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1、rewarding :有回报的

表达方式:be very rewarding

2、arduous :努力的,费力的

表达方式:sth.be an arduous process

3、break the mould 打破常规

解释:change a situation by doing sth. Unprecedented

4、be gifted / be talented 有天赋的

解释:has an impressive natural ability

5、learn sth. By heart 熟记某种知识

解释:learn sth .so that you can remember it perfectly

6、self-discipline 自制力

7、解释: the ability to make oneself do things when he/she should, even if

he/she does not want to do them

8、role model 榜样

解释:a person whom someone admires and whose whose behavior and attitudes he/she tries to copy

9、well-rounded 多才多艺的

表达方式:be well-rounded


表达方式:be well-behaved

11、drop out of school 辍学

解释:quit school before graduation

12、skip school 逃学

解释:avoid attendance at shool

13、slack off 学习或工作不努力、懈怠

解释:make less of an effort than usual

14、unruly students不听话的学生

解释:students who are difficult to school

15、act up不听话,调皮

解释:behave badly,misbehave

16、be geared to sth与某种需求一致,符合某种需求

解释:be in accordance with another thing

17、first-hand experience第一手经验,最直接的经验

解释:experience that has been gained by doing sth.yourself

18、compulsory subject 必修科目

解释:a subject that must be studied by all students

19、optional subjects/coursed 选修课程

解释:subjects/courses that may be chosen or not chosen

20、compromise 考虑各种不同需求之后的折中产物;以牺牲某种因素为代价;解释:an agreement between two sides who have different opinions or different needs; risk losing sth. Important



表达方式:be unemployed

22、job satisfaction工作满意度

解释:the pleasant feeling you get from a job

23、brain drain 人才流失

解释:a situation in which professionals go to another country in order to improve their living or working conditions

24、work experience工作经验

说明:这个固定短语很容易被记成”working experience”

25、workplace 工作地点,工作单位

说明:这个固定短语很容易被记成”work unit”

26、work long hours for low pay工作时间长而报酬却很低


27、leisure activities 休闲放松活动

解释:recreational activities carried out when someone is free from work or other duties

28、work ethic敬业精神

解释:the belief that hard work is good for developing one’s moral character

29、work schedule 工作计划,工作日程安排

解释:a list of planned activities to be done at work showing the dates when they are intended to be done


解释:be short-staffed


31、a self-made man/woman 白手起家的人

解释:be a person who has become successful without help from other people 32、do sth. of one’s own accord 主动去做某事

解释:do sth. without being asked or forced to do it

33、tenacious 坚忍不拔的

表达方式:be tenacious

34、perseverance 坚定的意志

解释:a determined attitude


解释:the ability to control someone’s own thought and behavior in order to achieve something


表达方式:be down-to-earth

37、arty 小资情调的,风花雪月的

表达方式:be very arty

38、worship 崇拜

表达方式:worship sb.

39、meet sb.in person与某人见面

解释:meet sb . face to face; meet in each other’s presence
