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Here of granite and quartz trachyte (that is, in the igneous rock is much contains silica and alumina and iron molecules less), are mainly quartz, feldspar, and contains a number of mica and rich in iron (iron oxide) dark green or dark brown mineral. If these rocks, careful observation, you can see a lot of transparent as glass particles and like porcelain, bright white or reddish granules. The former is quartz, the latter is feldspar. That four kinds of the chemical composition of rocks, while the same, but because of feldspar and quartz particles of different size, and thus formed the different rocks.


Granite all is by the larger particles (1 ~ 7 mm in diameter). Quartz is trachyte in invisible particles dense grain to a small grains with quartz and feldspar. Granite porphyry and quartz porphyry is between the between the two, is the density of the element contains large grains of quartz. Such rock structure differences, mainly is by the molten lava to cold setting the length of time, including granite, longest shortest quartz trachyte, and granite porphyry and quartz porphyry is in between the time between cold setting. Ceramic is a rock as a raw material, and so fail to have a rock particles, the main reason is that ceramic material don't like rock completely melt at high temperature, the cold setting at the same time need time too short, it is a natural rock means the biggest difference between ceramic and artificial rocks. Sometimes with quartz trachyte similar ingredients, in a molten state flow to the ground and the sudden cold setting, this form does not contain visible with the naked eye like the rock quartz, feldspar and other particles, and form the same glass, which is the so-called obsidian and barite. So rock and the essence of the ceramic is the same, only the difference of the tico and artificial.

在花岗岩中含有二氧化硅特多的是半花岗岩和伟晶花岗岩。前者的长石与石英等的颗粒细小,后者则由特大的长石及石英的颗粒形成。其中有的在酿酒设备某部分集中了同样物质,而变成纯粹的石英脉,或纯粹的长石脉,也有的转变为半花岗岩(有些地方就用原来的半花岗岩作为陶瓷原料)。酱油陶瓷工艺基本知识2 釉的本质及成分

In contains silica of Trinidad and Tobago is aplite granite and white granite. Feldspar and quartz particles and small of the former, the latter is formed by particles of super-large of feldspar and quartz. In some concentrated in parts of the same material, and became pure quartz vein, or
