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新概念英语青少版2B 期末测试卷


一. 单词(20%)

1. tall________ _________ (比较级最高级)

2.go _______(过去式)

3.do _______(过去式)


5. foot______(复数形式)

6.am\is ______ (过去式)

7.photo______(复数形式)8 as… as_____________ 9.buy ___________ (过去式) 10比__________ 11更喜欢_________ 12. good______ (比较级)_____(最高级)13敲门______________

14 fat______(比较级) ______(最高级)15 go to bed___________

16. beautiful__________________-(比较级)___________________(最高级)


()1. A: When _______ you arrive home yesterday?

B: At about nine o’clock.

A. did

B. had

C. were

()2. A: What did Michael do last Sunday?

B: He ______ some friends to his home.

A. invites

B. did invite

C. invited

()3. A: How many flowers did you pick in the garden?

B: I picked nine, one ______ another.

A. from

B. by

C. after

()4. A: ______ did you finish your homework? B: Three days ago.

A. How

B. Why

C. When

()5. A: What happened?

B: Well, a burglar ______ the house and took some things away.

A. broke into

B. broke in

C. broke to

()6. A: I’m going to the beach tomorrow. Do you want to come?

B: Yes, of course. I ____ see you there.

A. am

B. will

C. can

()7. A: Do you like the food today? B: Yes, I do. It tastes _______.

A. good

B. well

C. beautiful

()8. A: ______ will the race last? B: It’ll last for two hours.

A. How long

B. How often

C. How far

()9. A: What’s the _____ of that building? B: It’s 200 metres.

A. length

B. width

C. height

()10. A: Which season is _____, February or March?

B: February, of course.Y

A. cold

B. colder

C. coldest

( ) 11.The Nile is longer____the Amazon.




( ) 12.How_____is it to your house from here?




( )13.It isn’t obvious,______?

Ais it B.isn’t C.was it

( )14.She’s the______girl in the school?


B.cleverer D.cleverest

( )15.You’ve alwaws got_____money than me.





1 They were in my hand. (否定句)

2 You will have the picture.(一般疑问句)

3 There will be a lecture this afternoon in the classroom.( 对划线部分提问)

4 She will pick Jack up tomorrow night.(对划线部分提问)

5 Did Mary take the umbrella home? (否定回答)


A Questions

B Answers

1 Did you count the people there? a. It’s exactly 10 kilos!

2 Sleep well! b. Yes, he’s about 1 metre 90.

3 You won’t always be successful, you know.c. Not many. About twenty.

4 Did you knock on their door? d. I will! I’m very tired.

5 Are you going to see her tomorrow? e. It’s only 2 metres long.

6 How many will there be at the party? f. No, I won’t. You’re right.

7 What’s the length of that ladder? g. No, the day after tomorrow.

8 He’s a tall boy, isn’t he?h. About 3 hours, I think.

9 What’s the weight of the parcel? i. Yes, I did. There were about a hundred.

10 How long will the concert last? j. Yes, I did, but they weren’t there.五.选择动词的正确形式填空。(10分)

1. The boys_______ (go,went) to the cinema last Saturday and saw an old film.

2. Jack came home late last night and _______ (had,have) a shower.

3. Ken _______ (sat,sit) in the garden yesterday with Claire.

4. Karen drove to the Barnet and _______ (ate,eat) with William in a restaurant.

5. Polly ______ (meet,met) a friend in town and said hello one day last month.
