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fast ______ _______

wide ______ _________

easy _______ ________

small______ ________

large________ _________

dirty________ ________

long ______ ________

busy_______ __________

hot________ ________

thin________ _________

fat _______ ___________

few _______ ________

good________ _______

little________ _________

difficult_________ ___________

二.在下列句子中填入than,as ,of 或in.(10分)

1.This table is as big _____ that one.

2.The red book is bigger _______ the blue


3.John is the best student _______ the


4.The lesson is more interesting ________

that one.

5. The apple is the largest _________ all the apple.


1.This box is___ that one.

A. heavy than

B. so heavy than

C. heavier as

D. as heavy as

2 This pencil is___ than that one.

A. longest

B. long

C. longer

D. as long

3. Chongqing is bigger than ______ in Japan .

A. any other city

B. all the other cities

C. any city

D. the other cities

4. Li Ming is older than _____ in his class .

A. any others boys

B. any other boy

C. any boy

5. Which sport do you like ___ , football , tennis or basketball ?

A. better

B. good

C. well

D. best

6. These children are ____ this year than they were last year.

A. more tall

B. more taller

C. very taller

D. much taller

7.Our classroom is____ larger than theirs.

A. more

B. quite

C. very

D. much

8.When spring comes, it gets____.

A. warm and warm

B. colder and colder

C. warmer and warmer

D. shorter and shorter

9.Which is___country, China or Japan?

A. the large

B. the larger

C. larger

D. largest

10.Which do you think tastes ____, the chicken or the fish?

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. well

11. _____ of the two women is Mrs Brown .

A. The beautiful

B. The more beautiful

C. More beautiful

D. The most beautiful

12.Which is___, Li Lei or Wu Tong?

A. Strong

B. strongest

C. stronger

D. the strongest

13.Which is____interesting, science, maths or English?

A. more

B. the most

C. very

D. too

14.. Which city is____, Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou?

A. beautiful

B. more beautiful

C. much more beautiful

D. the most beautiful

15.Wei Fang is only six, but she speaks English____ her mother.

A. as good as

B. as better as

C. as well as

D. as best as
