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汉语日常会话150句(hàn yǔrìcháng huìhuà 150 jù)

150 Sentences for Chinese Daily Communication

你好(nǐhǎo) Hello再见(zài jiàn) Goodbye

谢谢(xièxiè)!Thanks 不客气(búkèqì) You’re welcome!对不起(duìbu qǐ) I am sorry没关系(méi guān xi)Don’t mention it.

1问(wèn)候(hòu)和(hé)自(zì)我(wǒ)介(jiè)绍(shào) Greetings and



(2)我叫桑德兰(wǒjiào sāng délán)。My name is Sandra.

(3)你是哪国人(nǐshìnǎguórén)?What’s your nationality?

(4)我是奥地利人(wǒshìàodìlìrén)。I am Austrian.

(5)我不是大学生(wǒ búshìdàxuéshēng)。

I am not a university student.


I don’t speak Chinese.

(7)我会说英语(wǒhuìshuōyīngyǔ)。I can speak English.

(8)我喜欢吃中国菜(wǒxǐhuan chīzhōngguócài)。

I like Chinese food.

(9)你是第一次来深圳吗?(nǐshìdìyīcìlái Shēnzhèn ma)?

Is this your first time in Shenzhen?

(10)你去过香港吗?(nǐqùguò xiānggǎng ma)?

Have you been to Guang An

(11)你住哪里(nǐzhùnǎli)?Where do you live?

(12)可以告诉我你的电话号码吗(kěyǐgàosùwǒnǐ de diànhuàháomǎ ma)?

Could you tell me your telephone number?

(13)我的电话是(wǒ de diànhuàshì)60728915。

My telephone number is 60728915.

(13)认识你很高兴(rènshi nǐhěn gāoxìng)。

I’m pleased to meet you.

(14)我也很高兴(wǒyěhěn gāoxìng)。再见(zàijiàn)!

I’m pleased to meet you, too. Bye!

2点菜和结帐(diǎncài héjiézhàng) Ordering Dishes & Paying the Bill (1)你们吃什么(nǐmen chīshénme)? What would you like to eat?

4.打车(dǎchē) Take a taxi

(1)你要去哪里(nǐyào qùnǎli)?Where are you going?

(2)去超市(qùchāoshì)。I’m going to supermarket.

(3)请开一下后备箱(qǐng kāi yíxiàhòubèixiāng)。

Please open the trunk

(4)你知道怎么去深圳大学吗(nǐzhīdào zěnme qù Shēnzhèn dàxué ma)?

Do you know how to get to the Shenzhen University?

(5)请快一点(qǐng kuài yìdiǎn)。Please go a little faster.

(6)我有急事(wǒyǒu jíshì)。I’m in a hurry

(7)请你不要太快,我害怕(qǐng nǐbúyào tài kuài,wǒhàipà)。

Please don’t go too fast, I’m scared.

(8)大概要多长时间(dàgài yào duōcháng shíjiān)?

Roughly how long does it take?

(9)四点能到吗(sìdiǎn néng dào ma)?Can we arrive by 4 o’clock?

(10)你能停一下吗(nǐnéng tíng yíxià ma)?

Can you stop for a short while?

(11)你能等我十分钟吗(nǐnéng děng wǒshífēnzhōng ma)?

Can you wait for me about 10 minutes?

(12)你有一块钱吗(nǐyǒu yíkuài qián ma)? So you have one Yuan?

(13)去飞机场多少钱(qùfēijīchǎng duōshǎo qián)?

How much does it cost to get to the airport?

(14)到了,下车吧!(dào le,xiàchē ba)

Here we are. You may get out.

(15)对不起(duìbuqǐ),我没带零钱(wǒméi dài língqián)。

Sorry, I do not have any small change on me.

5.问路(wènlù) Asking for Directions.

(1)请问(qǐng wèn),邮局在哪里(yóujúzài nǎli)?

Excuse me, where is the post office?

(2) 怎么去购物公园(zěnme qù gòuwù gōngyuán)?

How do we get to the Shopping Park?

(3)洗手间在什么地方(xǐshǒujiān zài shénme dìfāng)?

Where is the restroom?

(4)这儿附近有饭馆吗(zhèr fùjìn yǒu fànguǎn ma)?

Are there any restaurants near here?

(5)哪儿有网吧(nǎr yǒu wǎngbā)?

Where can we find an Internet bar?

(6)哪儿可以发传真(nǎr kěyǐfāchuánzhēn)?

Where can I send a fax?

(7)去书城怎么走(qù shū chéng zěnme zǒu)?

How can I get to Book City?

(8)这趟车去不去机场(zhè tàng chēqù búqùjīchǎng)?

Does this bus go to airport?

(9)向前走(xiàng qián zǒu)。Go straight ahead.
