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1. can be found on most medium to large merchant vessels even if the main engine is either a steam turbine or a 2-stroke crosshead engine.

A. The medium speed 4-stroke trunk piston engine

B. The low speed 2-stroke crosshead engine

C. The medium speed 2-stroke crosshead engine

D. The low speed 4-stoke trunk piston engine

2. The opening of an exhaust valve on a modem large low-speed main propulsion diesel engine, may be actuated by .

A. direct action of cam shaft

B. compressed air

C. hydraulic 'push rods'

D. direct action of the main piston moving down

3. The most important factor in engine performance is the actual power output at the end of the crankshaft available for doing work. This is known as .

A. indicated horsepower

B. brake horsepower

C. net horsepower

D. friction horsepower

4. Most large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engines use duplex lube oil strainer to .

A. decrease the time required between cleanings

B. remove all large and small foreign objects

C. ensure a positive flow of oil at all times

D. ensure that all lube oil has been treated twice

5. A diesel engine is supercharged in order to .

A. lower the no-load RPM

B. provide more air for combining with the fuel

C. increase the no-load RPM

D. provide more fuel for combining with the air

6. The total starting air capacity required for reversible main engines is to be sufficient for a least .

A. six consecutive starts

B. eight consecutive starts

C. ten consecutive starts

D. twelve consecutive starts

7. Exhaust gas pyrometers are useful for .

A. detecting faulty combustion in individual cylinders

B. adjusting fuel racks to maintain equal loading between cylinders

C. adjusting the load limit setting of the governor at idle conditions

D. calculating engine horsepower

8. Operating conditions in the crank chamber are very those in the cylinder.

A. the same as

B. similar to

C. separated from

D. different from

9. Critical speeds occurring within the operating speed range of a main propulsion diesel engine may be changed, or have their damaging effects reduced by a/an ____.

A. engine support vibration isolator

B. detuner(解调器) or viscous fluid damper

C. lightened crankshaft flywheel

D. spherically seated crankshaft bearing

10. Which of the following precautions should be taken when cleaning the air filter on a diesel engine equipped with a turbocharger?

A. Reduce engine speed to idle before removing the filter.

B. Soak the dirty filter in kerosene only.

C. Blow out the air inlet with compressed air.

D. Cover the air inlet after removing the filter.

11. Which of the following conditions could contribute to the cracking or a diesel engine cylinder head?

A. Leaking seal ring

B. Insufficient heat transfer from the exhaust valves

C. Blocked cooling water passages to the head

D. Excessive scavenging air provided to the engine

12. In a diesel engine, late fuel injection is indicated by black or gray exhaust smoke with .

A. low firing pressure

B. low exhaust temperature

C. mechanical knock in each cylinder

D. fuel knock in each cylinder

13. If the jacket water temperature in an auxiliary diesel engine cooling system is lower than normal, the probable cause is .

A. air binding of the engine cooling system

B. a cracked water cooled exhaust manifold

C. blockage in the heat exchanger

D. faulty operation of the thermostat

14. If the flame from combustion in the cylinder of a two-stroke engine passes the piston into the space between the piston and the stuffing box, the accumulation of flammable mixture would be ignited, thus resulting in .

A. the crankcase explosion

B. lifting of the cylinder safety valve

C. a scavenge fire

D. opening of the manhole

15. If a diesel engine turned over at normal cranking speed but failed to start, the cause could be late fuel injection or .

A. excessive fuel pressure

B. high lube oil viscosity

C. inadequate fuel injection

D. excessive starting air Pressure

16. Some medium and high-speed diesel engines require reduction gear units to provide a useful propeller speed. In most reduction gears, the bull gear .

A. must churn the oil in the sump

B. is connected to the propeller shaft

C. is driven at the highest RPM

D. compensates for alignment variations between the engine and pinion gear

17. is made up of a boss with separate blades mounted into it.

A. The reduction gear

B. The variable pitch propeller

C. The fan motor

D. The centrifugal pump

18. Cold weather starting of a diesel engine is more difficult than warm weather starting due to

A. use of low viscosity oil in cold weather

B. increased moisture content of inlet air in cold weather

C. increased drag of pistons and bearings due to increased oil viscosity

D. higher compression pressures reached due to smaller clearances existing in the engine during

cold weather

19. In the navigation, cause the shafting over load most easily.

A. stopping the main engine suddenly

B. changing the main engine running direction suddenly

C. the sailing from the shallow water area to the deep water area

D. the ship's trim too much

20. The lube oil type tailshaft sealing arrangement found lube oil leaky and caused a lot of seawater into the bearing, the step that should be taken as a makeshift is .

A. dropping lube oil for lubrication, reducing the pollution to the sea

B. setting a temporary higher gravity oil tank
