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There were some people rowing on the river.
• row row a boat

go for a row
• row with sb.
• make a row
• in the first row
one of the children kicked...
• kick sb. \sth. (with the foot) • kick a hole in the door • kick sb. about • Kick a man when he is down.
新概念英语第二册第30课课件 演示文稿
Free talk
• 1. Where do you live? • 2. How do you think about this county? • 3. What divides this county into two parts? • 4. What do you usually do at the bank in the
The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park near my home.
定语从句 cut across 走捷径,穿过去(cut through) cut a corner • cut down 消减,压缩,砍倒 • cut in 插进来说,插嘴 • cut class cut sth. into pieces • cut one's hair
• 如此…以致于… (结果状语从句) • 她气得说不出话来。 • She was so angry that she can’t speak.
nearly / almost
• I had nearly reached town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly ‘Do you speak English?’.
1.Did the writer sit by the river last Sunday? 2.Were some children playing games nearby or
not? 3.Who kicked a ball hard? Where did it go? (and) 4. Did the man in the boat see the ball? Did he
Lesson 30
Football or Polo?
Listen and answer2.2-30.1.rm
• Why did the man nearly fall into the water?
• Because the ball struck him hard.
Watch and summary2.2-30.1.rm
afternoon? • 5. What do the old always do in the morning? • 6. How do you think of the banks of the river?
Let’s say together
• I live in Chenggu county which is surrounded by green mountains and blue water. The Han river devides this county into two parts. I usually __________at the bank in the afternoon. The old always ____ in the morning. Great changes haven taken place in our county, espacially the banks of this river. Welcome to my hometown.
Some people on the park called out to the man in the boat,…
• 作定语
• call out to sb. (for sth.) • 大声喊叫
The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the river.
• 表示“接近 / 快要到了”
• Dreams of finding lost treasureBaidu Nhomakorabeaalmost came true recently.
• 表示“不足 / 差一点”
but there weren’t any in sight …
• in sight 可见,可看见 • out of sight 看不到,不被看到 • Out of sight, out of mind. • at the first sight 一见就···,初次看见时 • at the sight of (seeing) • lose one's sight
hear people shouting? neither…nor 5. Did the ball hit the man or not? What did the
children do?( and) 6. Was the man angry or not? Where did he throw
the ball? ( However.. And)
Let’s say together
• The writer sat by the river last Sunday. Some children were playing games nearby. One of the children kicked a ball hard and it went towards a passing boat. The man in the boat neither saw the ball nor heard people shouting. The ball hit the man and the children ran away. However, the man was not angry and he threw the ball back to the bank.