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Dear Penny, are _______ aware ____ of (意识到)the We ______ have bad impression we made, but we ______ the _________ genuine ________( desire 诚心诚意) to _____ make friends with you. We are friendly hospitable 好客的).Please don’t and __________( hesitate 犹豫) to make friends with us. __________( Tomorrow is the school party, shall we have a new start?
To discuss weather or make compliment
• 2.What should we say when Americans make compliments?
Thank you .
1. Will Tangshan Earthquake win the Oscar? 2. You look a little fat, have you thought about losing weight? 3. The coat is so cool, but how much did you pay for it? 4. What do you think of the government’s new policy towards black people? 5.Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for literature.
• (p5) 1.What’s the sign that Americans don’t wish to violate your private life?
They hesitate before they ask you similar question if you clearly show you’re aware of cultural differences
• 2.When Americans will happily talk about When you talk your matters firstly? take the lead more private matters.
• (p6 )1.How to avoid the disagreement?
Making friends in twenku.baidu.come USA
单词: lively有生机的,有活力的 secretive秘而不宣的 leisure休闲,娱乐 ethnic种族的,民族的 sensitive敏感的 genuine纯粹的,真正的 hesitate犹豫 curious 好奇的 compliment恭维,赞誉 accurate 精确的,准确的
When someone talks, others are expected to listen, no matter how dull his or her words are.
• (P2-3)Safe topics : We’re define by our jobs and we are usually happy to talk • Our own jobthem,unless ,Family ,where are about you are a spy.you from , leisure interests • (P4)“if you are ever in Minneapolis ,do call by and see us !” People will make the invitation when_____ A.They say goodbye to you casually (随意 地) B. People have a genuine desire to meet you
Read the last three paragraphs and Decide which topics should you avoid while talking with Americans?
Topics: 2,3,4
• (p7--8)dangerous topics: • age , money ,income ,how much things
• Income is a very private matter,and you’d do well to avoid asking how much 收入是很私人的事情,你最好避免问 people 别人多少钱,尽管有些人对此不仅 不加隐瞒,反而还有炫耀之意。 earn ,although some people may not only be open about it, but show off their wealth.
II. 小试身手----完成任务, 你准备好了吗
A letter of apology(一封道歉 信)! The two depressed(沮丧的) boys went back, feeling sorry for their bad performance. They decided to write a letter to Penny, expressing their apology and their real thoughts. Could you fill in the blanks to make the letter complete?
dull枯燥的 spy间谍 religion宗教 hospitable好客的 particularly尤其,特别 violate骚扰,妨碍 argument争论 fabulous极好的,美妙的 embarrassment尴尬
Para1: Why conversations in America is less lively than in many other cultures?
Part 3:回顾与达标
请学科班长总结本节课的基本内容与达 标情况,并评选出最佳小组。
Suppose you are the boys, could you keep a diary of what happened during making friends with Penny?
Part 2: 完成任务 (情景剧)
情景: Suppose you are the boys and at the school party Penny wears a new dress and a beautiful hairstyle. Try to have a pleasant talk with her. While talking, you’d better express your apology. Remember: Your goal is to make friends with Penny. If she says “yes” in the end, you succeed.