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全新版大学英语综合教程4【第二版】习题答案 I. Cloze

(A) 1. invasion 2. stand in the way

3. Conquest

4. catching... off his guard

5. launching

6. declaration

7. campaign 8. drag on

9. reckon with 10. bringing...to a halt

(B) 1. allow 2. reckoned

3. highly

4. forecasts

5. rapidly

6. instant

7. delivery 8. advantage

9. observing 10. Powerful

Unit 2

I. Cloze 1.

1) computerized 2) start up 3) be poised to 4) alert 5)hazards 6) monotonous 7) take control of 8) steer 9) lane 10) decrease 11)

calculate 12) eliminate 13) getting stuck in 14) mounted 15) detect

16) vapor


1) generates 2) related 3) revolutionized 4) enabled

5) opportunities 6) overall 7) manufacturing 8) dependent 9) interact 10) fatalities

Unit 3

I. Cloze 1.

(1) prospective (2) As I see it (3) done your homework (4) beforehand

(5) endeavor (6) structure (7) partners (8) Respond (9) take a crack

(10) from the standpoint (11) make a difference (12) follow up


(1) encouraging (2) inquiry (3) relevant (4) samples

(5) references (6) advice (7) preparing (8) seriously

(9) probably (10) exhibit

Unit4 I. Cloze

(A) 1. academics

3.a variety of

5. vanish

7. endorsing

9. sweeping aside

11. erasing


1. aided



4. connected

5. invested

6. features

7. prevailing

8. qualitatively 9. volume 10. Distinguishing

2. networking 4. growth 6. facilitate 8. outlook 10. patriotic 12. strike a balance

Unit 5



1). insane 2).current 3). candid 4). capable 5). was taken aback 6). in good condition 7). constitution 8). go all to pieces

9). Gone broke 10). vacancy 11). mild 12). deceptive


1). suspected 2). pleading 3). confirmed 4)stunned

5)lucrative 6). jewellery 7). wealthy 8). urge 9). spell 10). arrested


Cloze (1)

1) switch off 2) obliged 3) on the go 4) cope

5) shortage 6) large quantity of 7) pouring in 8) by nature

9) fraction 10) futile

Cloze (2)

1) advantage 2) wisely 3) faithfully

4) waking 5) includes 6) schedule

7) sticking 8) priorities 9) set

10) respect


攻势已经持续了三天,但是我们并没有取得多少进展。我们在前线与敌人交战的部队遇到了强力的抵抗。师长(DIVISION COMMANDER)命令我们营(BATTALION)绕到敌人后方发起突然袭击。然而,要绕到敌人后方,我们必须越过一片沼泽地(MARSHLAND)。我们很多人担心会陷入泥潭之中。我们营长决定冒一下险。我们在夜幕掩盖下出发,不顾困难,奋勇向前。幸运的是,夜间温度突然下降到摄氏零下20度,烂泥地都结上了冰。由于这寒冷的天气,我们于天亮前到达并从敌人后方发起进攻。这一下扭转了战局。敌人没有戒备,不久便投降了。

The offensive had already lasted three days, but we had not gained much ground. Our troops engaging the enemy at the front were faced with strong/fierce/stiff resistance. The division commander instructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch a surprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of us were afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. We started under cover of darkness and pressed on in spite of great difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the temperature at night suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius and the marsh froze over. Thanks to the cold
