channerls,such as newspaper,radio,and TV.this means that ~~~.but now with the help of internet~~.as a researcher has pointed out~(优点)

7.关于原因:the first kind of such influence is lack of money.another kind of this influence is.this may be unexpected ,but easy to understand.

8,让步these may be ture ,but

9.调查证明;A recent survey among net users conducted by a website shows that


1,from the above analysis,we can see that campus disciplines are indispensable.

2,from the above discussion,we can safely conclude that ~can bring manybenefits .it can not onlyhelp,but also~…

3,展望未来therefore,it can be predicted that if~,when this comes true, our society is sure to see much brighter future.

Of course ,these skill are by no means the only ones we can use.the list is much longer.i hope~

4,利弊比较,让步转折:although there do exist some problems with the internet,thes positive influences certainly are more important.what we should do is find measures to solve the problems rather than just talking about them.just as the proverb says,we should not stop eating for fear of being choked.

Collecting tuition has brought about a quite complex picture.双重影响


1.标题三招:短语on the benefits of ~,results of;提问is~ beneficial to the~?;中心思想~is beneficial to ~


3.如果有利,是多大程度,对谁。Become very important for~and ~.

段落扩展:1,通过比较(过去、对比)先下定义,得出优点和缺点。2,举例论证优点和缺点3,if 假设,优点和缺点继续,后果是。4所以,therefore.

4.有利条件(反之则是不利):1,environment for2,future3,for the sound development of the society.



1,as a saying goes,there are no two peas that are exactly the same.Similarly,there cannot be two ~ that are exactly same.

2,but rather than~相较于/rather than /instead of.

3.nowadays ~is no longer

4,~can help establish good teacher-student relationship.in university students should not only acquire knowledge,but also learn to grow up to be a person,therefore university should also be a place where teachers and students learn to be friends.

5,help sb. get rid of sth.this is actally not ture. But this mentality does not hold water.站不住脚 ~~can not find enough reasons to justify their choice:but it is not really the best choice.on the one hand,on the other hands ,for instance.
