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四.保护、继电器 Protection , relays

信号继电器 Signal relay

过电流继电器 Over-current relay

电压继电器 Voltage relay

时间继电器 Time relay

中间继电器 Auxiliary relay

热继电器 Thermal relay

温度继电器 Temperature relay

瓦斯继电器 Gas relay

控制电源中间继电器 Auxiliary relay for control supply

自动操作继电器 Relay for auto-operation

低电压继电器 Under-voltage relay

过电压继电器 Over-voltage relay

联锁继电器 Interlock relay

冲击继电器 Impact relay

合闸位置继电器 Close position relay

逆流继电器 Reverse-current relay

差流继电器 Differential current relay

差动继电器 Differential relay

电流继电器 Current relay

功率继电器 Power relay

接地继电器 Earthing relay

重合闸继电器 Reclosing relay

同步继电器 Synchronous relay

速动继电器 Quick acting relay

定时限继电器 Definite time relay

光电继电器 Photoelectric relay

电子继电器 Electronic relay

电磁式继电器 Electromagnetic relay

电动式继电器 Electrodynamic relay

气压继电器 Gas-pressure relay

继电器常开触点 Relay N.O. contact

继电器常闭触点 Relay N.C. contact

继电器保护触点(常开) Relay holding contact (N.O.)

能自动返回的常闭按钮触点 Self-return button with N.C. contact 模拟信号触点 Contact for semigraph signal

强励磁接点 Shock excitation contact

电感线圈 Induction coil

电流线圈 Current coil

脱扣线圈 Trip coil

合闸线圈 Close coil

释放线圈 Releasing coil

掉闸线圈 Tripping coil

予告信号 Prewarning signal

掉闸回路断线信号 Breakage signal of trip circuit

断路器事故掉闸信号 Fault trip signal of breaker

掉闸音响信号 Tripping audible signal

重瓦斯预告信号 Heavy gas prewarning signal

温度预告信号 Temperature prewarning signal

手动、自动操作时事故信号 Fault signal in manual/automatic operation 保护掉闸 Protective trip

控制掉闸 Control trip

手动跳闸 Manual trip

变电所紧急停车 Emergency shutdown at substation

工艺故障 Fault in process

励磁故障 Fault in excitation

工作电源失电报警 No-voltage alarm of working electric source

工作电源分合闸 On and off of working electric source

工作电源投入 Throw-in of working electric source

保安电源送电 supply of emergency electric source

运转指示 Indicating of operation

投入指示 Indicating of throw-in

同步指示 Indicating of synchronism

延时停车 Delayed shutdown

电源切除 Switch off the power supply

速断及过流断通 Instantaneous trip and over-current off/on

自保持 Self-holding

自锁 Self-lock

联锁 Interlocking

绝缘监视 Insulation supervision

电压监视 Voltage supervision

联锁解除 Release of interlock

工作、保安电源切换 Transfer of working and emergency power supply

发电机与工作母线并车 Synchronization of generator to working bus

重瓦斯保护 Heavy gas protection

开或闭超扭矩保护 Over-torque protection during opening and closing valve 电机起动顺序 Sequence of motor starting

铭牌框注字 Name plate denotation (inscription)

五.电气仪表 Electric instruments

电流表 Ammeter

电压表 Voltmeter

三相三线有功电度表 Three-phase three-wire kilowatt-hour meter , kWh meter

单相电度表 Single-phase kilowatt-hour meter

三相无功电度表 Three-phase kilovar-hour meter

有功功率表 Active power meter , kilowatt meter

无功功率表 Reactive power meter , kilovar meter
