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摘要 (4)


第一章绪论 (6)

§1.1总体设计[1] (7)

§1.2 工艺设计的指导思想与原则: (8)

§1.2.1 指导思想 (8)

§1.2.2 设计原则[2] (9)

§1.2.3 进行车间工艺布置时应注意的问题[2] (10)

§1.3 厂址选择[2]: (10)

§1.3.1 影响厂址选择的主要因素[2]: (10)

§1.4 原燃材料分析: (12)

第二章工艺计算 (12)

§2.1.配料计算: (13)

§2.1.1.设计内容: (13)

§2.1.2原始数据: (13)

§2.1.3 计算步骤: (14)

§2.2 物料平衡: (19)

§2.2.1物料平衡计算的目的 (19)

§2.2.2 烧成车间生产能力和工厂能力的计算: (20)

§2.3.主机平衡 (25)

§2.3.1石灰石破碎机选型 (26)

§2.3.2 生料磨选型 (26)

§2.3.3 窑外分解窑选型 (28)

§2.3.4 煤磨选型 (29)

§2.3.5 水泥磨机选型 (30)

§2.3.6 石膏、沸石破碎的选型 (31)

§2.3.7 包装机选型 (32)

§2.4储库平衡[9][10] (33)

§2.4.1石灰石预均化堆场 (34)

§2.4.2铁粉、碎煤库采用联合堆棚 (35)

§2.4.3 石膏库 (35)

§2.4.4 粉煤灰库 (35)

§2.4.5 生料库 (36)

§2.4.6 熟料库 (36)

§2.4.7 水泥库 (36)

§2.4.8 水泥包装袋库 (36)

§2.4.9 成品库 (37)

第三章重点车间:烧成窑尾 (40)

§3.1.熟料烧成窑尾系统及其主机设备选型 (40)

§3.2 主要数据计算 (41)

§3.2.1 生料料耗 (41)

§3.2.2 预热器飞灰量 (41)

§3.2.3 出收尘器飞灰量 (41)

§3.2.4 收尘器的收下灰量 (41)

§3.2.5 实际料耗 (41)

§3.2.6 预热器喂料量 (42)

§3.2.7 气体量计算 (42)

§3.2.8 窑尾排出废气量 (43)

§3.2.9 三次风管抽风量 (43)

§3.2.10 分解炉内废气量 (44)

§3.2.11 五级预热器废气量 (44)

§3.2.12 四级预热器废气量 (45)

§3.2.13 三级预热器废气量 (45)

§3.2.14 二级预热器废气量 (45)

§3.2.15 一级预热器废气量 (46)

§3.2.16 入高温风机废气量 (46)

§3.4. 确定预热器型号 (48)

§3.3.生产质量控制网 (53)

本次设计评述与展望 (54)

致谢 (55)

参考书目 (56)

附录一 (57)




1. 厂址选择和配料计算。

2. 生产过程和主机选型。

3. 计算和确定带悬浮预热器的新型回转窑和悬浮预热器的型号及规格,以






The title of the graduating design is to construct a cement plant with 5000 tons per day production line the main production is 32.5P.O and 42.5P.O. The main content of this design is:

1. Selection of ratios and the calculating and of raw mixes.

2. Manufacturing process and selection of the main machines.

3. The phases of this design is to calculate and design preheated and pre-claimer and also the balancing of the main machines At the same time , I compose the summarization of technology flow for what factory and quality control of the whole factory and prospects of the design project for graduation ,etc.。

4. The last step of the design is the layout of the whole plant. In the design, some new technologies and techniques are introduced such as vertical spindle moll and high efficiency classifiers and acts.

To reduce the total energy consumption an affection method is used to reuse the kiln exhausted gases to preheat raw materials and coals .The low temperature exhausted gases from the cooler is also used as thermal sources of the drier to dry puzzling, All these techniques are effective to reduce the total thermal consumption.

KEY WORDS: Design on 5000 tons per day production line dry method Cement

